Can you compare between CS2.3 and CS3 ? Have you heard them both?
Sure, let me first describe the two speakers.
the CS3 is a 2-way, has a single 12" woofer with a concentric tweeter. It needs a single amp and has an external DSP unit for crossover functionality, equalization, etc The speaker is an open baffle design.
You can read more about it here
Using the DSP unit, the speakers are equalized down to about 32Hz and are capable of a flat in-room response.
The CS2.3 is a 3-way, has the same 12" woofer and tweeter as the CS3 but in addition there are two additional 15" woofers per speaker. The 15" woofers serve up to 100 Hz above which the 12" takes over. This speaker needs to be biamped. Again, refer to the website for more details.
Both speakers are of high sensitivity and easy to drive - I have tried with the entry level NAD integrated with decent results. Side walls dont matter much to these speakers as the directivity is controlled in the freq that matter to human hearing (Low freq do not have controlled directivity)
How do they sound -
If you are looking for open, extremely dynamic and large live like sound, this is the speaker. Believe me, very few of you would have heard such an open sound. The drivers themselves are pretty transparent that the nature of the sound can be tuned by using tube amps or class D or regular SS amps - depending on your tastes. They are quite detailed - as live sound tends to be and not your laid back speaker. You can hear a lot of bass detail which is otherwise absent in speakers with cabinets. I could go on but a read of the CS2 will give you a good idea on these speakers. The improvements over the CS2 are substantial IMO and the coherency they provide is very very good due to the point source like nature.
The bass on these speakers have to be heard - not for the quantity alone but for the quickness and quality/realistic nature. I believe its not the qty that most people are after (though they may not realize it) but the quality. The CS3 has more realistic bass (due to open baffle) than cabinet speakers that go down to 32 Hz.
The CS3 and CS2.3 are very close but the CS3s are easier to integrate in a smaller/mid room while the CS2.3 will need a mid/larger room.
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