My experience in dealing with Farnell India and EFY India


New Member
Jul 24, 2008
I have recently gotten active in making my own DIY amps.

To this end I have been looking to source parts not readily available locally.
Earlier I had ordered on Digikey and had it shipped to me through Borderlinx. I got all my components properly packed and delivered to me in 10days!

Last week I came across Farnell's Indian site and since I was not a commercial buyer I was directed to for purchasing their items.
This site is apparently run by EFY India.

I placed my order that is when I got my first shock - Normal Delivery was charged at Rs 50/- and express delivery at Rs 1500/-, the difference in time - max 14 days for normal and max 10 days for express.

I immediately felt uncomfortable at such blatant usury and should have stopped there but being foolhardy I figured on trying out the express option, just to see if it would work (and hoping they would deliver well under 10days - I am an optimist).

After I placed my order and paid I got a page giving something like a receipt (which said nothing about shipping costs) and saying a mail would be sent to me with details. Now I have a habit of saving such pages when transacting online. Thank God I did. The mail never came!

Neither have the components. Their customer service has been lethargic and unhelpful, that too if and when you can reach them, if I am to be kind to them.

My money is gone and the parts have not come despite their affirmations. Neither am I able to cancel my order and get a refund.

I feel cheated and even more I feel ashamed to know that such xxxxxx operators are Indians.

My experience with Digikey was exactly the opposite. I got proper mails and breakups of costs, the items shipped when they said they would and I was able to track it properly. Same was my experience with Borderlinx. Both of them provided a ton of information to me on my order and delivery to enable me to track and be confident of them and trust them.
They really treat their customers with respect.

In India I see no such thing. Knowledge levels at the sellers is absymal and they take us for granted and a means to cheat and make some money off.

Needless to say I am thoroughly disappointed with Farnell, EFY and the whole gang there.


Also if any of you is aware of any Mumbai based diy parts dealer with a good selection or any other site where I may order - and can expect better service - please do tell.
I would prefer to spend my money in my country then send it abroad. However till I know it will be valued and I will be treated with respect I have Digikey at least.
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Gaumtam please read the rules about creating a thread with negative remarks about an organisation. I am closing this thread pending decision from our side.

I have today received an email from Gautam sending me complete details of the order he placed with the organisations, their receipt, and a copy of his own ID.

I must laud Gautam for being exemplary in following the rules. This leaves no doubt in my mind that his complaint was genuine.

In any event, the case has now been resolved amicably for all parties. I am showing in the next post his text mentioning the resolution.

Thank you Gautam for being a model member.


I had been travelling on work and wasn't carrying my personal laptop.

I have attached the receipt which came with the components, my id proof and the receipt screenshot from the website.

Looking back I figure my reaction was somewhat extreme. I am no longer angry with them but I am still upset, because,

1) When I was patient and civil I did not get a proper response. When I was caustic and screamed then they responded.
2) They failed to ship my order to me in time, as advertised, and have subsequently failed to reverse the extra charges, as would be proper and also communicated to me on phone.

The money is not that big a deal for me, bad customer service is.

It wasn't all bad though. The components that have come are as expected, good quality and well packed and I am quite pleased with them. I really hope their service improves.

Now when I look back I guess its a new operation and that's why there are initial teething troubles. Maybe over time their processes, operations and attitudes will improve. If so i would not mind trying their services again, but probably not for a year or two at least.


Sorry to hear your troubles. Hope the refund is done.

Now tell us what DIY amps you planning to make in brief, and do open a new thread detailing the effort when you complete the project.

has anybody bought anything from kits n spares recently?
I tried searching for a couple of farnell part numbers, and was not getting any search results
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