HiBelieve you me a couple of people who own the highly regarded Ayon amps. have ordered the Lyrita amps. after side by side comparisions.
Thanks Cor.GM monoblocks should be able to drive the ushers, the denon pma2000 was a bad choice to begin with.
I wish people take certain facts into consideration before recommending.
IMO, the Usher MD1 with a 7" woofer with 87 dB efficiency or the MD2 with two 7" woofers presenting a 4 ohm load would be too much for the SET amp in question.
I looked up specs on the Jamo speakers. Even though tube amplifiers are low powered, you may be able to get satisfying sound using either of these Lyrita amplifiers:
Lyrita Integre Two integrated amplifier (pushpull design, 10 watts/channel)
Lyrita GM70 SET integrated amplifier (single ended design, 20 watts/channel)
Best way to know is a home test.
Considering tube amps can be somewhat...a little fragile (Risk of spares and repairs for imported models), and the amazing passionate service Virenji has a record of, I would personally go with lyrita over the others. He knows his products inside out and if ever needed you could probably request modifications.
Atleast that's my view, you are free to make your own decision =D
Thanks Abhijit.. I am sure once you hear his amp, you wont let go of it.
Thats great news!! Congrats Steven, will drop by for a listen once you have the DHT tubes. And then, I will bother you (again) to bring them over to my place to try with the Altecs. TIAAnd they have arrived. One SET amp reborn as a power amp, one thoroughly overhauled phono, one spanking new DHT pre. Guess who's also got a 45 SET headphone amp and a DHT headphone amp too!Unfortunately with all the specific requests I loaded Viren with, the tubes for the pre got missed in the packing so a few more days... I must say it's an experience dealing with Viren every time. The amount of customization he does. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Congrats stevieboy on your set.. Viren sir is always a delight to deal with. He remodelled my phone to accommodate mc and mm carts..
By the way I am a proud owner of 401 with a thoren arm made by emt.. . Njoying the garrard for now before modifying it...
Thats great news!! Congrats Steven, will drop by for a listen once you have the DHT tubes. And then, I will bother you (again) to bring them over to my place to try with the Altecs. TIA.
Haha LOL the tubes were hiding inside the phonostage and pre. I opened them up just now to peek inside to see how much things have changed and there were two packets inside! grin man. Gonna set em up now!
Vinyl 'n' Valves
Ah Abhijit, is it the long 12" dynamically balanced tonearm? Which cartridge are you using? Tubes and vinyl lovely combo eh?
Vinyl 'n' Valves