May be lots of folks here have to learn basic etiquette here

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I would like to add something as well. I agree with all the points mentioned above. I would say it's very much possible to overlook a FM's suggestion/comment in a long running thread and the OP might skip a few which is OK. But in my experience people don't even bother to acknowledge and reply to PMs leave aside the comments in a thread. We are not at all a civilized race when it comes to be polite, acknowledging some one's help and saying a simple thanks.

People invest time to help others and that's taken very much for granted. It will take may be forever for us to be called really a civilized race. I don't see it happening soon.
Hi Manohar, All the points you have mentioned are true. I understand this is an old thread, but thought it might be relevant even today. This forum has some exceptional members who do spend a lot of their time and energy to help and educate others, but there are also bad apples, as with everything in life. As another FM mentioned, it could be a sense of entitlement, arrogance and in some cases this must be due to their freeloading mentality. Nothing can be done, but as FM @moktan mentioned, I too have benefited a lot by the discussions here, due the presence of the kind folks here, so overall I'm very happy :)

On freeloading:
Every year I visit my sister who stays in Vancouver. During my first visit, I had noticed this little library near her place.

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Being a bibliophile myself, my interest was piqued. She said that this is a non profit organization called Little free library which promotes neighborhood book sharing for free. Anyone can start a library, and anyone can take/add the books. There is no obligation of replacing the books. This is meant to make reading more accessible to readers of all ages. I noticed that there were some pretty good books, some rare editions of literature as well donated by kind folks who had already read them. Every time I'm there, I see that the choice of books are different, never have I observed it to be empty. This is a very interesting aspect that we all can learn :)
I wanted to start one here, but since I live on the outskirts of the city English books that I own (mostly literature and classics) won't be of any use. Perhaps starting another in Vancouver will be a better idea.
I just realized I had not included the analogy behind bringing this example up, perils of multitasking :)

It's for sure that there will be freeloaders there too, but the number of people who are replenishing the books outnumber them by a large margin and the library is always full. This is similar to this forum here, the generous folks have been hammering away at the expense of their time/energy which has kept the forum rich with good quality content.
At the same time it is disturbing to see old-timers like G401fan who are going silent. A lot of good members like Avidyarthi, denom, suri, Thad, George, iaudio, gobble, santhosh... are absent nowadays, which I guess has to do with this. A few years back, a respected FM and a good friend of mine from Mumbai was mulling to leave the forum owing to the intolerance and abusive language. His contribution has been unparalleled, and if he had gone ahead with the decision it would've been a crippling loss to all members.
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Interesting discussion here. Personally I have benefited from the wealth of expertise available here with the members. Besides audio , I have queried on and received authoritative information on topics as diverse as ayurvedic massages , stents and Ubuntu.
Off course even from a very utilitarian angle , it is good policy to be polite , sincere and grateful.
Apart from getting help with ones queries it makes this forum a pleasant place to spend some quality time online.

Wonderfully put and expressed , and I guess you have actually followed the same as you have come across as a true gentleman in all your posts. Am sure people want to help you !
Some of these "good" erstwhile members were/are banned here due to their lack of basic and advanced etiquette. :rolleyes: :D
Ok, thanks Keith. As they say, “while the light lasted”, they used to be very entertaining :)
I had doubts about denom and suri, but rest are inactive, I guess
It's a Rough world. There are bound to be people from different regions, different levels of life, experience and mentality. It's immature to get flustered by responses that do not allign with our thought process.

As said above, the mature and the seasoned members should just take it in their stride and move on.

One most knowledgeable member was Cranky (Mr Sangram Rakshit). I have interacted with him off the forum and found him very polite and helpful. I am not aware of the circumstances of his quitting but it’s definitely our loss. Sometimes knowledgeable and passionate people are opinionated and intemperate remarks fly off in the heat of discussion but that’s definitely par for the course.
A polite forum albeit sanitised of such weighty exchanges would be well... boring.
Many interesting observations have come up!

