Its high time I started this thread as Iam littering in all related threads with scattered information. 
Long story short, I was a NAD user (C320 amp) for years together now. Started with the idea of upgrading my speakers to ones which will reveal much details in the midrange and couple it with a CD player to get the soundstage right. Amp upgrade was not even in my contention. During the audition, my amp's preout to line in connection became loose and sounded bad with the speakers and I thought they are not able to drive my shortlisted speakers and so started to lookout for the amp too. This time with emphasis on the details. (The NAD became fine once the preout connection is fixed).
While auditioning for CD players, came accross the musichall 25.2 system and had a demo (thanks to musicmaya who offered a mint used amp for 15k for introducing me and telling me that such a thing exists when I was in lookout for an amp in the interim). It was instant love when I heard the system. Iam hearing things that I haven't heard before in hifrequencies and midrange. The sound was CLEAN and soundtage very very good. Bass was lacking. It was run on mission speakers (m34) which sounded harsh to me (they sounded harsh with marantz too and better with NAD C315BEE). Cross checked with my M50 headphones and was over impressed with the CD player. But the mrp was $1200 for both which was (WAY) out of my budget. The dealer was willing to let go of the AMP+CD player combo for 44k but will not sell them seperately (strict). I was only willing to pay for the CD player 25k max and there was a deadlock and had to return home.
The sound was still ringing in mind at home and reviews did not indicate lack of bass or harshness. Was on double mind as to whether to get the combo and sell off the amp new for 19k (as used ones sell for 15k). When I got a call from the dealer next day as he would give me the combo for ~19k each and its a loss for him as he has sold the system for 70k mrp earlier, it was a no brainer. (though he added VAT later which was ~4k :sad: I did not want to take it without VAT). I can easily sell the amp for 15k new and retain the Cd player for 23k (which I felt its worth) was the idea.
Enter the music hall.
When connected to the jamos, all the harshness I experienced during the demo was gone. Only details, details, details with full body in the midrange and hi frequencies. I dint know violin can be reproduced to this much details. Corrs album excelled. All concert Flacs-->ACDs were a treat. Voice cannot be better (and for the price.. Duh..) Celine Dion sang "My heart.. " personally for me
hyeah: "Hell freezes over" gave me a seat amoung the eagles with audience cheering me for no reason.
hyeah: So natural sounding.. Great experience. Iam sure all this is due to the CD player primarily with the amp only helping it.
I replaced the musichall amp with the NAD C320. There was BASS IN ALL ITS GLORY.. But it failed miserably in ALL other departments.. Midrange lacked details and high frequency was thin.. The music seemed 'coloured' for the first time..
Imagine talking 5 mins with a new girl and completely rejecting your wife?? I was in such a situation. I mean.. These amps dont even have a huge cost difference to justify the difference.. And I took the amp mostly because I liked the CD player more than marantz..
Questions.. Questions.. Still there is bass in the NAD, is that the differentiator?? Maybe the good deal (!!) I got made me biased?? Maybe lack of bass 'appears' to be 'clear sound'?? What use is an amp without bass for movies??
Spent next two hours in A-B comparison in music, instrumentals, voice, movies, chase scenes, bombs, concerts.. On whatever I remember as highlights.. With sources from WDTV and CD player.. While "NATURAL" is the word to describe the sound/music produced by the musichall, "BLOATED AND THIN" is the word to describe the sound/music produced by the NAD. There is not a single scene which I had to reduce the volume in the Musichall while the NAD produced too much dynamism which prompted me to reduce volume more than once. Iam a NAD user for years together and thought I would never need an upgrade to these gems. Now these had to go into the store room. I gain nothing by downgrading them, maybe lose a sale when I list them if at all.
After prolonged usage for over a week and getting accoustomed to the musichall amp, connecting the NAD back again yesterday was a revelation. The NAD seem to have 'loose' bass in comparison, something I never felt before all the years.. The music hall has tight bass which is 'present' but not 'pronounced'.. There goes the last resort which was in favour of the NAD..
For now, Iam seeing the NAD from the eyes of the musichall user. All this while I have been seeing the musichall from the eyes of a NAD user. Explains much of the 'un-naturalness'.
It is surprising why musichall amp/player does not get as much attention as the NADs and marantz of the world. It could be partly because their mrp is higher. But for the price you find new ones at the moment (if possible) in india, they are a steal.
Conclusion - These amps are more than one step apart. Not considering the cost, these are a definite upgrade. (Marantz has different characteristics to NAD and not an 'upgrade' per se)
They improved my home decor also quite a bit. Absolutely adoring with blue display for digital volume, source selection, CD track display etc. The amp does not have bass/treble control but on usage, I understood it is never required. Has a subwoofer connection that my NAD doesn't have, though I dont have a sub.
