Well-Known Member
Naim XS is a really nice amplifier and i've read that they pair really well with harbeth.
Hey Rahul,
Please look for LFD amplfiers also. They pair extremely well with Harbeths.
Hi Panditji
Try and get a Luxman from HK. I personally prefer the Luxman to both Accuphase and Mcintosh. I was seriously considering the 590 A. I think you should be able to get it for about 4 lac from HK.
Abhi, I compared the XS and 5i for just 20 minutes and thought they both sounded the same...the XS is supposedly 10 watts more powerful per Naim and I would not contest that...
that being said, you probably could be right about the XS being made to fill the gap.....
I quite liked the 5i and I think it's 50 watts would be enough to drive the Compact 7s as a number of Harbeth users are using the same combo......The best part is I can get a slightly used one for about 45-50,000 rupees in the UK and I am quite prepared to take the plunge......
I just need to make up my mind now between the Luxman 505u and 5i and looking at the cost difference and the size of the amp to carry back, I might just go for the 5i especially after knowing that you have compared it with the XS extensively and i trust your judgements on that now that you have a Tannoy Turnberry (;-)
But I would still like to listen to the LFD as I intend on keeping the amp for a long time and no upgrades after this....
I like keeping things simple and will never go for a pre-power ... so trying out all integrateds before taking the plunge.....but thanks for removing the XS from my list and making the list shorter...