My Marantz PM 6005 and Sonodyne 2605 story

So we had a short listening session and a shot of katle kan.

He also felt that it was a thin, bright sound. familiar voices sounded less husky. the mids and lows are not quite there.

He thought that they should open up over time. Maybe with a pink noise kambal parade. And pointed out that 9 o'clock on a 45w amp is not quite enough.

Thanks for dropping by :)

So we had a short listening session and a shot of katle kan.

He also felt that it was a thin, bright sound. familiar voices sounded less husky. the mids and lows are not quite there.

He thought that they should open up over time. Maybe with a pink noise kambal parade. And pointed out that 9 o'clock on a 45w amp is not quite enough.

Thanks for dropping by :)


It was a pleasure meeting you.

As a generalized fact the 2605's are little bright speakers to start with also these along with the amp cables and dac .. everything is brand new.
the sound was clean and distortion free which removes the air of any defect or any kind of failure.

however the imaging was mildly thin and less airy. the vocals seemed to a bit on brighter side and the voice timber was missing the husk. but as all of these are new it will take at least 150-200 hours of settling down before i post any solid comments over the setup.

with everything on default the bass not up to the mark or as expected from a FS.maybe its the synergy between amp and FS. also the amp did not show any hesitation to drive the FS but what i have noticed is while we are running a 130 W rated speaker with a 40-45w/channel amp they dynamic generally open up post 9-10 o clock position which without room treatment or wrong positioning gets over whelming.

a few days of burn-in and the components getting settled down will show he true potential. Another idea i got while i was riding back was moving the speakers to the wall where the PC is if music is the sole purpose and the PC can be used as a source.

this will give them a lot of place and the seating can be done farther than what it is now and some DIY acoustic work and substantially solve the issue.

give the setup its time meanwhile we will try them out with the NAD and other stuff as and when possible.

you can be quite helpful here as you have the same speakers.
did you feel that the speakers are bass shy ?
adequate for a room of 12x20 ( guessing) ?

any changes post burn-in period ?

Yes i told him the approach i followed in an above reply.

And no.. The 2605 is not bass shy.. Atleast not with my Sonodyne amp.
And my speakers are still under burn in. Now there is one thing that i have noticed. The mid bass has opened up a bit and the treble has settled down a little.
And my speakers are still under burn in. Now there is one thing that i have noticed. The mid bass has opened up a bit and the treble has settled down a little.

@sound_cycle.. this should give you a sigh of relief.. and anirban quotes that they are still under burn-in..
Thanks Anirban, Aman.

You mean like so

I did try that out earlier.

Apart from WAF the ONLY reason they went to the long wall, is that the telly cannot be moved to this side (no internal cabling). And I need that telly to be able see menus etc on the WDTV live.

(there are remotes that will work on the phone, a web interface that you can access on a PC but nothing AFAIK that will allow you to view and choose an album)

The room effects helped, but over there too a 12 string guitar or Sade or Abida still sounded dead and dull.

Remember also that even on the long wall (as in yesterday's listening session) - there is no bass boom - even with the loudness control used and the bass turned up. Sadly the lows and mids are simply not there.

That goal which I was speaking of yesterday "quality bass" (cellos, guitars, voices) is not realized. And that was the motivation for these f/s***.

Ofc using the length or the room will mitigate. If there are inexpensive solutions to the lack of display for WDTV issue, will implement them post haste.

Maybe a couple of weeks of playing the speakers we could try out you NAD amp. or something.


*** floor shaking room rattling loud bass is not my goal
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[B said:
also the amp did not show any hesitation to drive the FS but what i have noticed is while we are running a 130 W rated speaker with a 40-45w/channel amp they dynamic generally open up post 9-10 o clock position which without room treatment or wrong positioning gets over whelming.[/B]QUOTE]

Hi Sound_cycle,
I am using PM6005 with Tannoy V4 and my only area of concern is the Volume gradation which raises suddenly at 9-10 o Clock position as reported by you. Apart from that I am happy with this amp and hope that soon it will meet your expectations.


Thanks Anirban, Rajbhaskar

from my earlier mail

That goal which I was speaking of yesterday "quality bass" (cellos, guitars, voices) is not realized. And that was the motivation for these f/s***.

*** floor shaking room rattling loud bass is not my goal

After crawling and carrying and trying out various things I now know what Bono was searching for, Larry Mullins :mad:

I probably never will.

Couple of things to help you out.

- The biggest problem in your setup is the room. You need lot more furniture in that room plus curtains, bookshelves full of books etc. Essentially if you have a conversation in the room, it should not echo at all.
- Firing music into a very long room is a very bad idea. Any room in which you locate a music system should never have its longest dimension more than 1.5 times it shortest dimension. That means if you have a room which is 10 ft wide, its length should not be more than 15ft. Anything more will create weird waves which will create havoc. Echo in a tube effect !!! This is not an exact rule just an observation from experience. You can get the exact dimensions / rules if you do a google search of rives forum.
- If you unfortunately end up with a room like that, you will need to do a lot of work to make it work. Some solutions are make shift foldable barriers, huge bookshelf breaking the waves, lot of sofas, absorbing material etcEssentially breaking the room into zones so that the wave do not travel around. Once you do all this, playing with placement can yield better results.

A 25 x 10 room is really bad for music. If you do not own this house, look for a place which is friendlier for making music.
Couple of things to help you out.

- The biggest problem in your setup is the room.
- Firing music into a very long room is a very bad idea <snip> That means if you have a room which is 10 ft wide, its length should not be more than 15ft. Anything more will create weird waves which will create havoc. Echo in a tube effect !!!
- Some solutions are make shift foldable barriers, huge bookshelf breaking
the waves, lot of sofas, absorbing material etcEssentially breaking the room
- A 25 x 10 room is really bad for music. If you do not own this house, look for a place which is friendlier for making music.

The shifting out option is ruled out. The food and company over here is rather nice ;) I am therefore working on getting the room less lively. Roughly along the lines you suggest with the goal of getting a virtual "golden rules" room within the long one

The point you make about the "Echo in a tube effect" had not occurred to me. Clearly the "Ofc using the length or the room will mitigate" idea is incorrect. The second take away is that I was attacking the wrong wall - it is the far one that I should be most worried about.

Now while I have experimented with playing into the long dimension of the room, my current arrangement (and the one which ironhorse and i listened to) is along the long wall (pic in this post).

Hmmmm, is the lack of mids/ bass a speaker/ speaker voicing issue (OR) a room issue (OR) both ?

Thanks square_wave

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