Murthy's Cables ( tools & trades ) bangalore

I think Mr. Murthy should provide details about his cables in this forum. It will be nice to know his design philosophy, materials used, rationale, geometry etc.

If he is reluctant to do this, maybe a FM who knows him can sort of "interview" him and post it here. And for what Q's should be asked in the interview, we can start a new thread soliciting Q's from FM's, collate the Q's and then pose those Q's to Mr. Murthy.
Sorry to OP for any derailment. Got really interested in Mr. Murthy's cables after this thread and spoke to him few minutes back. He is sending me two mains cables for my Focal actives. He said to try it and if there is difference I can buy them else send it back. Free trial, wow!

A true gentleman and seldom do we come across souls. Every single time he has made something for me, he refuses to take any money and I have had to force him to accept the money.
These days I first ask him the cost of something I need, pay upfront in full as advance and then get it made.

Will Murthy make speakers .

Nopes he doesnt.
A true gentleman and seldom do we come across souls. Every single time he has made something for me, he refuses to take any money and I have had to force him to accept the money.
These days I first ask him the cost of something I need, pay upfront in full as advance and then get it made.

Nopes he doesnt.

Reminds me of Virenji....:sad:
Welcome to the club killerbrain! The cables will sound better as they burn in a little more over time.
I would recommend getting him to do the cable burn in on his "cable cooker".

Folks here are some pictures of Mr Murthy and his shop in Commercial Street from October last year:



keith_correa said:
I think Mr. Murthy should provide details about his cables in this forum. It will be nice to know his design philosophy, materials used, rationale, geometry etc.

Mr Murthy is "old school" - I remember him getting my emails printed for him to read. I did spend time with him on the subject and the gyst of it is that he has gleaned all he knows by trial and error. According to his own estimate he has gone through several truck loads of cable wire in his audio journey. Cables are not his only expertise by the way - he is very knowledgeable on vibration isolation/control. More than a few people are very satisfied with his audio racks as well.

Although he says he's not technical he knows a lot more than he portrays.
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could anyone post pics of T&T's speaker cables, AV rack and power cables.. any idea on which cable is used...?

Mr Murthy is "old school" - I remember him getting my emails printed for him to read. I did spend time with him on the subject and the gyst of it is that he has gleaned all he knows by trial and error.

Not really mate, I have seen him with his Nexus(?) tab reading stuff of the internet. In-fact I even showed him the thread you had created and virens speakers. That's when I asked him if he made bookshelves and he flatly refused. He even knows of Sound Foundations .

I usually carry my tab when I go to him and show him the kind of stuff I need and he has always been more than willing to experiment. Will be paying him a visit soon to get my bookshelf stands made.

Although he says he's not technical he knows a lot more than he portrays.
^^ + plus a few 100 times.
I have been to this pictured place to buy some smaller hardware items.

never thought that he is expert in cables and other related stuff.
what is the price range of cables?

The "standard" speaker cables are approx Rs 3,500/- however he does offer higher end versions.
I moved up to a higher quality cable for Rs 8,500 pair.
ICs were about Rs 3,000 a pair.
Power cords are also about Rs 3,500

He does offer a fantastic deal in terms of letting you try out the cables first on a provisional basis for your setup.
If you don't like them you can always send them back. Usually he is happy to offer an alternative.
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Murthy (for the first time ever) yesterday.

My wife and I are constructing our house and the electrician abruptly called-up yesterday and wanted me to give him speaker wires (for the two surrounds) within hours so that he could run them through the floor.

With no knowledge of speaker cables, I simply called him up and invited myself to his shop.
I bought some speaker cables based on his recommendation (cost me Rs. 65 per meter).
He also helped me buy other cables that he doesn't sell from the shop opposite to his BK Enterprises.

All in all, I had a wonderful time in his shop yesterday that sells tools and stuff like upholstery cleaning liquid that I never knew existed!

For all my future hardware needs, I will definitely go straight to Mr. Murthy's shop.

  • His shop is also called "Nava Bharath Hardware and Paints". The "Tools and Trade" signboard is old and is easy to miss.
  • The shop is located near the Jumma Masjid end of Commercial Street.
  • His phone numbers are: 9880033516, 08025588077.
The "standard" speaker cables are approx Rs 3,500/- however he does offer higher end versions.
I moved up to a higher quality cable for Rs 8,500 pair.
ICs were about Rs 3,000 a pair.
Power cords are also about Rs 3,500

I just realized that the prices I had given were wrong. Here are the prices for each of the items above ...

Speaker cables (5m) Rs 5,500 stereo pair
Interconnects (1.5m) Rs 2,400 a pair.
Interconnects (0.5m) Rs 1,800 a pair (higher quality)
Power cords (1m) Rs 1,600 each
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Now the price of 1m RCA interconnect is Rs.3200. The cable finish is good. I just compared the interconnect with my previous Profigold PROA series interconnect. Murthy's cable is more detailed but little shy on bass with my system.
Apologies for reviving this old thread. Is Mr Murthy still working? Has anyone talked to him recently?

Would like to purchase a few power cables, ICs
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