For those inclined, there is a plastic goods dealer in Null Bazar in Mumbai who sells record cover outer sleeves in transparent plastic by the kilo (Rs 160 per kilo, each kilo has about 50 pieces). This is designed for 12 inch records. He also has outer sleeve for 7 inch records. He doesn't have inner sleeves. He's not even interested in making them. As per him there is no market for it.
An obsessed friend of mine picked up 6 kilos of it last Saturday :lol:. Me being less obsessed, picked up only half that :lol:
Shop: Dhiraj Paper Mart, 128, Sardar Vallabhai Patel Road, Opp Null Bazar Veg Market, Mumbai - 3. Phone 022-23466542 or 9870023466. The shop is within shouting distance of Gol Deval (Mandir), which is situated bang in the middle of SVP Road.