Lyrita's Mono Power amps and Line Preamp

Please read Kamal's views at Lyrita's new Mono amps and DHT Preamp

The essence of a music system is to get you involved in the music. In that respect, DHT's (directly heated triodes/tubes) reproduce nuances in music much better, bringing more realism to music. (Technically, DHT's have the lowest distortion amongst amplifying devices). That's why power output tubes such as the 45, 2A3, 300B, 845, and the GM70 are so highly regarded. So, it made sense to try a DHT in a line gain stage (preamp) too. Of course, the implementation of circuits using these tubes is of utmost importance too.

The Lyrita DHT line preamp brings an enhanced sense of realism to music. Music comes more to life. Please come listen for yourself.


virenji, u may want to edit this before..... i can seek kamalji's permission and replicate here.

What made you go in for it? What kind of differences are you expecting? Curious to know your thoughts since I've found that your tastes match mine pretty closely. Wondering about trying it myself...

How would it connect with the SET amp and bypass the internal pre?

Hi Stevieboy

I would expect the dynamics to go up several notches with the DHT preamp. Also i would expect more linearity. This is an educated guess since i am not very familiar with Viren amps.

What made you go in for it? What kind of differences are you expecting? Curious to know your thoughts since I've found that your tastes match mine pretty closely. Wondering about trying it myself...

How would it connect with the SET amp and bypass the internal pre?


While speaking to Viren,he mentioned that the preamp makes a substantial improvement to the sound.

Viren's tastes in audio are similar to mine,so I asked him to build me a pre.

The input stage in the 2A3 amp is bypassed .A simple change.

Viren would be the best person to answer this.

From Kamal's post on the other forum.

As a test of the worth of the DHT Pre, we also auditioned the 2A3 Integrated amp configured as a power amp fed by the DHT.
The result was the ultimate in sonics from Lyrita amps.
Hard as it may sound, Jagjit sounded ineffable thru the DHT/2A3 SET.
I had thought that Jagjit sounded fabulous thru the DHT/GM70 ; but that lasted until the GM70's were swapped for the 2A3- result , musical nirvana.
This combo pulled in even more of low level details, ambient cues became clearly apparent.
In my humble & honest opinion, if one has high effy speakers then the DHT Pre & 2A3 SET output would be an extremely tough act to beat, more so at that price point.
In both configurations, clearly, it is the new Pre which makes a significant diff.

BTW Steven, I am now running the 2A3 tubes in my amp but with the OPT configured so that they see a 5K load.My amp allows me to do this as it has taps for both 16/8 ohm speakers.This is not the text book load for the 2A3,but in my system it sounds very good .

The increased damping has tightened up the bass and the mids are clearer.
It's pretty close to the 45's,with the bloom of the 2A3.:)

Viren will be trying out some 5K OPT's in the 2A3 amp and see if the improvement/ difference is there with the Fostex speakers.

Well what more to say about these great pieces of equipment that we auditioned on last Sunday. Kamalji has put down all the aspects(on the other forum) very succiently leaving me with nothing more to add. Well I reached the venue a little late and enjoyed Viren's hospitality thoroughly.

As Kamalji has put it we listened to the DHT Pre amp, connected to the GM 70 monoblocks to the Amity 2 way speakers to a variety of music and then switched the monoblocks with a 2A3 stereo power amp.

If you are an avid listener of vocals and indian classical music, jazz then I would prefer the 2A3 but it has its limitations on the power as it outputs very less and you need to have a high sensitivity speakers (here the Amitys performed well). I would prefer a little more power in my setup to give me that presence of headroom.

Further the GM70s were spectacular and due to the higher power rating could convey the power handling capabilities of the amp.

As regards the DHT pre amp it absolutely shone through with the most attractive part being the price point and it really gells well with both the amps.

I also have the same vinyl of Jagjit Singh and have listened to the tracks numerous times in my setup which but the 2A3 shone in the musical reproduction and the GM 70 coming a close second. The Another Brick in the Wall track of Pink Floyd with the GM 70 amps literally blew me away, which is an example of another area where the GM 70s excel.

Well these are but a few impressions that I could manage. Last but not the least it was pleasant meeting place for all of us and heartfelt thanks to Virenji for hosting all of us with his famed hospitality and delicious goodies which makes his sessions such a delight.
Thanks Prem,

He said it just had more of that presence and life of DHT tubes.


Thanks. Spoke to Viren this morning and I've never heard him this excited about a new product. So it must be something really special! Viren said hang on, he'll wait to hear your impressions. Early days yet. Will wait for him to check out the 5k output on the Fostex. Might be worthwhile to ask him to make 45 monoblocks also. Will await your full impressions once you get the amp in Jan/Feb. Viren was mentioning how to do the modification will have a more detailed chat with him in Jan.

