Luxman amplifiers

Mar 26, 2017
Hello all,

Looking for option to buy Luxman amp. Can someone share experience on Laxman amplifiers solid state or tube amps?

Any one who know about availability on forum then please share the details.
Hello all,

Looking for option to buy Luxman amp. Can someone share experience on Laxman amplifiers solid state or tube amps?

Any one who know about availability on forum then please share the details.
I had the old ones from 80s and 90s . Really good, worth comparing modern sub 1000 $ ones. I can clearly say this as I bought the used l430while I had a Atoll IN 100 SE which had quite good press reviews. On comparison the l430 I had was mode 3 dimensional, had more air in highs and tight in low which extended more than the atoll. The atoll had better vocals in comparison. But luxman was more accurate. I had many luxmans from before and after this. L2, L116a , l210, l405, l410 and the l430 which I was talking. Every amp had the same signature with more details and more 3 d and more tightness and extensions with higher numbers. Not sure if the modern luxmans are in a different league. If yes, it would be very good.

The newer ones are priced like a accuphase or a mc Intosh. I really dont know how they stack up as I only had listened all those brands at shows, which cannot be trusted it's not possible to judge it without taking g them home and listening for weeks.. ;)
Well they are great amps and the internet has enough reviews about them. I owned the 505uxg and they drove the Harbeth Compact 7ES3 and the Tannoy Turnberry GRs fabulously.. the class A 550ax are even better if your speakers are very efficient else the 505ux can drive most of the speakers easily. Would be great if you could let us know which speakers you plan to use them with so people can advise accordingly.
I had a Lux once.....I never liked the sound. I even forgot the model number...I don't want to remember. I don't know why. I've seen many people trying to sell their Lux gear asking hefty prices, discussing about it as it is some magical piece of equipment. IMHO, there are much better options for the price people are quoting it for.
Can you suggest some other option
I chose the Xindak A600E Integrated to the entry level Luxman integrated. Do look up the reviews and measurement. I am personally quite content with the A600E.
I had a Lux once.....I never liked the sound. I even forgot the model number...I don't want to remember. I don't know why. I've seen many people trying to sell their Lux gear asking hefty prices, discussing about it as it is some magical piece of equipment. IMHO, there are much better options for the price people are quoting it for.
Depends on what you compared to. Used market is tricky. I had many incidents where the caps were old and the amps sounded dull. What did you compare it to? I had many (more than 30 amps in 6 years, as I resell them mostly)Denons, Marantz's, musical fidelitys and so on from 90s. Luxmans (I really mean it with 's' as I had more than 5 of them)were the most neutral ones, with more detail digging than the rest. Again, depends on the music taste. If you are a midrange lover, they are just neutral, and cold but accurate with tonality there in comparison to enhanced mids of other brands. But the best thing about all of them were highs , detailed , smooth and harsh. Marantz, Denons and stuff like that has harsh highs in comparison.

The PM7*** can be easily outclassed by a L230 or higher from 90s.(or late 80s). But key is these stuff are old, and recapping with close to orginal quality stuff in a must before judging them.
L230, thats exactly the model I had too. Mine was completely refurbished, caps everything. I had received a Yamaha A 700 along with it. I liked the Yammies way better. I had a tough time selling the Lux. The Yamaha, I had till last year. Used it for 4 years. But, as you said, these are all depending on personal tastes, the speaker you pair it with, the type of music you listen etc etc. I had to chance to listen to another Lux, which has tube pre amp. I did not like them too.

Thats not a Apples to Apples comparison. There is no surprise that you ended up liking the yamaha better here. The 230s are meant for bookshelves with lower power(if u look at the power consumption, u can see that it takes only 125w at the max) but still they are refined. That yamahas are much atleast double powerful and can drive towers with ease. I agree out of the 2 the yamahas are better. To me with integrated , I choose to classify them into two tiers: 1: the slim amps like Naim, Cyrus, Myryad , arcam and so on which does something or the other right (hardly everything right),despite their lack of power to drive power hungry 4 ohm speakers. 2, Hefty 10 kg above stuff, like the yamahas u mentioned with raw power to drive anything with ease. Many a times, depending on speakers we have we have to make a choice, as only one or the other fits for the need. I wont try driving 4 ohms towers slighlty above listening volume with those flat sized amps . But if you had tried a L410 or above(not 405 or below, as its low powered) against the a700s you might have a different opinion. again, thsoe tube based stuff came out after luxmans lost their glorious periood. A series and LV amps are not comparable with the older L ones which are really famous. I am not surprised to hear that it was hard to sell a luxman here, as hardly many do not know them. But, if priced right, it may not be a night mare.

Realistic pricing may be like L2xx - 8k to 16k , depending on condition and model number. l410 and above would be 18k and above depending on condition. Though right from last year I stopped reselling, I am pretty sure the scene has not changed much.
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