I have been on a quest to find the perfect speaker cables for my speakers.
Initially for about 2 years I was using the Mogami 3104 with my SVS Ultra towers. They were a perfect pairing for them. I also got the Mogami 3082, just to do a comparison. However, I still liked the 3104 for my SVS speakers.
I was fortunate to get a pair of Dynaudio SP40 on loan to audition with my system. I wrote a post about my experience in a post
With the Dyanaudio SP 40, the Mogami 3104 did not sound good at all. The speakers sounded dull, the sound stage collapsed. But when I connected the Mogami 3082, there was a transformation on the sound. It was like the speakers came to life. The mid range started to shine, the sound stage increased and depth increased.
In November 2024, I changed my speakers to the Dali Epicon 2. I am hunting for the Mid Range magic and sweetness. I tried out both the Mogami 3104 and the Mogami 3082 speaker cables. The results were the same as that seen with the Dynaudio SP 40. At present I am using Mogami 3082 as my speaker cables in my system.
I came across other Forum Members,
@Yelamanchili manohar ,
@balavignesh002 and
@muralimmreddy who have graciously guided and helped and guide me in this quest to find the best matching speaker cables for my system.
@balavignesh002 had posted about solid copper wire as speaker cables,
based on this I ordered 12 AWG solid copper wire from Xangsane.

I have received these wires recently, terminating them was a real chore. I am presently burning them in (Sorry to the detractors of Burning In process) I do believe in it. Hopefully I will test them out in my system next Sunday. So the comparison will be between Mogami 3082 and 12 AWG solid copper wire.

I have also bought some 12TC cable (Helix Design) from GR Research, however the cable is lying in San Francisco. So till I don't get my hand on this cable, I can't comment on that as yet. Hopefully it is soon.
My conclusion so far, speaker cables have their own sound signature and presentation. It is about matching the correct speaker cable for the sound signature that you are looking for. That said, it is a combination of the sound of your speaker and the cable together. Yes the amplifier also matters, but certain speaker cable do well with certain speakers and some don't. THIS IS SUBJECTIVE TO YOUR TASTES.