Nice smooth sounding setup Sunder.
Slightly a OT , hope you would not mind
While i like the Naim+ spendor combination and currently own one , these speakers require little leaner input , Naim nait 5 series is more rounded and denser presentation , sometimes it become too congested in the mids and less airy . I found Exposure doing better job in this areas and recently when i tried a old Lexicon it was really good and also a good tonal match like naims . Also this speakers needed a little more sparkle/brightness to lighten up the things , overall it makes it crisp.
Oh ... on the volume level , it has nothing to do with the loudness at 9'o clock

. With more power , It will have more control of the driver and more clarity . For example , with more power i was able to follow the bass lines separately in the same loudness level and it was more dynamic/punchy . Otherwise it is kind-of all gets mixed up and gets muddy , but still loudness will be there .
It is the naimiee way of saying that naim watt is more power than stated . But it is just a fan following and marketing from the D&D . A Naim 1 W is just a W like any other brand , however it may have a higher burst power , but 5is are really under powered for this speaker
Sorry for being blunt . It is just the frustration that i could not afford more powerful naim and recently figured out there are other cheaper options available with a bit of compromise . Will try to get some power amp when we meet , just to shake the boat
It is all just my opinion , YMMW