thanks for the info. It is true that lot of rebranding is done specially with the NOS tubes. It is better to concentrate on replacing the 5751 tubes with the ecc83s. I am yet to finalize on the brand. Telefunken. mullard are in the list. What are the tubes you have tried in place of 5751 and what was your impression. Did you try and changing any other tube in the pre amp like the 5Z4g. Also I chekcked some tubes at
Hi Mahiruha,
I have tried the Telefunken ECC83,Amprex Bugle Boy ECC83,Philips 7025,BEL ECC83,apart from the Seimens triple plate 5751 and the Jan GE 5751.
All the tubes are good and the final choice boils down to personal taste.
In my system I am now running the Tele ECC83 as the input valve,followed by the Amprex Ecc83.
The different brands have a certain sonic signature,I find the Teles to be a little more detailed than the Amprex,but the mids of the Amprex is superb.The Philips 7025 sounds a little edgy and bright in my system.
The only way to find out what works is to try different tubes,the problem is that it gets very expensive.
Steven has a pair of Mullard Ecc83's ,which might be for sale.He has tried different ECC83's and has setled on the Telefunken.
I bought my Amprex ecc83 from him.
As for the rectifier I have found that replacing the 5Z4G with a Mullard GZ34 made a big difference. You could try the Bel GZ34 . You could also try the 5V4G or GZ32 .
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