My First DAC!


Sep 23, 2007
Months back I asked about Cheap Dacs..
Now around 3 weeks back I found it much cheaper on Ebay us... It was claimed to be "just opened" and seller did not find " what he was looking for"
Now instead of US$ 115 I found US$ 76 much cheaper ,and there was someone who carried it for me!

Now I received the DAC ,I am showing you the pictures..
Audio review I'll post after some time as I used it only for couple of hours ,that too in headphones ...anyway I found the sound is fuller - better for MP3s too!
Note that photoes are from ebay ,but mine is too scratch less condition. I really liked the front plate.

Ebay Link
USB DAC (PCM2707+DIR9001+PCM1793) + Headphone Amplifier - eBay (item 170376872835 end time Sep-27-09 09:16:50 PDT)

Specifications from E-Bay................

Nichicon capacity, RIFA capacity, KOA resistors, NEC relay
USB controller: Burr-Brown PCM2707
--Full speed transciever (REAL AUDIO 1.1)

Digital input receiver DIR9001
--The receiver used is more expensive and of better quality than the popular CS8412/4/6
used in all other DACs. It has many more music details and accurate sound you obtain.

Main DAC: Burr-Brown PCM1793
--24-Bit 192kHz Sampling Advanced Segment Audio Stereo DAC
--Dynamic Range: 113 dB THD+N: 0.001%
--8 Oversampling Digital Filter

OPAMP: Burr-Brown OPA2134

HeadPhone: Burr-Brown OPA2604+BC550*2+BC560*2 (Reference SOLO HeadPhone Amplifier)

Such as double side gold coat PCB with high quality soldering.

Technical Specifications
Hardware Features
Digital Input USB X 1
Analog Input Analog Stereo RCA X 1
Analog Output Analog Stereo RAC X 1
Analog 1/4" Stereo X 1
Power DC 12 ~ 18V 500mA
Dimensions 160*130*48 (mm)
Weight 0.760kg
Audio Performance
Digital Input Impedance on Coaxial input 75 Ohms
Line output 2Vrms
THD 0.01%
Headphone Amplifier output P-Pmax:10V
Headphone Amplifier output THD 0.05%
Suitable Headphone Impedance 32 ohm---600 ohm
Frequency Response 10Hz---20KHz (-1dB)
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Anyway to all

Buddies I have a old IBM Laptop - Needs to be repaired.

Short of cash I am thinking why I should not convert it in dedicated Flac player?

Now It is underpowered P3 around 400-600 MHZ with 256 MB ram I think...( Need to repair and check)
Also it has got USB 1.1 ( I am told that you can convert it's PCMCIA port to USB 2.0 HUB,and I have the card)


I prefer foobar as I like album art and laptops 12" screen will be a good display..

Now it is worth repairing or it is of no use? I am asking as I am told music requires little memory ..I personally feel it is vable

Also any suggestion about OS, ASIO installation , any version of C play with album art support ( till date I am not able to install C Play :rolleyes::rolleyes::mad:) Or any lighweight media centre OS with flac support -Or some new flac player..

BTW I have some 80 gigs of Flac and approx 125-150 CD's are yet to be converted !!!:ohyeah::licklips:
Well for foobar as limited opt,in XP laptop,FLAC & your DAC will be a good combo as power req (& processor too) can be low.
Thanks spiro

Buddy you are one helluva net hunter . Pls any supporting links ( OLD PC as FLAC player) please post here .. We talk directly but it will be beneficial as I am certain a lot of forum members must be having OLD hardware!
Just my pleasure....

Congrats Hemant! The price seems fair and I see Burr Brown dac in the specs, which is supposed to be good. Awaiting your take on how it performs because this is an amount many can afford if someone brings it down from usa.
Congrats Hemant! The price seems fair and I see Burr Brown dac in the specs, which is supposed to be good. Awaiting your take on how it performs because this is an amount many can afford if someone brings it down from usa.

Well BB are better accepted for AVR than CDP.With my xonar D2X ,I can say BB is better for mov than music.
Many highend AVR use BB & CDP ciruss OR wolfson.
Congrats, Hemant, Keep us posted as many of us will be hunting for DACs. From my experience, Cplay is resource hungry even with my acer 1.6 ghz(or maybe i dont know how to tweak it) and you may be better off with foobar kernel streaming 24bit output instead of asio, as it will cause less jitter.

BTW, folks(any squeezebox user), how is the DAC in say squeezebox duet or touch(not yet out) and will it be a better option than a separate DAC for playing from PC?
Very interesting, unlike some cheapie USB DACs on the net this seems to be using the PCM270X series chip from Burr Brown as a USB controller and a more respectably specced PCM1793 chip as the main DAC. How good is this PCM1793 chip? seems about midway up/down the price chain among the BB DAC chips.

Months back I asked about Cheap Dacs..
Now around 3 weeks back I found it much cheaper on Ebay us... It was claimed to be "just opened" and seller did not find " what he was looking for"
Now instead of US$ 115 I found US$ 76 much cheaper ,and there was someone who carried it for me!

Now I received the DAC ,I am showing you the pictures..
Audio review I'll post after some time as I used it only for couple of hours ,that too in headphones ...anyway I found the sound is fuller - better for MP3s too!
Note that photoes are from ebay ,but mine is too scratch less condition. I really liked the front plate.

Ebay Link
USB DAC (PCM2707+DIR9001+PCM1793) + Headphone Amplifier - eBay (item 170376872835 end time Sep-27-09 09:16:50 PDT)

Specifications from E-Bay................

Nichicon capacity, RIFA capacity, KOA resistors, NEC relay
USB controller: Burr-Brown PCM2707
--Full speed transciever (REAL AUDIO 1.1)

Digital input receiver DIR9001
--The receiver used is more expensive and of better quality than the popular CS8412/4/6
used in all other DACs. It has many more music details and accurate sound you obtain.

Main DAC: Burr-Brown PCM1793
--24-Bit 192kHz Sampling Advanced Segment Audio Stereo DAC
--Dynamic Range: 113 dB THD+N: 0.001%
--8 Oversampling Digital Filter

OPAMP: Burr-Brown OPA2134

HeadPhone: Burr-Brown OPA2604+BC550*2+BC560*2 (Reference SOLO HeadPhone Amplifier)

Such as double side gold coat PCB with high quality soldering.

Technical Specifications
Hardware Features
Digital Input USB X 1
Analog Input Analog Stereo RCA X 1
Analog Output Analog Stereo RAC X 1
Analog 1/4" Stereo X 1
Power DC 12 ~ 18V 500mA
Dimensions 160*130*48 (mm)
Weight 0.760kg
Audio Performance
Digital Input Impedance on Coaxial input 75 Ohms
Line output 2Vrms
THD 0.01%
Headphone Amplifier output P-Pmax:10V
Headphone Amplifier output THD 0.05%
Suitable Headphone Impedance 32 ohm---600 ohm
Frequency Response 10Hz---20KHz (-1dB)
using top end Burr brown chips doesnt always translate into good music

the Valab dacs use higher speced chips than the benchamrk DAC1 ,PS audio's ,Stellos , Da lavrys etc
it doesnt mean its better

if you check the chips used on high end SC's they are much oldr( the Lynx,Echo mia Midi ,Hammerfal rme's- hell even the juli and M audio's etc)
then too these cards manage to better many external dacs

nway having said all that
heamnt's got himself serious BANG for the buck at that price
the dac should more or less takeout any reciever or DVD player easy
maybe entry level CDPs too
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