Looking for new speakers


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2006
Faridabad (suburb of Delhi)
Hi All

Recently sold my Harbeths and was looking to decide between the Magnepan 1.7i, Tannoy Turnberrys, Harbeth SHL5+ or maybe indulge myslef in a Sonus Faber Ellipsa (just because they are so gorgeous in the red violin finish)? Opinions needed please as the rest of my chain remains the same...

The only thing missing in the COmpact 7s was a tight and fuller bass which I realised was missing when I borrowed my Dad's 22 year old Woodstock speakers.... Now I am confused with the choices and am unable to make up my mind....
based on the speakers chosen, you have a healthy budget allocated. besides the magnepan, rest are roughly almost in similar sound trait.

good luck with your new speakers search.
Magnepan, you have to live with them for a few weeks to truly enjoy the character of these speakers. Everything in that list is boxed, maybe it's time to move on to planars.

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If you like the Magnepan sound, go for them. You'll only find them growing on you.

I'd recommend them heartily.

My recommendations based on speakers I heard recently and potential mates to your luxman amp., would be the ATC SCM19 v2 or the Graham Ls 5/9. The Graham will have a closer sound to the Harbeth SHL5+ but it is more resolving than the Harbeth imo (more than the shl5 I haven't heard the shl5 +). ATC's have decent Indian pricing but not sure about the Graham. Good luck on the speaker hunt.
Sid, the ATCs require a more powerful amplifier than my Luxman and I do not want to change the amp.. The Magnepans 1.7i are on top of my list and they would come in a reasonable price which is making me lean towards them...

The Grahams may be a little better than the SHL5+ but they will be much more expensive for me vis a vis the SHL5+ so maybe not worth the substantially extra money...

After hearing my Dad's old Woodstock 12 inch speakers with my equipment with hardly any bass boom, I discovered that music did sound a little fuller and therefore the Turnberrys came into the equation since I realised that I had gone ga ga over them when I heard them 4-5 years back...

The Sonus Faber Ellipsa have always looked pretty and the red violin finish has made me lusting for them... I am just hoping good sense prevails on me but the one life to live part of my brain is urging me to pull the plug on them.. they are just drop dead gorgeous and I am getting a very good deal on a used pair (but still very very expensive) ... I am hoping someone talks me out of it...
speaker building diy

Feeling something to share with all the forum members.Recently got a chance to attend a workshop on cross over designing,drivers selection and how to build your own speakers including box design.Also a chance to listen good music with one of the best setup organised by Mr Suman who is a gentleman with good communication skills and indeapth knowledge about the subject.i.e selection of good drivers and graph study.How to read the frequency response, distortion,phase shift etc and how to rectify the errors to get the best sound reproduction.He has a good set up of tower speakers built by him and a amplifier of Symphonic line connected to a line magnetic CD player.I would rate his course as one of the best courses offerd in India.He has taken a lot of pain to explain me lot details.
Sid, the ATCs require a more powerful amplifier than my Luxman and I do not want to change the amp.. ...
Your amp. puts out 100 watts at 8 ohms and 150 watts at 4 ohms. I had the 19's (V1) and drove them with a 90wpc amp. comfortably to quite loud levels with great sound quality. Secondly I have been told that the v2 version of the ATC's are still easier to drive than the v1, in fact Singapore ATC dealer bundles his ATC's with line Magnetic tube amps. and more recently I drove my SCM 11 v1's comfortably with my Line Magnetic Lm501IA (100 wpc into 4 and 8 ohms) in a 20' x 18' room. I am quite confident your amp. will drive them very well, much better than the magnepans imo, but of-course you have to take the call preferably with an audition. Just my recommendation.
Sid, I last heard the ATCs about 6-7 years ago when deciding on the Harbeths and they were difficult to drive... But if you say the new version is easier, I will try and get a listen... Unfortunately I do not know anyone in the Delhi/NCR region who has an ATC or a Magnepan... Let me find someone with the new ATCs...
Sid, I last heard the ATCs about 6-7 years ago when deciding on the Harbeths and they were difficult to drive... But if you say the new version is easier, I will try and get a listen... Unfortunately I do not know anyone in the Delhi/NCR region who has an ATC or a Magnepan... Let me find someone with the new ATCs...
Please do Panditji. I strongly recommend ATC's and as you can see they have been getting rave reviews everywhere summed up by this one stereophile review by John Marks.
"The SCM19 might be all the speaker most people will ever need. Well done. Highly recommended
Read more at http://www.stereophile.com/content/fifth-element-85-page-2#mccmmXHRRw5cKoch.99"
If you have the budget and space i would recommend the Dunlavy Floor standing speakers if they are available in India.
John Dunlavy designed and made some really fabulous speakers, using Dynaudio drivers. I came seriously close to buying his Duntech Prince some 12 years back. The only thing that held me back was the size....unfortunately at that time, I simply did not have the space to accommodate them in a manner they could play to their full potential.

The business closed down and John Dunlavy is no more.....
if you have the budget , get the ellipsa :) . Sonus faber...I have never heard the newer ones but they are one of the most refined speakers i have heard as long as your amp is powerful and to boot you also get a kick out of owning one as well ;)

you cant go wrong with any of these including the ATC, Tannoy or magnepans and all that matters is if you like the presentation. The closest among these to Harbeths presentation is the SF and the Tannoy prestige.
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Arjun, I definitely don't have the budget for the Ellipsa but I would certainly get a nice kick explaining to visitors about the gorgeous finish and how many man hours were spent on polishing it... I have only heard the top end SF speakers at dealers where they obviously sound nice but never in somebody's house...

The Tannoy Turnberry is something I can get for a good price and it won't pinch that much considering how good they are and the fact that my current equipment can get the best out of them...
Both the Maggie 1.7 and the Turnberry will shine with sufficient space behind them. Maggies are bipolar so space behind is an obvious requirement, but you'll be surprised by the improvement in image depth any Tannoy Prestige speaker can have when given sufficient space behind it to breath.

You could discuss Tannoy Prestige line setup with member Bhagwan. He had done an excellent job of setting up a number of Prestige speakers at last year's What Hifi Show in Mumbai, and for the first time I liked the sound of a Prestige. Make that "really liked".

For understanding the quirks of any Maggie, I would strongly recommend speaking with member Suresh Lalwani. He's owned every model, except perhaps the current flagship.
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