Looking for my first turntable

:D Lovely. If you do plan to give it away, I will be more than happy to adopt it. Ive got a large collection of very rare 78s and have not played them even once.

And yes changers have their own thing. Lot of speculations and arguments on these changers.

Thanks for the post, i have not yet decided.If you don't mind a second hand one, one of my parsi friend has Garrard 3000 model changer.If you are interested i can ask him.
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That happens rarely, while the vice versa happens pretty often: being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Some cool dude banged my car last week because I was observing phenomena no. 2:D

Seriously, the machine looks very clean. Has it ever spun a disc and has the stylus ever tasted the vinyl groove?

Ha! Ha! Ha!. :lol:

Not yet. I will test it this week end.
I am getting a Technics SL 200 for 5k. Still to review its condition. Is it worth the price?



I believe you have left out an important letter there before '200': Q or B.

The SL-Q200 is a quartz locked direct drive TT but has a straight arm and a P-mount cartridge, which means that your options regarding the cartridge will be limited. You will also miss the famous Technics S-arm.

While the SL-B200 is a belt driven semi automatic. Same goes for the tonearm and the cartridge options as Q200.

I think you can give them a miss, unless you left something other than B or Q, that is a Zero: SL-2000, which I will happily take at 5K if the toys work fine on it.

I think you can give them a miss, unless you left something other than B or Q, that is a Zero: SL-2000, which I will happily take at 5K if the toys work fine on it.

Bro, what toys ? arms ? Stabilizing Rings ?
I have SL-2000 Its not audiophile just okayish turntable with good plinth. Tonearm is good though.

Anyone looking for Technics (Agar aapka dil Technics pe aaya hai to) Turntable to look for are Q series (Not P mount with moulded plastic plinth) or Belt drive or classic 1200 series. Q series has quartz for speed stabilization. Which in my limited knowledge when you turn on the turntable and set the accurate speed with strobes the electronics then sets it with reference to quartz (Which is dead accurate) Unlike servo speed stabilizing which takes active part in speed stabilization through out while TT is playing. Which only can be good if electronics are good. one can also look for Technics with changeable arms like SL-150 etc. on which you can put SME arm. Other options like SL-1200 are good but expensive but with change of tonearm and external power supply puts it in high fidelity range.
Yes, Hiten Bhai, its a mediocre TT, not anything like audiophile grade, but a very decent TT with pitch controls. And going by the recent price surges due to the TT vogue, 5K looks reasonable to me if the cosmetic condition is good along with its electronics. Isn't it?
+1 to Hiten,
Another Technics other than Q series to look for similar price range are
Higher priced Sl1100/1300 MK1,1200 and 120/150(without arm)

Cannot comment on price. but 5K seems reasonable.
Yes, Hiten Bhai, its a mediocre TT, not anything like audiophile grade,
Don't you know an audiophile proverb 'A TT in your home is worth two 301s in chor bazar'
As of now sl-2000 is best TT in the world. :lol: jk

Yes Sachin D series also looks good.
Does anyone have used garrard at60 ....How good is the sound output...

The technic you mentioned will be better than at60.

If you are seeking this.
Technics Turntable A-1 Condition Box Pack - Kolkata - Musical Instruments - Alipore
It is a servo TT. Nothing wrong in that. Good beginners TT. Looks brand new. Check thoroughly everything. Play from start of the vinyl to end, Check channel Balance, check all the function. listen as much as possible. And take a call.
No affiliation to seller.
mission accomplished! i got my hands on a garrard 3000. the record changer doesnt work, neither does the automatic function, but i am thrilled! it works beautifully and i'm hooked now. thank you all!
Congrats on the purchase. I hope there would some walk down the memory lane with granny's records.

May I know where you acquired it from? Any pointers to sellers who deal with vintage equipment here in Bangalore?
mission accomplished! i got my hands on a garrard 3000. the record changer doesnt work, neither does the automatic function, but i am thrilled! it works beautifully and i'm hooked now. thank you all!

Let me guess - Did you get this from Antique Palace Unity Building JC Road?
mission accomplished! i got my hands on a garrard 3000. the record changer doesnt work, neither does the automatic function, but i am thrilled! it works beautifully and i'm hooked now. thank you all!

Garrard turntables are built like tanks, you can actually strip off the levers related to the changer and auto function (try to repair and retain the auto return mechanism) and you'll have one faithful and robust turntable.
@ samvee -Congrats. Now enjoy your treasure. There are several threads on `cleaning vinyl' here. Better go through them also.
yes, i did. any thoughts on that place?

Hey Samvee - Infact I had a look at the same turntable about 2 years ago. It was in the same condition you mentioned however the TT dint have a working cart then as the cart used then went kaput in like 2 mins.

I dont want to add any further comments on this as I wouldnt want to spoil that moment of yours.

What I can comment on is that all his LPs are very very highly priced and he is a pure business man. I dont intend to purchase anything from there in the future as well.

Reubensm has commented very well on how Vinyl should be purchased/acquired but not on the same thread though.

Cheers and good day...
Planning to buy a Project Debut Carbon with OM-10 (and not 2E which is costlier) from India dealer. May cost within 32K, any better suggestion in that range?
Planning to buy a Project Debut Carbon with OM-10 (and not 2E which is costlier) from India dealer. May cost within 32K, any better suggestion in that range?

You can buy a better vintage TT in this price.You will get much better options in that price range.
Super OM10 is better than 2M Red for low mass arm.Its a better cart than 2M Red IMO.I have used it and recently sold to a FM.

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