Lookout for the pictures in the net. I will post pics of my setup when I get time.

Long story short, I was a NAD user (C320 amp) for years together now. Started with the idea of upgrading my speakers to ones which will reveal much details in the midrange and couple it with a CD player to get the soundstage right. Amp upgrade was not even in my contention. During the audition, my amp's preout to line in connection became loose and sounded bad with the speakers and I thought they are not able to drive my shortlisted speakers and so started to lookout for the amp too. This time with emphasis on the details. (The NAD became fine once the preout connection is fixed).
While auditioning for CD players, came accross the musichall 25.2 system and had a demo (thanks to musicmaya who offered a mint used amp for 15k for introducing me and telling me that such a thing exists when I was in lookout for an amp in the interim). It was instant love when I heard the system. Iam hearing things that I haven't heard before in hifrequencies and midrange. The sound was CLEAN and soundtage very very good. Bass was lacking. It was run on mission speakers (m34) which sounded harsh to me (they sounded harsh with marantz too and better with NAD C315BEE). Cross checked with my M50 headphones and was over impressed with the CD player. But the mrp was $1200 for both which was (WAY) out of my budget. The dealer was willing to let go of the AMP+CD player combo for 44k but will not sell them seperately (strict). I was only willing to pay for the CD player 25k max and there was a deadlock and had to return home.
The sound was still ringing in mind at home and reviews did not indicate lack of bass or harshness. Was on double mind as to whether to get the combo and sell off the amp new for 19k (as used ones sell for 15k). When I got a call from the dealer next day as he would give me the combo for ~19k each and its a loss for him as he has sold the system for 70k mrp earlier, it was a no brainer. (though he added VAT later which was ~4k :sad: I did not want to take it without VAT). I can easily sell the amp for 15k new and retain the Cd player for 23k (which I felt its worth) was the idea.
Enter the music hall.
When connected to the jamos, all the harshness I experienced during the demo was gone. Only details, details, details with full body in the midrange and hi frequencies. I dint know violin can be reproduced to this much details. Corrs album excelled. All concert Flacs-->ACDs were a treat. Voice cannot be better (and for the price.. Duh..) Celine Dion sang "My heart.. " personally for me

I replaced the musichall amp with the NAD C320. There was BASS IN ALL ITS GLORY.. But it failed miserably in ALL other departments.. Midrange lacked details and high frequency was thin.. The music seemed 'coloured' for the first time..
Imagine talking 5 mins with a new girl and completely rejecting your wife?? I was in such a situation. I mean.. These amps dont even have a huge cost difference to justify the difference.. And I took the amp mostly because I liked the CD player more than marantz..
Questions.. Questions.. Still there is bass in the NAD, is that the differentiator?? Maybe the good deal (!!) I got made me biased?? Maybe lack of bass 'appears' to be 'clear sound'?? What use is an amp without bass for movies??
Spent next two hours in A-B comparison in music, instrumentals, voice, movies, chase scenes, bombs, concerts.. On whatever I remember as highlights.. With sources from WDTV and CD player.. While "NATURAL" is the word to describe the sound/music produced by the musichall, "BLOATED AND THIN" is the word to describe the sound/music produced by the NAD. There is not a single scene which I had to reduce the volume in the Musichall while the NAD produced too much dynamism which prompted me to reduce volume more than once. Iam a NAD user for years together and thought I would never need an upgrade to these gems. Now these had to go into the store room. I gain nothing by downgrading them, maybe lose a sale when I list them if at all.
After prolonged usage for over a week and getting accoustomed to the musichall amp, connecting the NAD back again yesterday was a revelation. The NAD seem to have 'loose' bass in comparison, something I never felt before all the years.. The music hall has tight bass which is 'present' but not 'pronounced'.. There goes the last resort which was in favour of the NAD..
For now, Iam seeing the NAD from the eyes of the musichall user. All this while I have been seeing the musichall from the eyes of a NAD user. Explains much of the 'un-naturalness'.
It is surprising why musichall amp/player does not get as much attention as the NADs and marantz of the world. It could be partly because their mrp is higher. But for the price you find new ones at the moment (if possible) in india, they are a steal.
Conclusion - These amps are more than one step apart. Not considering the cost, these are a definite upgrade. (Marantz has different characteristics to NAD and not an 'upgrade' per se)
They improved my home decor also quite a bit. Absolutely adoring with blue display for digital volume, source selection, CD track display etc. The amp does not have bass/treble control but on usage, I understood it is never required. Has a subwoofer connection that my NAD doesn't have, though I dont have a sub.
Lookout for the pictures in the net. I will post pics of my setup when I get time.
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