On being boring: Some of these old members used to be very true to their character and their posts used to be very entertaining. I still remember denom's review of a DIY speaker, it was fun filled, satirical and had lots of information. As opposed to that had they tried to be politically correct always, then reading their messages would've been as boring as perusing the business pages on the daily newspaper, and we would certainly have forgotten about them by now :) Even if the moderators hide the handle for all members for a month, it was easy to identify their presence with a blind test! They seemed to be following Shakespeare's maxim "To Thine Own Self Be True" to the tee!
There is a thin line which they might've unfortunately crossed, when an excess of character started getting personal, and attacks more direct which caused them to be expelled.

On our behavior: Now as few FM's have mentioned about "Forgetting and forgiving" and being more "mature and seasoned" they are all theoretically correct, but difficult to practice in reality especially when the hate is hurled at us. Either we need to have nerves of steel or be a saintlike persona to achieve that, which I guess is not normally possible. Being a third party/observer to witnessing someone getting mauled can be an altogether different experience. The sensitive ones will be most affected, and if they start to leave the forum then it's our collective loss.

There has also been reference to new member's showing such rude behavior, but I'm certain there are also senior members who display this. In their case it can be the pompous nature/snobbishness that can cause them to snub others and be quite friendly with another group whom they consider their equals. This is equally as bad.
I am not advocating "forgive and forget" when someone comes at you personally.
In such cases, bring on Rambo; I would go at it first and then "forgive and forget" :p
When someone struggles to ask the correct questions or feels entitled to a response, we can be magnanimous.

It's challenging to say the least on how to go about trying to foster a "culture" on the forum.

We should use basic norms of politeness that one would normally use in a personal conversation. Be respectful at all times and hold that thought if you have perhaps something negative to say. Adding a please or qualifying an opinion with an IMO makes things a little more civil. In fact much of this is covered in the Forum Rules in detail so I would recommend all forum members to read them once again.

But going forward we can try to make the place a little more civil. I would encourage forum members to use the Report feature to let us know if you see any behaviour that needs intervention. Some of you already do.


I’d posted a detailed reply a few days back to a query on the Phono forum. But the OP hasn’t bothered to even make an acknowledgement, leave aside say thanks.
it's not an issue about being snobbish, judgmental, condescending, having silly expectations, or any such crap.
It’s just about good manners, which increasingly is in short supply, old fashioned though some think it is.
For now, and for the foreseeable future, I’m outta here. Except for the ‘For Sale’ section. ;)
Hi all,
Good morning.

Am I the only one who feels, that many people who post here don't have basic courtesy. Most people wont open their thread with a greeting. And sound like they are entitled to replies by their mere presence here.

Had a number of private messages, which are one liners without greetings. And so short, like someone typed single handed at the traffic lights on taptalk. And after a answer that has to be lengthy, to make the point well understood. You dont get any acknowledgement of receipt, or understanding or thanks for the effort expended in replying with precious time, diverted from home & kids etc.

Thanks for reading.....
I think ur not used to forums;)
One man's food is another's poison - so, IMO, enough of the judging; don't we have too much of that in our lives already? It's now starting to border on being condescending.

Let's talk about something less boring - like cables maybe???? :p
Cables, DACs, sampling rates, digital formats, original pressings, ....
All of these are very safe (and popcorn) topics; keeps people civil and well mannered :p
I’d posted a detailed reply a few days back to a query on the Phono forum. But the OP hasn’t bothered to even make an acknowledgement, leave aside say thanks.
it's not an issue about being snobbish, judgmental, condescending, having silly expectations, or any such crap.
It’s just about good manners, which increasingly is in short supply, old fashioned though some think it is.
For now, and for the foreseeable future, I’m outta here. Except for the ‘For Sale’ section. ;)
It's akin to common sense being not so common anymore so, like many things in life we have to accept it and deal with it.

And, since you're going, the well mannered side of me is obliged to say - Goodbye! :)
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