Matching speakers for Marantz pm6007/5005 amp


New Member
Mar 26, 2022
Hello FMs
I have been recently looking for setting up an audio gear. I mostly listen to hindi songs old 80s/90/s upto all current bollywood music and occasional english classical songs, classical hindi songs. sorry for lack of my proper understanding of audio terms but I don't like too much treble, That is fatiguing to my ears. I am also looking for an option where I don't need to add a sub (I am not basshead, but do like decent amount of it). From reading and taking clues from the forum posts, it appears Wharfedale/Q Acoustic are warmer speakers. I also got great reviews of Mission Qx2 mkii (doesn't seem to be available). After doing some research, I narrowed down my choices to following.

Wharfedale Diamond 12.1/12.2
Q Acoustic 3030i

Marantz PM5005
Marantz PM6007

I was able to listen to Diamond 12.1 and QA 3020i.
From what I heard, Diamond 12.1 was very lively and energetic and clear sounding. They didn't sound too warm to me as I have read about them but I kind of liked them. Wasn't able to hear much bass though probably because of their placement maybe? (they were on table with all space around them - more than 10ft all side open space).
QA had muddy bass and not much clarity (I suspect due to their placement - 2ft. apart each other within a shelf pretty close to cabinet walls. That's what confused me as I have read very good reviews of them)

This is where I am confused for choice (maybe I am looking to save extra money here as main priority). This is where I need some suggestions from FM to help me decide which speaker/amp pair would be better choice for my music taste. I think I may also connect it to my TV for movies watching.

There is around 13-15k price difference between PM5005 and PM6007. Also, QA 3030i seems ~6k cheaper than WD 12.2. Would PM5005 be good option with either of these speakers?

Looking forward to your suggestions/help.
You have to tell us what your budget is.

My vote would be for Marantz PM6007 with Dali Oberon 1 speakers.
The Marantz and Dali combo works really well - especially for vocals and Indian classical music.
Yes, the Marantz 6*** series are a step up from the 5*** series. Besides a small increase in power, the 6007 has digital inputs and equipped with a toroidal transformer. The 5005 on the other hand is also highly rated, and Stereophile Magazine gave its predecessor a good review. So the choice between the two are the facilities, sound and cost.. Do try to audition before purchase.
From what I heard, Diamond 12.1 was very lively and energetic and clear sounding. They didn't sound too warm to me as I have read about them but I kind of liked them. Wasn't able to hear much bass though probably because of their placement maybe? (they were on table with all space around them - more than 10ft all side open space).

Speakers will sound different in different rooms. Besides the room, placement plays a huge role as well.

QA had muddy bass and not much clarity (I suspect due to their placement - 2ft. apart each other within a shelf pretty close to cabinet walls. That's what confused me as I have read very good reviews of them)
Could be a ploy by the dealer to push for the Wharfs. Muddiness comes from poor speaker placement. If they are placed too close to each other the reflections converge and will sound muddy. You need a minimum distance of 4' between these speakers.

Few things to note:
While both speakers are excellent choices, you need to pay heed to the impedance and sensitivity as well. The Wharf is 8Ω with 88db sensitivity, and the QA is 6Ω with 88db sensitivity. Higher impedance equals higher efficiency, and easier to drive. This is important to note, especially if your amp is small, power wise.

Always buy the most powerful amp you can afford,(quality of "watts" also matters, but, that's a whole different topic). Having more power on tap will save the amp as well as the speakers from clipping. Sufficient headroom is a must to play dynamic content effortlessly (it will be useful if you're using the setup for movies).

Also, include the CAMBRIDGE AUDIO - AXA35 in your options list.

Choose your amplifier wisely, do you need pre-outs and digital inputs? This might not seem necessary now, down the line you might think of adding a subwoofer, no matter what your feelings about a subwoofer are now :p

Cheers, and all the best!
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Please see this compilation if it helps narrow down any combo in your budget

You have to tell us what your budget is.

