Mind the gap!

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Panditji, the squash balls are between the floor and granite, right? Is the base of the speaker cabinet reading flush on the granite?
Yes sir... Can't place the runner or regular spikes on the granite slab. I tried the rubber spike supplied by Tannoy but they seem to have lost their grip so placed the speakers directly on the granite...

Those squash balls must be regretting whatever they did in their last life !
It's nothing when compared to the pounding they got on the squash court which made them split right down the middle.. They are resting in peace now absorbing some lovely music...
My speakers are about 24 inches from the back wall and about 39 inches from the side... Have kept them straight facing but after putting the squash balls, it's difficult to experiment with them.. Will try placing them 1/6 and 1/5 across the length of the room and see which is better...


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My speakers are about 24 inches from the back wall and about 39 inches from the side... Have kept them straight facing but after putting the squash balls, it's difficult to experiment with them.. Will try placing them 1/6 and 1/5 across the length of the room and see which is better...
Lovely symmetric arrangement. Pleasing to the senses. :)
Panditji, it’s either 1/3 or 1/5 or 1/7. Not 1/4 or 1/6. I don’t know the explanation for this.
Panditji, it’s either 1/3 or 1/5 or 1/7. Not 1/4 or 1/6. I don’t know the explanation for this.
From my (quite) limited knowledge this is to do with standing waves as dividing by even nos will give spots where there is a cancellation of a wave and hence standing waves while if odd, it will not cancel out.
How much the ceiling height matters?
The distance of the woofer centre from the 3 nearest surfaces i.e floor , side wall and front wall should be different from each other , preferably by a ratio of 1.61 as per the golden ratio concept.
Oops, silly me as I thought any ratio would do.. Will try 1/5 or 1/7 as I can't get the speakers out 1/3 into the room..

I placed the speakers at 1/5th across the length of the room and the resulting sound was much better than 1/7th in my room. 1/5 is something that I can live with in my room on a permanent basis and am quite happy with the sound with the bass tightening improving quite a bit.. Unfortunately, my listening position is only 20 inches from the opposite wall whereas the speakers are almost 39.5 inches away from their back wall.. Still happy with the speaker placement and prefer it to the Cardas method..
Panditji, also from side walls, try a 1/3 or a 1/5

Let me try it out now.. I hope 1/5 works as it opens up my room.. My room width is 173 inches and currently the centre of the speaker baffle is approx. 48 inches away from the side wall.. I would prefer moving them closer to the side wall at 34 inches away (1/5) instead of moving them even closer towards the centre of the room for a bigger soundstage.. let me check and report back..
In that case let me try both and report back..

I tried both and I prefer 1/5 across the length and width of the room. I feel the sound is more open and the 1/3 placement across the width was exciting some bass frequencies...
Also using the potted plants as cable lifters and hoping some of the vibration in the speaker cables is transferred to the soil and the plants grow up nice and lush due to the beautiful music...

Prem: thanks for sharing the 1/3 and 1/5 placement ratio.. Right now the speakers are facing straight without any toe in.. Should I experiment with toe in with the Tannoys now that I have some sort of decent placement??


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Getting speakers closer together improves soundstage contrary to popular belief.
Can you please explain this, Prem? I’ve experienced that while vocals get reinforced as one brings the speakers closer, the soundstage (in terms of breadth) shrinks. So when you say it ‘improves’, are you referring to some aspect of the soundstage other than its expanse?
Sachin, I find the soundstage more 3 dimensional. The 1/3 position gives me the best balance. Closer than 1/3 starts shrinking the stage and creates anomalies in certain frequencies. All of the above works in my room because I can get the speakers out from the front wall. Mine are 8 feet from the front wall. If you can’t pull the speakers sufficiently out, getting the speakers at 1/3 from side walls will create problems in bass. It’s better to go 1/5. I think this is what panditji experienced.

In your case the soundstage is shrinking because there is not enough room for the bass to breathe. For that you have to pull the speakers out.
You seem to be right sir.. My speakers are about 39 inches away from the front wall if measuring from the front speaker baffle.. That's the farthest I can pull them into the room.. Also my seating position is not optimum as the chair is only 16 inches away from the wall behind. So therefore 1)5 works for me in my room with my furniture.. Will experiment more by today inch by inch across the width placement now that the length placement seems ok.

do you find an improvement with granite slabs on ? in my case granite slabs open up the bass and treble but makes music less organic.

Bass has become less boomy ..Can't quite understand what you mean by organic...
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