Guys, those of you who are cribbing about strict rules should drive in the US and be stopped by a cop. First a car comes behind you blaring it siren. You then pull over, and the copy car parks about 100 feet behind. Over a loudspeaker, the cops will instruct you to put your engines off, lower you window and keep both hands visible on top of the steering wheel. Then these 6 feet 6 inches tall cops will get off their car, and approach you with their guns drawn. One wrong move on your part, and BANG - you are dead. It is an experience that can make you piss in your pants. If you make a mistake in the US or Europe you can write it on stone that you will be caught irrespective of how far you run. The end result - all drivers follow rules diligently.
We need to be afraid of cops in India and respect rules. Too many of us take them for granted. I see traffic rules being flouted with impunity on a daily basis and the cops watching helplessly. Too may cars, too many drivers who know the CM, MLA, MP, or the PM. And everybody is more important than the next driver. The other day a lady speaking on a phone and blatantly driving on the wrong side, smashed head on onto the car in which my wife was travelling. The lady coolly tells the copy that our driver was in the wrong, and she did not even keep the damn mobile down. She kept speaking on it. And, she was an educated lady. Fortunately my wife was not hurt. Otherwise I would strangled that lady. I have absolutely no pity for these VIPs who have driven over people sleeping on the road. I believe they are going to bring a law that will put you in jail for 10 years no questions asked, if you are responsible for death while driving.