Since i will also be using it as always-on download rig.. i thought NAS drive was better suited for continuous I/O operations as compared to Greens. What do you think ?
Well then, how about a dedicated storage NAS kind of unit running 24x7 for your downloads and for storing all your movies and music as well. This kind of unit can automate your downloads as well with torrents, NZBs and direct downloads. Use your HTPC to stream all content from there. Infact use your mobile, TAB as well to stream from the same, not only from LAN but from Internet as well...... does that sound good ...
(Suggestion by my personal experience - I have a same kind of setup)
Keep your HTPC only when you actually want to view movies or listen to some songs. Instead of spending a huge amount on one PC, divide it in to two.
Good question
I have 8gigs on my i5 laptop and occasionally i hook it up with my AVR using XBMC and have seen slight delays/hangs sometime. big deal and i knwo its a laptop but that's what prompted me to go higher on RAM. I want absolutely no delay/ super smooth experience + I am looking at it as always-on kind of a system..don't want to limit my self. and sometimes finding matching RAMs later is an issue. Having said that, your comment has made me ponder over bringing it down to 8gigs ..but nothing less
. May be I should rename it to power HTPC
Thoughts ?
Nope something else is wrong then ..... Most of us including; as mentioned by manniraj are running our HTPCs with 4 gigs of RAM. I infact am running with 2 and I run full BD ISO 45GB absolutely flawlessly. Delays, Hangs, slow performance not always mean less ram and increasing it does not necessarily mean, improved performance. There are loads of other factors that control the overall performance of a PC.
If you want super smooth performance, as far as HTPC goes, get a dedicated GPU, you already have an SSD, install a light OS, install only XBMC and few other mandatory applications and thats it. With 4 GB RAM this is gonna breeze as smooth as you would hope for.
As far as always on goes, consider my above suggestion .........