My vote would be for Marantz PM6007 with Dali Oberon 1 speakers.
The Marantz and Dali combo works really well - especially for vocals and Indian classical music.
Thanks for your response Argho. My budget was under 70 but now stretched to 80k
I will try to see if I can audition Dali Oberon 1. Looking at their few reviews, seems to indicate not much bass.
Yes, the Marantz 6*** series are a step up from the 5*** series. Besides a small increase in power, the 6007 has digital inputs and equipped with a toroidal transformer. The 5005 on the other hand is also highly rated, and Stereophile Magazine gave its predecessor a good review. So the choice between the two are the facilities, sound and cost.. Do try to audition before purchase.
Thank you for your response, General_Sound. This is what my feeling was as well (but leaning towards price point has been dragging me to pm5005 :)). I will try to audition them as well. I also looked at NAD d 3020 v2 but they are too pricey.
I also forgot to mention one critical point that besides connecting them to TV, most of my listening is going to be using bluetooth or USB (and for that I know I will need a DAC - so need some suggestion there as well). I do not plan to buy CD/DVD for playing music. What I have read about are Topping E30 and IFI Zen Dac. Something that I haven't gave a serious thought yet. If there are other options to look at, I will be happy to explore. DAC budget not more than 12-15k.
Thank you for valuable suggestions eroash! It certainly giving me a feeling that amp need to be powerful enough to drive selected speakers effortlessly.

Could be a ploy by the dealer to push for the Wharfs. Muddiness comes from poor speaker placement. If they are placed too close to each other the reflections converge and will sound muddy. You need a minimum distance of 4' between these speakers.
doesn't seem so. they didn't had wharfedale. It was more of the space issue for him. I auditioned both at separate stores.

Also, include the CAMBRIDGE AUDIO - AXA35 in your options list.

Choose your amplifier wisely, do you need pre-outs and digital inputs? This might not seem necessary now, down the line you might think of adding a subwoofer, no matter what your feelings about a subwoofer are now :p

as far I am thinking right now, I mostly may not need pre-out. Digital input yes.
Have anyone experience with AXA35 with QA3030i/Diamond 12.x/Dali Oberon1.. I don't mind any other suggestions in similar price range.
doesn't seem so. they didn't had wharfedale. It was more of the space issue for him. I auditioned both at separate stores.
Ah, I see. Apologies for the assumption.

I don't mind any other suggestions in similar price range.
You can add these to your list.
KEF Q150
Elac Debut B6.2

Buy the speakers that sound best to you, first, then match all the components after.

Marantz and CA have a sound signature that appeals to different ears. Listen to them both. CA Azure line was notorious for being a “bright” sounding amp, not anymore; the CXA and the AXA line of amps are a delight.
I also looked at NAD d 3020 v2 but they are too pricey.

I have heard the NAD D3020v2 in my system with QA3050i. It has a class D sound to it, very neutral didn't have punch or enough low end grunt. Lacked the oomph factor, but it has a bass boost button which solves this but doesn't sound that great. Only reason I would even consider this is form factor, the amp is size of a book.

If you go with the PM6007, you could get away with a DAC requirement. It is a decent DAC to start off. Connect it to some android TV box via optical or get a streamer like WiiM.

QA need space around them or else they sound muddy or boomy, luckily I have had chance to try the whole range from 3010i to 3050i in my chain.

I have heard the wharfs, sound just like you described. QAs sound smoother.

There is one more new speaker which are making noise, Mission LX3. Comparable to 3030i and cheaper than them. My friend owns them and is driving them PM5005.

He is super happy
I have heard the NAD D3020v2 in my system with QA3050i. It has a class D sound to it, very neutral didn't have punch or enough low end grunt. Lacked the oomph factor, but it has a bass boost button which solves this but doesn't sound that great. Only reason I would even consider this is form factor, the amp is size of a book.

If you go with the PM6007, you could get away with a DAC requirement. It is a decent DAC to start off. Connect it to some android TV box via optical or get a streamer like WiiM.

QA need space around them or else they sound muddy or boomy, luckily I have had chance to try the whole range from 3010i to 3050i in my chain.

I have heard the wharfs, sound just like you described. QAs sound smoother.

There is one more new speaker which are making noise, Mission LX3. Comparable to 3030i and cheaper than them. My friend owns them and is driving them PM5005.

He is super happy
Thank you amrutmhatre90 for your thoughts! I don't have too much space around so that is what I am going to give consideration. NAD out of list mostly due to its price for me.
Ah, I see. Apologies for the assumption.

You can add these to your list.
KEF Q150
Elac Debut B6.2

Buy the speakers that sound best to you, first, then match all the components after.

