Mods closed my last thread of vinyl sale before i had even the chance to reply! Cm'on guys this is not right.
As gracefully mentioned by the mod before he closed my thread, I was pointed to this link http://www.hifivision.com/sale-owner/7112-sale-owners-rules-guidelines-2.html
Can someone please point me to where is says analogue vinyl is not allowed? I could only see this
Selling of any digital audio, video or software related media is strictly prohibited.
Vinyl is not digital, people!!
Mods closed my last thread of vinyl sale before i had even the chance to reply! Cm'on guys this is not right.
As gracefully mentioned by the mod before he closed my thread, I was pointed to this link http://www.hifivision.com/sale-owner/7112-sale-owners-rules-guidelines-2.html
Can someone please point me to where is says analogue vinyl is not allowed? I could only see this
Selling of any digital audio, video or software related media is strictly prohibited.
Vinyl is not digital, people!!