My favorite Krell Fpb 200 power amp


Active Member
Oct 10, 2009
Nearly 15 months back I happened to hear this little beast in a second hand dealers place source and the linkage and the speakers were also very normal. But in the very very close distance itself I found this little monster was controlling the speaker very pretty and producing the music only in the loving way. I was moved by its performance.

So waiting for a good one to come across. A chance with demo came on my wayrecently. Before that I was driving my B&W mkiii with Accuphase ex 303x directly some times, Some times from its pre out via my Boman dual mono another class AB 300x2 wpc power amp. Source was Marantz 5004 via wyred4sound dac1. Since my son took away the Ayon cd1s on the day one arrival of wyred. Interconnects were My Audio Cable (MAC) ultra silver sound pipes. (thanks to Sridhar ARN systems). Speaker wire Ess Live audio for hf and Kimber 12tc for lf. Sound was amazing every frequencies were elaborate. Through my Boman Mid was some what laid back (smooth is the correct) but the Hf and Lf were predominant. Bass were extra depth and Hf were extended.

Now came the giant Krell but its baby in its category. I took for it demo only. Being a pure class A amp I am afraid of its mid brightness and loose bass. But at the first instant itself I said wow what a mid. This is the mid clarity should be in a audio. Male and female voices were opt not recessed or forward. Simply saying as if the singers were singing through B&W for me. At the same time Hf also very extended So strings, cymbals, violins,Pianos, mid bass Tabela and both voices very very normal. I could not hear any hiss or any back ground noise in the whole set up. It was just like hearing through DolbyC in olden days audio deck. I felt airy three diomensional sound music were mingling between the speakers.

While coming to Bass section It beat my expectation. Bass were there more than my expectation but not like Accuphase or Boman. But not too bad. Since the voices were sweet as natural raising the preamplifier (accu) volume did not irritate me more over Accu had tone control so I could reach opt bass

Then My friend Mr.Bala gopal suggested me to try with his Electrocompaniet Ec1 pre which is made in Norway.(which he was using in his system) I adore his genorosity to part with it for my sake. After connecting the pre which does not have any tone control only volume and balance and source. Wow I felt what a musical pre this is. Then only I came to know the importance of a dedicated Pre. Wow between Krell and Ec1 and B&W it was like well matched couple. There is realism in every bit of music I could feel every instruments originalism. Back ground noise is zero only only music and singers. So totally Studio performance came into my bed room. Though my Bedroom is not meant for pure audio listening. I feel it is acoustic proven automatically with no windows full wall proofed and ceiling proofed. I feel I am more previleged man with such systems. Once again I started listening my old cds. Thanks Balagopalan. Thanks Hfv so only I could get so many good friends.
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I know there is no limit in up gradation but I know the difficulties in achieving this. As I have already written even double time costlier system may deceive me. I am sure it would land me in R&D at the expense of my family time. System matching with ones own taste and acoustic is quite tough. So hope I will settle in it for some time. Thank u for keep warning me
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