Lost my Cowon

My new Cowon D2+ is loaded with music now. Am listening to it with the stock ear phones and have to choose the new earphone quickly.

Some tips please - I have zeroed in on RE0 and Klipsch S4 (thanks to the thread of Asit). Can the Cowon drive RE0 and does RE) really lack bass ( i listen to Indian classical music about 65% of the time). Since the earphones contribute very very significantly to SQ, i dont mind spending a bit more if there is adequate value for that money.

I used an Ultimate Ears Superfi 5 before, it now costs around 9K. While i loved the SQ, the phones were a bit too big for my ears. Any alternative that has the same SQ?

Also, how is the experience of ordering with Lynx, the disclaimers in his site are scary.


I think the RE0's strength is details and good mids, bass is less it seems. But for your requirements it would be good. You'd need bass extension only if you were playing a lot of hip hop n electronica.
Try to listen to the Beta Brainwavz too, they are quite good.
Where did you get this clearance sale?
By the way, I have ordered a Sansa Clip plus after about a year after losing my D2.:)
Thanks. The Cowon was in Croma Mumbai. There will be very few pieces left now. I had a choice of taking the display piece or getting the last one shipped from another store. I chose the later. Cowon India is selling them for about 10.5 k now.

Thanks for the help on RE0.
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