Marantz and CA have a sound signature that appeals to different ears. Listen to them both. CA Azure line was notorious for being a “bright” sounding amp, not anymore; the CXA and the AXA line of amps are a delight.
Thanks aeroash!
I will try them as well if I get a chance to :).
Thank you for your response, General_Sound. This is what my feeling was as well (but leaning towards price point has been dragging me to pm5005 :)). I will try to audition them as well. I also looked at NAD d 3020 v2 but they are too pricey.
I also forgot to mention one critical point that besides connecting them to TV, most of my listening is going to be using bluetooth or USB (and for that I know I will need a DAC - so need some suggestion there as well). I do not plan to buy CD/DVD for playing music. What I have read about are Topping E30 and IFI Zen Dac. Something that I haven't gave a serious thought yet. If there are other options to look at, I will be happy to explore. DAC budget not more than 12-15k.
FX Audio M160E integrated amp + Topping D10s/ifi Zen Dac v2 are a pretty powerful budget combo for the price, they replaced my Quad Vena. I used it to drive the Dali Spektor 2. But the bluetooth connection is just average and also has no sub out.
Thank you for your response, General_Sound. This is what my feeling was as well (but leaning towards price point has been dragging me to pm5005 :)). I will try to audition them as well. I also looked at NAD d 3020 v2 but they are too pricey.
I also forgot to mention one critical point that besides connecting them to TV, most of my listening is going to be using bluetooth or USB (and for that I know I will need a DAC - so need some suggestion there as well). I do not plan to buy CD/DVD for playing music. What I have read about are Topping E30 and IFI Zen Dac. Something that I haven't gave a serious thought yet. If there are other options to look at, I will be happy to explore. DAC budget not more than 12-15k.

If you need a DAC suggest go for the PM6007 - it has a built in DAC.

Buy a Mi Box 4K for Rs 3,999/- and connect the optical output of the Mi Box to the Marantz.
You will get capability for Spotify Connect, as well as Chromecast from your phone. Far better than any Bluetooth solution.
I had the Q3050i at my place for a while and I would recommend it as a pairing with the Marantz for the sound signature that you are looking for.

Check the classifieds. The Q3050i that I had at my place is up for sale.
Hello FMs
I have been recently looking for setting up an audio gear. I mostly listen to hindi songs old 80s/90/s upto all current bollywood music and occasional english classical songs, classical hindi songs. sorry for lack of my proper understanding of audio terms but I don't like too much treble, That is fatiguing to my ears. I am also looking for an option where I don't need to add a sub (I am not basshead, but do like decent amount of it). From reading and taking clues from the forum posts, it appears Wharfedale/Q Acoustic are warmer speakers. I also got great reviews of Mission Qx2 mkii (doesn't seem to be available). After doing some research, I narrowed down my choices to following.

Wharfedale Diamond 12.1/12.2
Q Acoustic 3030i

Marantz PM5005
Marantz PM6007

I was able to listen to Diamond 12.1 and QA 3020i.
From what I heard, Diamond 12.1 was very lively and energetic and clear sounding. They didn't sound too warm to me as I have read about them but I kind of liked them. Wasn't able to hear much bass though probably because of their placement maybe? (they were on table with all space around them - more than 10ft all side open space).
QA had muddy bass and not much clarity (I suspect due to their placement - 2ft. apart each other within a shelf pretty close to cabinet walls. That's what confused me as I have read very good reviews of them)

This is where I am confused for choice (maybe I am looking to save extra money here as main priority). This is where I need some suggestions from FM to help me decide which speaker/amp pair would be better choice for my music taste. I think I may also connect it to my TV for movies watching.

There is around 13-15k price difference between PM5005 and PM6007. Also, QA 3030i seems ~6k cheaper than WD 12.2. Would PM5005 be good option with either of these speakers?

Looking forward to your suggestions/help.
Selecting just from the options you have provided in your post, i would go for the pm6007 along with either of the speakers
Thanks for your response Argho. My budget was under 70 but now stretched to 80k
I will try to see if I can audition Dali Oberon 1. Looking at their few reviews, seems to indicate not much bass.

Consider Sonus Faber Luminas.

I am allergic to bright treble and picked up Lumina IIs and a Marantz PM6007 for a secondary system. It's a fantastic pairing and, along with a small sub, provides a nice, rich and musical sound. The Lumina Is should be close enough to your budget.
most of my listening is going to be using bluetooth or USB
If you need USB input, I believe PM6007 won't be able to handle it. It will make more sense to invest in a dedicated DAC and go for the PM5005 for IA duties.

I don't have too much space around
For speakers, if you have limited space, especially on the rears & sides, you may want to skip the 3030i as the bass won't be tight. As aeroash suggested above, the Elacs may be a good choice if you need to place them near a wall because of their front ports.
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