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where to audition MA-BR6 in bangalore ?
How good are MA GS10 compared to Wharfedale Diamond 10.5.
Hey Blasto - What Stereo Amp pairs well with MA Rx6. Rx6 is 100W but most amps (PM 6004/7004 are at most 70 W/c).. So are they inadequate to drive MA Rx6 ( I have a 100w/c AVR SR 6005)? Which stereo amp would u recommend ( have no idea about musical fidelity)
Thanks. But 7004 also has only 70 wpc vs MA Rx6 100wpc. Also how is Musical Fidelity compared to PM series in terms of pricing and performance ( not familiar with the higher end amps). Any other names you would recommend.
Not sure sir, I was not concentrating on bronze.
Golds can go further low as the takers will be less in that range.
It's better to go for a new piece of this model coz the price is already down by 40% and for 10% extra discount it's not a good deal IMHO. Also, when i checked with Jalal he is adamant with the prices as he is getting continues calls from our forumHi Blasto, how much further discount can we expect for GS10 Demo piece.
but do you want to spend 99k for 76k speakers ? .
CDP will not give you much gain if you use digital out to your avr. You may try analog out from CDP and pure direct mode of avr.
What do you think is lacking in the sound? See if you can try both in your house/ setup. Anyone willing to lend for a session or better, few days?