Lucky Ali's new Album on LP?


Just a simple Query here.
Will the Vinyl be a pressing after the "Master" recording in Digital or analog i.e. the first impression from the artist will be direct on "lacquer" or something similar - I'm not fully into these sound engineering, but just for understanding.

And, As I Understand, most of Lucky Ali's earlier albums should have been on digital masters only and you would be interested in bringing it in LP from these masters. Am I right?
Yes. All will be in digitally mastered ones.
Asking the artist to record in analog would increase costs which would then make vinyls not buyable at all
Yes. All will be in digitally mastered ones.
Asking the artist to record in analog would increase costs which would then make vinyls not buyable at all

LP's if not mastered on analogue will have a few takers... only the igorant ones will buy.

LP's HAVE to be mastered in analogue or there is no point to the exercise at all!

I for one would not mind paying extra for a finely produced, analogue mastered LP.
ok. thank for the info. will try to find out everything about it and especially where can i do it in india and the costs involved.
I am guessing here. Professional Recording studios must be recording at 24bit, 96 Khz. So it should be better than audio CD. And vinyl cutters must be using fantastic DAC. :confused:
i for sure know that the recording has already been done in 24bit, 96 khz, therefore i dont think it should be very difficult to get this in analog... or will it be?
well to tell you all, i have got the approval but i am still waiting for the agreement to come across and the analog masters (its still unofficial now)
i think i should have the agreement within this week and accordingly the analog masters also soon. so we are sticking to our release of July 2011.
Once the agreement is in hands i shall make it official.
thanks all for your support and would be needing the same in a continuous manner in the future as well
Typical modern records ought to be in DAT tapes, which is a digital format. That is, if it was done before hard disk recordings became commonplace. Nowadays, most recordings are done directly on hard disks using Protools or similar audio edit suites.
IMHO, Lucky is too contemporary to have recorded on analog tapes. Unless of course he or his producer/engineer insisted on having it analog. Of course I could be totally wrong, and would love to be proved wrong on this one as I surely intend to buy his LPs as and when denzong churns 'em out. FWIW, even in Europe and US, purely analog tape recording and mastering in analog domain is a rarity nowadays. There are very few studios that own and maintain old analog gear.
thats even my concern Joshua. i have Lucky to give me Analog masters. if he gives great, otherwise we would all have to live with the digital masters on LPs.
Yes. All will be in digitally mastered ones.
Asking the artist to record in analog would increase costs which would then make vinyls not buyable at all


Thanks for the update. Guess what, I'm ok with the CDs or at Best any BD with HD master Audio in DTS or Dolby.

My suggestion will be to leave alone LPs if artists don't do a direct Analog.

Losing interest in this thread!. Seriously your Title of this thread was too tempting to follow.

Disclousre to make - I'm not an audiophile, But...
well the Cds would be coming out and it would be a select collectors edition types which would not be very cheap too.
i have just got the right to LPs and i am determined to bring it out whether its analog or digital masters.
as Joshua put it right, its very difficult to find artists who d analog recordings or studios expert in the analog formatting. this can only happen if there is a huge demand coming in and the everyone is made to rethink their strategies. but knowing the digital market very well (cause i work in the digital space), i do not see that happening in the near future at all.
so thats the reason i thought of this idea which i am determined to follow cause i am terming this as a beginning which might lead us to a brighter future.
its ok if you have lost interest in the thread and would prefer a CD, but i would rather pay a cpl of hundred more and get a LP.
even i am not an audiophile but this is something i would cherish more then a CD (even if it gives me the same output because of the recordings- again not too sure cause the LP may give a better output, the experts would know this better).

Since you want to know interests in direct analogue recording - I would also prefer the same as sbg mentioned .

Just a query - How the new vinyls are recorded abroad , (I believe direct analogue recording but yes much costly )?
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guys i would try me level best to get the recordings in analog and once i get that then the LPs would be in analog.
but if this time its not possible then they would have digital masters on LP and the next time onwards i would be doubly careful about all this.
i hope that this would not be a major setback for listeners cause if it is then my whole business would not start at all and i would never be able to bring any LP out

No posts here is to discourage you- it is just our wishlist . Rather thanks to you for allowing us to express our desire. We wait for your first LP followed by more as the demand grows .

thanks for the support. i am trying my level best to bring the first one also on analog and i hope it gets there cause the masters are on 24 bits so i am trying if the same can be used for analog mastering
if not then i have no other choice
Denzong, I don't know where you will be cutting and pressing your vinyls, but I think if you ask them specs. required of source for good quality pressing and other options if one doesn't have them, they will surely help.
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