Luxman L-505u v/s 590 AX

Hi Panditji,
I am surprised at your apprehension that a 30 watter class A would not be able to drive the Compact 7s ( these are the speakers you have, is that correct?). I have heard a 15 wpc push pull tube amp happily driving your speakers in Bombay. So it should be true also in Delhi :). I am a bit puzzled with your experience at Viren's place. I am sure you are not expecting ear-splitting sound from these amps.

Actually if you read posts in the Harbeth owners' forum (which you must have done already, I am sure), you will see that the owner and designer (A.S.) says that he does not believe one needs very powerful amps to drive his speakers although these are not highly sensitive speakers.

Hi Asit, I do have the Compact 7s and I heard the Harbeths with a 12 W Leben 300 and they just could not drive the speakers even though the sound was lovely......the same I experienced at Viren's place with his integrated as well as the 30 w mono blocks......

I listen to a lot of jazz but also listen to ambient electronica downtempo music and some popular music for which need to crank up the volume just a little.... I could not do that with the tube amps ..... Now I am assuming the Class A 30 watts may be a little more powerful than tube 30 watts, but I do not want to take a chance.....

Alan Shaw has repeatedly stated that any decent amp with adequate should be able to drive the Compact 7 and that is another reason why I am inclining towards the Naim 5i , XS and the Luxman entry level amps.....For this very reason I am more inclined towards the Naim 5i as it is a simple amp with a high current 50 Watts and a reasonable price tag......
Hi Panditji

With a 200mm mid/bass unit and sensitivity 86dB @ 6ohms is a too close call to pair with 30watts tube amp.

Harbeth UK

CA 640c V2 / SB Classic + Sansui AU-317 + Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary LE / Vintage B&W DM4 + Pure Silver cables= Music
Hi panditji

The Luxman L590 should easily be able to drive the Harbeths. The amp could drive Martin Logan speakers decently. Its not as much about power as it is about handling impedance dip. Do not go by your experience with Virens amp. They might be wanting a constant impedance load.
Prem, I think everyone is missing my budget contraint over here...I really liked the L-590 but it is out of my budget.... I can spend a max of 1.3L + the cost of making a trip to HK....

If I had the money, the 590 would be a no brainer along with the Tannoy Sterling, Turnberry or Glen Air....
Sorry Panditji. Missed your post on budget constraints. One more amp you could look at is Sonneteer Alabaster. Will cost about 80-85000. Great british amp.
Hey Rahul,

Please look for LFD amplfiers also. They pair extremely well with Harbeths.

Thanks Vinny, I have been looking to hear LFD amplifiers on my trips to Singapore and HK but could'nt get a chance to listen to them...I even contacted the distributor for UK in London last year but he was on vacation the entire time I was there....A lot of people buy the LFD amps with Harbeths but I also noticed that they listen to mostly old school jazz from the 50s and 60s .... I am looking for an amp that is an all rounder and can play all genres of music well.....
I would still try and listen to it before I make my purchase.....I am not in a hurry and can wait for another 4-5 months....

Will also try and hear the Sonneteer Alabaster as that is right up my budget and recommended by Prem whose opinion I respect.....

"another reason why I am inclining towards the Naim 5i , XS and the Luxman entry level amps.....For this very reason I am more inclined towards the Naim 5i as it is a simple amp with a high current 50 Watts and a reasonable price tag......"

Sound and sensible approach. I like the way you go about buying your hifi in a practical, focused and balanced manner.
Hi Panditji

Try and get a Luxman from HK. I personally prefer the Luxman to both Accuphase and Mcintosh. I was seriously considering the 590 A. I think you should be able to get it for about 4 lac from HK.

4 lac for a new one or an used one?
Thanks Prem. I was guessing the same. I was offered one for about 4.5 lacs with standard warranty. So prices seem identical, considering freight etc.

Btw, do you, or anyone you know has had the chance to buy anything from them? From the looks of it, they look like they can be trusted. However, I couldn't see any generic warranty policy. They say mailto:info@..... Any experience? It would be tremendous if products bought from them enjoy manufacturer's standard warranty.
I have never purchased anything from them. Just use it as a reference for japanese pricing for Luxman and Accuphase. I have never looked at cartridge pricing. So have no clue
Panditji, I preferred the Naim 5i over the XS after extensive auditions. I was in fact in the market for XS and on first listen I clearly preferred it. It is a little more vivid, more exciting and also slightly more detailed than 5i. But on extended listen it sounded more cluttered, somewhat fatiguing. It is also less powerful than the 5i. The 5i is more refined, more composed and sounds more complete. To me the XS series of Naim seems like an attempt to fill the gap between the 5i series and their "classic" series. It is not exactly a series that was designed from scratch with a clear vision. If you want you can look at the XS pre-power which is much better than their XS integrated. A true upgrade over the 5i is their NAC202/ NAP200 pre-power combination. I am waiting to make that upgrade.