Might be worthwhile to ask him to make 45 monoblocks also.


Steven,a SET 845 amplifier with the 45's as driver tubes is what I would love.

You get the best of both worlds.

The clarity and delicacy of the 45 along with the power /slam of the 845.

The driver tube plays a very large part in the overall sound signature of the amp.

Hi Stevieboy

My earlier response was based on having heard a DHT preamp long time back. I think it was a Supratek. It had more dynamics which made it more lifelike.

Posting my initial impressions of the Lyrita DHT preamp that I received last week .I managed to get in a few hours of listening to the pre. before I had to travel on work.

I used the pre with the 2A3 SET amp without bypassing the pre/input stage of the 2A3 integrated amp. Not the ideal way to connect the system but I wanted to get a feel of the sound of the DHT preamp.

Initial impressions were of a more extended frequency response at both ends of the spectrum.The bass is solid and tight and goes a lot lower. The highs clearer and extended. The sound became more transparent as if a curtain was removed.

Back from my trip on Sun. I installed the new 6E5P driver tubes in place of the original 5687 tubes and converted the 2A3 to a power amp.The input stage is totally removed.

I have been listening to the DHT pre/ 2A3 combo these past couple of days and the DHT pre has improved the sound of my system substantially.

The track Grandmas Hands Livingston Taylor/Chesky Test Disc is my standard test for bass and low level information retrival.This track has the singer stomping his foot on a wooden board in time to the music and the board sets of a resonance that is not heard in many systems. In my own system I could not hear it before the introduction of the DHT pre.

Now the foot stomps are clearly heard and also the low resonance of the wodden board is audible.

The sound with the DHT pre in the system is more detailed and crisp, there is more snap and transients are lightning quick. The improved resolution the pre brings into the system enhances the wonderful tonality and texture of the SET amp.

Congratulations Viren.:clapping::clapping: Another great product from Lyrita.

Members are welcome to listen to the Lyrita combination at my home.

Thanks Mr.Rajiv for writing the review which we are eagerly waiting for. Look forward to make a visit soon.:)

Hi Rajiv
I have some surplus funds from our Hifi meet. May be we can organise a meet with the consent of those who were there for:
1. Audition the Lyrita pre.
2. A-B comparison with AP pre.
3. Get on with the unfinished agenda of that meet.
Members are welcome to listen to the Lyrita combination at my home.

Look forward to make a visit soon.

@Srini ,your welcome anytime.

I have some surplus funds from our Hifi meet. May be we can organise a meet with the consent of those who were there for:
1. Audition the Lyrita pre.
2. A-B comparison with AP pre.
3. Get on with the unfinished agenda of that meet.

Sounds good Capt.

Hi Capt,

Thats a good idea. I have ordered a Emotiva mini a 100 model power amp, which will be carried by my friend from US by March end. :licklips:

I am also on the look out for a Tube Pre and this meet will help me make up my mind. :yahoo:

And Rajiv, I think my visit to your place is long overdue.

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Hi everybody,
i finally got the delivery of DHT preamp 10 days ago. As soon as i got it, i managed to get it out of the wooden casing with the help of a carpenter( Its that well packed!). The Preamp was in one piece with all the tubes intact.Did the necessary rewiring and connected the preamp between my CD player , TT and 6C33C SET amp. Giving the set-up a warm-up time of 30 min i played my favorite LP of Marathi Movie Jait re Jait with splendid music By Redhaynath Mangeshekar and all four Mangeshekar sisters singing different tracts.
The arrangement is minimalistic with excellent stereo imaging and dynamics. This LP i have used umpteen number of times to get a jaw dropping reaction from my first time listening friends.
This time it was my Jaw-dropping turn when it started playing. I am not that technically sound t:ohyeah: to describe the details but could make out a noticeable difference in the music that i was enjoying now. With the 6c33c SET amp the highs and lows were limited. This is taken care by the DHT preamp very well, The highs are detailed more localized and well imaged while the bass became more powerful and tight. It made the system more transparent and but a little bright( which i attribute to my Klipsch speakers).
The next surprise came when i started playing audio CDs. What really surprised me most was the all analogue like music that was reproduced by the preamp.It has definitely brought the analogue warmth and details to the CD playback renewing my lost interest in digital music..
I am very impressed and happy with the system now.
Sadly had to ship back my Amp to Mr Viren for 7 days ago to convert it to power amp and tweak it up a bit.
Now i have connected the Pre amp to my AVR but the magic is gone :sad:.
Would like to Thank Mr Viren for making such a wonderful Preamp..
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