Loss of laptops from cars - at Bangalore


Active Member
Sep 28, 2008
An organized gang is on the prowl especially at Bangalore Koramangala area targeting unaware employees by diverting their attention and making away with their laptops from their cars.
The Modus Operandi adopted is by diverting the attention of the victim by dropping currency notes near the car or pointing towards the rear of your car to suggest that it has been damaged. Having achieved his aim in diverting your attention his accomplice who is not too far away exploits the situation & walks away with the unsecured laptop from the car.
This ploy is coordinated & executed by a well-organized gang comprising of a minimum of 2-3 people. The next time a well-dressed person approaches your car and tries to divert your attention. Beware!!

Some points to follow:
  • Park your vehicles at authorized parking lots having parking attendants.
  • Make sure the valuables kept in your car are not visible to outsiders.
  • Make sure that you have locked your car when you step out even though for a short while.
  • Lock your car from within & roll your glass panes up while driving your car so that it does not give a chance to outsiders to make away with your valuables at Traffic lights.
  • In case the laptop has to be left behind in the parked car make sure that it is secured with a kensington lock ( or in its absence a make shift lock & chain) duly fastened to the internal body of the car.
  • It pays to have an anti intrusion alarm system with siren fitted in the car.
  • Educate your drivers about the same.

I just want to pass on the information that i got.
This may also happen to other cities too. Folks just be aware!
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