I have also heard the LFD, it sounds thinner and more solid statey compared to Naim. I did not hear that Naim-like flow either.
Abhi, I compared the XS and 5i for just 20 minutes and thought they both sounded the same...the XS is supposedly 10 watts more powerful per Naim and I would not contest that...
that being said, you probably could be right about the XS being made to fill the gap.....

I quite liked the 5i and I think it's 50 watts would be enough to drive the Compact 7s as a number of Harbeth users are using the same combo......The best part is I can get a slightly used one for about 45-50,000 rupees in the UK and I am quite prepared to take the plunge......

I just need to make up my mind now between the Luxman 505u and 5i and looking at the cost difference and the size of the amp to carry back, I might just go for the 5i especially after knowing that you have compared it with the XS extensively and i trust your judgements on that now that you have a Tannoy Turnberry (;-)

But I would still like to listen to the LFD as I intend on keeping the amp for a long time and no upgrades after this....

I like keeping things simple and will never go for a pre-power ... so trying out all integrateds before taking the plunge.....but thanks for removing the XS from my list and making the list shorter...
Abhi, I compared the XS and 5i for just 20 minutes and thought they both sounded the same...the XS is supposedly 10 watts more powerful per Naim and I would not contest that...
that being said, you probably could be right about the XS being made to fill the gap.....

I quite liked the 5i and I think it's 50 watts would be enough to drive the Compact 7s as a number of Harbeth users are using the same combo......The best part is I can get a slightly used one for about 45-50,000 rupees in the UK and I am quite prepared to take the plunge......

I just need to make up my mind now between the Luxman 505u and 5i and looking at the cost difference and the size of the amp to carry back, I might just go for the 5i especially after knowing that you have compared it with the XS extensively and i trust your judgements on that now that you have a Tannoy Turnberry (;-)

But I would still like to listen to the LFD as I intend on keeping the amp for a long time and no upgrades after this....

I like keeping things simple and will never go for a pre-power ... so trying out all integrateds before taking the plunge.....but thanks for removing the XS from my list and making the list shorter...

Panditji, here is yet another reason for removing the XS from the list:
Naim Nait 5i:
Analogue Inputs 2 x DIN, RCA, 2 x RCA
Input Sensitivity 150mV
Input Impedance 20k?
Other Inputs 3.5mm jack on front panel
Analogue Outputs speakers, tape (RCA)
Line Outputs Fixed (level) 150mV, 100?
Power Output 50W/channel, 8?
Transient 300VA

Naim Nait XS:
Analogue Inputs 6 x DIN/RCA pair
Input Sensitivity 130mV
Input Impedance 47k?
Other Inputs 3.5mm jack on front panel
Analogue Outputs speakers, preamp, sub, tape (DIN)
Line Outputs Fixed (level) 130mV, 600?
Line Outputs Variable (level) 775mV, <50?
Power Outputs Naim phono amplifier
Power Output 60W/channel, 8?

Naim NAP 155XS
Speaker Outputs L & R, 4mm banana sockets
Power Output 60W/channel, 8?
Transient 260VA

Please see the specification marked in Red. "Transient" spec is the size of the power supply inside and decides the dynamic headroom and authority the amp delivers under complex passages. The transient spec of 5i is 300VA which is similar to the spec of their higher end classic series NAP200 power amp. Whereas the transient spec of Nait XS is unspecified and that of 155XS power amp is 260VA. On Naim forums people have mentioned that the actual transient spec of Nait XS is just 200VA (may be that is why Naim did not specify it ?). That is why it sounds cluttered under stress.

So why is the XS integrated more expensive ? It is because XS has an active preamp stage inside whereas 5i has a passive preamp. XS also has more features than the minimalistic, simplistic 5i.

Coming back to Luxman vs Naim 5i, I will be very surprised if the 5i can hold its own in front of the big Luxman. I have not heard any Luxman till date, so no comments.
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If you come across an Esoteric SA-10+Esoteric AI-10 combo, then please audition it on my behalf :)

I am particularly interested in knowing how they sound when they are word synced together.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.