Murthy's Cables ( tools & trades ) bangalore

I am using Murthy's power cable. I find those are well built but can not tell if they make any difference in sound. Since these are cheaper than sound foundation I went for it. But his speaker cables are expensive. I want to buy one from @Hari Iyer and will have a comparison.
Guys.. shall we get to the point? What makes murthy's cable better? Is it the cable, connector, joint, solder, shielding, packing, life? Or is there anything which is apart from these?
This is nowhere a question to undermine Mr Murthy or his profession. An engineering perspective. I have seen some teardowns of his power cable, and they were... Ordinary. (2 strands each of tinned copper cable for line and neutral and an uncoated one for earth in a sleeve) please let me know if I'm missing any point..!
Isn’t this essentially true of all audio cables? They are long metal pieces covered with somethin or other.
No one is testing the material for purity or chemical composition, if I am not mistaken it’s only electrical and possibly magnetic properties that are tested?

n the past we have had group buys as well on such builds
are you suggesting a group buy of cables made by @Hari Iyer after September?
I am using Murthy's power cable. I find those are well built but can not tell if they make any difference in sound. Since these are cheaper than sound foundation I went for it. But his speaker cables are expensive. I want to buy one from @Hari Iyer and will have a comparison.
I don't make power cables as of now as I don't have the means to test them in all different kind of setups and environments. The one I am using is using a 12awg X 3 mil spec silver plated copper with simple brass terminated terminals. It matches well for my set up.

If it's done in the right spirit, why not.
I may not have the means to work on anything more than 4 pairs a month due to my day time work obligations. Moreover I have yet to complete my discovery and built an highly durable cable which I persume is atleast 2 to 3 months away.
I may not have the means to work on anything more than 4 pairs a month due to my day time work obligations. Moreover I have yet to complete my discovery and built an highly durable cable which I persume is atleast 2 to 3 months away.
Right. Can we ask that you build a thread around this and share the build up to this highly durable cable which will be intriguing.
i recently purchased a power cable, interconnect and a bare-ended speaker cable from Mr. Murthy. i am his repeat customer.

whether I believe cables matter? yes, I truly believe so. if you ask me to prove it, I can't. if I had the money, i'd buy a cable worth 1cr too.
why Mr. Murthy? prima facie, they are affordable, reasonably well built, and the option to customize. i would also pour some snake oil over me and add that his cable science matters, he seems to be convinced, i am ok with that.
lastly, my friend on this forum recommended keeping the chain (power cable -> IC -> Speaker Cable) all from Murthy, i liked that concept....Mr. Murthy like Homeo doctors checked what my system was and recommended something; it was cute. i went for it :)

towards the end of my discussion, i asked Mr. Murthy, can the metal bridge that we typically see in bi-wire terminals be bettered with speaker jumper cables, his answer - ill send you one, test it for yourself, buy if you feel so, return if you don't... now, that's what Mr. Murthy is known for. I'm bit emotional for free trials, I'm like this only.
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Isn’t this essentially true of all audio cables? They are long metal pieces covered with somethin or other.
No one is testing the material for purity or chemical composition, if I am not mistaken it’s only electrical and possibly magnetic properties that are tested?
You many not be factually wrong about this. Conductivity, Resistivity and skin effect differs with different metals used and is a factor in my cable design which is difficult to design

I would like to buy one from you and find the difference. This is for my satisfaction.
Wait for 2 to 3 months. Once my initial order for 3 cables are a success, may consider selling to others - otherwise won't. Will keep you informed.
What about a doctor who has many years experience? S/he may have something of value to offer even if it’s not cutting edge science or publications in peer reviewed journals…
I think there is enough space in this community for both Mr. Murthy and @Hari Iyer to coexist without acrimony and be appreciated for their own unique ways of demonstrating their skill, strengths in fabricating cables, marketing them …
I am in no position to compete with Mr.Murthy and I can't even make a pair a week now. Design and perfection took me so long. Hope building is faster.
How would a non-local like the dude get in touch with Mr. Murthy?

I’m looking for 4 pairs of jumper cables for ATC SCM40.
Call him
Remember he has no idea of this discussion and there is no need (IMO) to disturb him. He is 70+ I think
10-5 pm would be probably be good. He will be probably be at home as we are under lockdown.
disclaimer: I don’t get a cut from his business nor do I have any financial or other relationship with him other than as a occasional customer. I do like the man and his understated style of working.
Mr Murthy is going to be flooded with buyers for his products in the next few days. He is definitely going to surprised about the increased interest in his products :-). I am sure he will continue to service his customers to the best of his abilities, and more importantly, with all humility as he always does!
Mr Murthy is going to be flooded with buyers for his products in the next few days. He is definitely going to surprised about the increased interest in his products :). I am sure he will continue to service his customers to the best of his abilities, and more importantly, with all humility as he always does!
He should thank @Hari Iyer for this!:cool:
So there is a Kimber connect cable (1.5m) for sale (in the sale section) for 49,000/- plus shipping
I am wondering if it is better than Mr. Murthy’s cable. … Just a thought
This is what I wrote about Mr. Murthy on page 1 of this thread, eight years ago:

’mr.murthy is a rare treasure. his soft-spoken manner, passion for audio and genuine humility won me over from the get-go. as killerbrain noted, his products are top notch, and there's no pressure to buy. it's an absolute pleasure to do business with this man!’

In hindsight, ‘rare treasure’ was exactly the right turn of phrase. Especially considering the proliferation of inflated egos around the world today.
Call him
Remember he has no idea of this discussion and there is no need (IMO) to disturb him. He is 70+ I think
10-5 pm would be probably be good. He will be probably be at home as we are under lockdown.
disclaimer: I don’t get a cut from his business nor do I have any financial or other relationship with him other than as a occasional customer. I do like the man and his understated style of working.
Already spoke with him a while ago and sent my requirement.

Will see how this goes and how good the cables are (relative to their price)
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