marantz cd67


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2009
Hi Guys,

Any idea about Marantz cd67 (not the spl edition)? I have a marantz stereo amp and Wharf 9.2s. Its a used one offered for 5.5k which i may audition tomorrow.I may audition a used Marantz cd53 too.Its about 4.5k.

Your thoughts about these two CDPs please.

Or should i go for the Pio 610 which will give me the option of playing SACD and DVD-A too. Its a pain playing CD audio on my present Philips DVDP.

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seems no one has heard abt the cd67:sad: well let me see if any one has anything to say before tomorrow.

i remember reading a lot about the CD67 while reading up about my CD63. From the little I read it seems like it was a good player, but Marantz made some compromises from the CD63 and therefore the CD63 sounds a bit better. But like the CD63 i've read that it is very mod-able. Do have a listen and see if you like it.
Hai Srikarkav,

The Marantz is a good player as far as audio is concerned. I have a Marantz CD 48, I think CD 53 is also similar looking. It is a good player. The SQ is too good compared to the Pioneer. I have Pioneer 686 AS which can also play SACD. But compared to Marantz , Pioneer doesn't come anywhere near. I think in the Pioneer the sound spectrum is a bit folded. But with the Marantz the entire Spectrum gets expanded. You will hear unheard effects in your recordings. The Soundstage opens wide and is pleasant on your ears.

My 2 cents.

Thank you,

Hi tropic,

Thanks for the reply and your PM too. I played a flac ripped music cd from my Philips DVDP thro Onkyo AVR (both are crap sources i know but its a pain to connect my stereo amp to DVDP in my setup). But SQ was way better than playing mp3s. So I now want to have a better source to connect to my amp.Hence my quest for a used CDP(tight budget) or an all in one DVDP like the CA and Oppo. Let me see how it pans out.

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Hi murali,

There you are man! You are the culprit here for looking to make my wallet thinner. You used my signature against me too:lol: Here i am looking for a CDP and its all your fault:ohyeah:

I got the above prices from Sasi your friend. How is he for after sales service?
I may go there tomorrow if i decide to go the CDP way.

if you're buying new please lsten to the CA DV89 / 99 as well as the Marantz 5001 which are both in the 10k region. I heard them both and they are pretty good, but also look around for good used players. With respect to used equipment I am finding that patience is the greatest virtue.
Hi iaudio,

sorry that got posted midway while i was typing. now i have edited it. No my DVDP can not play FLAC. I ripped the Flac to audio cd thro a software called media monkey directly.

I had the 67 a long time back and if I remember right compared to the 63se the main difference is that the 67 is much more softer in nature. Dynamics arent as good as the 63se, overall softer sounding, mellow.

Hi murali,

There you are man! You are the culprit here for looking to make my wallet thinner. You used my signature against me too:lol: Here i am looking for a CDP and its all your fault:ohyeah:

I got the above prices from Sasi your friend. How is he for after sales service?
I may go there tomorrow if i decide to go the CDP way.


Hai Srikarkav,

See the Paradox, you thanked me in the first post and in the third you call me a "culprit".

I could not imagine a better reply than your signature. It was waiting for me to be quoted. Just helped me give a reply to you, thats all.

As far as Service is concerned I did not have any issues so far, so cant comment. But I think Mr.Sasi should be able to do a decent job in case you require it.

BTW where are you sourcing your CD63SE. Pl PM the details.

I never thought my 2 cents will make you to spend 5K.


CD63 and CD67...and its different variations, mods etc etc.

Guys you are talking about 2 of the finest CDPs one can find for the money! Many times these machines can beat players priced much higher just on pure music enjoyment. If they are working fine and in good shape, grab them before some one smarter take it away. For these prices, its a steal.

Square_wave helped me get a T.S.Lim modded CD67SE for a friend of mine sometime back. Even though my mate was not really an audiophile sort but more of a 'got carried away' type, i can confidently say that he now has a greater appreciation of music than he ever had before, for sure! If only I could convince him to get a dedicated amp...:cool:

Here is someone's impressions on a lighter note!

Happy auditions.
Hi unleash,

Thanks for the reply and the 'impressions" too. I am going to look at the CDP tomorrow.Its not a special edition, but a mere cd67. The link you gave me talks about the modded CDPs. I dont know the one here is modded or not.I will post about it tomorrow.

Hi Guys! I am a man with a signature right? So i am giving the signature of one of the posters in the link unleash has given:D

''People call me things like nuts, crazy and insane, I just tell them I am very serious when it comes to my hobbies.

What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

The most important thing in this hobby, sit down with a nice drink and enjoy the music. =]''

Well guys i took a day off from office today just for the heck of it . Downloaded the Micheal's History Video album and watched two movies on my HT.

The above signature of that guy rounds of my day nicely:cool:

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Hi murali,

I have not talked about sourcing the CD63SE anywhere. The CDP's on offer here are a cd53 and CD67.

BTW seems you are also a die hard fan of Raja.:thumbsup:

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Hi Guys,

There is one more player on the offer to add to the confusion. Rotel RCD02. I dont know if it will match with my Marantz amp.

Hi jmc,

In fact i was thinking of posing this question on the forum myself.I think some electronic modification is done to the CDP to improve the out put.One Tim Lin seems famous for this. Experts can someone thro some light on this? Is there any one in chennai who is doing this?

This is great!
congrats on your purchase! I was tired of waiting for the cd67 and went for the cd 53. I am happy it has gone to a fellow forum member.I know you will enjoy it no end.

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