Well-Known Member
Interesting about PEQ ,but still Calibrated Mic will serve the best. In case if they allow UMIK or similar mic usage ,it will be worth.I think unlike Dirac, this one allows for far more flexibility with infinity PEQ. In the webinar, they mentioned it finally generates a text file similar to what REW does. So it would be good to use the REW auto-eq data and then input the same to this app, so it reduces the cost of a minidsp type solution. But the processing part of Dirac vs this is unknown.
Yeah, the linking to a single AVR is a pain, but I guess they want to make money, once in 5 years or so each time you change your AVR.
The other aspect is the support for callibrated mics which they claim will come through a special cable, but not sure when.
Also I feel instead of linking to single AVR ,if they allow for single user with a defined period of time example : 5 year minimum ,then more user will opt for this version.