My Naim - Spendor Combination Video

i did.

youtube is not the right medium as you say but i can make some guesses ;-

your rig is geared towards warmer side.

i think you like that kind of music from your PM and the youtube video
if i can stick my neck out - i see no amplifier power related issues.. The volume pot is at 9 o clock and it is quite loud. The music you play is easy going too.

The flooring needs a carpet or a foldable thick cloth

you might be inclined to try a rolled up bed against the right side speaker corner - just to test if the mass is a bit more leaner for you. If it works, then you know what to do.

these are just comments based on what i hear on youtube and so it must be taken with a pinch of salt and you are the best judge of whats happening in your room. :)

try pulling out the speakers a bit more keeping about 6 to 7 ft between them and see if the if frees up some more.

Thanks for the description of the DA160 via PM i think i understand.

Please find my reply below

your rig is geared towards warmer side.

SP: Yes correct

i think you like that kind of music from your PM and the youtube video
if i can stick my neck out - i see no amplifier power related issues.. The volume pot is at 9 o clock and it is quite loud. The music you play is easy going too.

SP: Yes I like this kind of music, mostly classic rock, Blues, Acoustic and Jazz

The flooring needs a carpet or a foldable thick cloth

SP: Yes I want to do that, Im sure there will be improvements

you might be inclined to try a rolled up bed against the right side speaker corner - just to test if the mass is a bit more leaner for you. If it works, then you know what to do.

SP: This is also needed, however I felt this need much more with my MA RX6 and less with the Spendors, I think I will still do it in near future

these are just comments based on what i hear on youtube and so it must be taken with a pinch of salt and you are the best judge of whats happening in your room. :)

try pulling out the speakers a bit more keeping about 6 to 7 ft between them and see if the if frees up some more.

SP: I do it while listening usually and move them close to make space for other living beings at home :)

Thanks for the description of the DA160 via PM i think i understand.

SP: You are welcome :)
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Ok, here is my take on the set-up,

1. Warm, nice sounding, non-fatiguing sound. Should be an overall very good sounding combination in a non-youtube scenario.

2. As seen on the screen .. you need to set the TV in the middle of the green wall. Remove the calendar on the left. Preferably, reduce the height of the existing rack (I know that is difficult, maybe you can buy new). There is too much gap between the shelves, that's why it is so tall !!

3. Configure the rack (new shortened one) to lie just below the re-located TV.

4. Pull up the speakers @ 3 ft from the front wall. From the clip can make out that the speakers are @ 8' apart. You can reduce it to @ 7'. Distance of the right speaker from the wall looks ok. The left speaker, you may draw it more towards the TV. This way, it also might not come in the way of pedestrian traffic from the left (visible) door.

5. Last, but not the least, play around a bit with the speaker toe-in. The current looks a bit insufficient.

Hope the above helps to fine tune the sound quality further. My personal views, as requested!
Ok, here is my take on the set-up,

1. Warm, nice sounding, non-fatiguing sound. Should be an overall very good sounding combination in a non-youtube scenario.

2. As seen on the screen .. you need to set the TV in the middle of the green wall. Remove the calendar on the left. Preferably, reduce the height of the existing rack (I know that is difficult, maybe you can buy new). There is too much gap between the shelves, that's why it is so tall !!

3. Configure the rack (new shortened one) to lie just below the re-located TV.

4. Pull up the speakers @ 3 ft from the front wall. From the clip can make out that the speakers are @ 8' apart. You can reduce it to @ 7'. Distance of the right speaker from the wall looks ok. The left speaker, you may draw it more towards the TV. This way, it also might not come in the way of pedestrian traffic from the left (visible) door.

5. Last, but not the least, play around a bit with the speaker toe-in. The current looks a bit insufficient.

Hope the above helps to fine tune the sound quality further. My personal views, as requested!

Thanks for your comments. I will be moving house in couple of months. Thats why dont want to play around with the TV locations.
Nice smooth sounding setup Sunder.

Slightly a OT , hope you would not mind

While i like the Naim+ spendor combination and currently own one , these speakers require little leaner input , Naim nait 5 series is more rounded and denser presentation , sometimes it become too congested in the mids and less airy . I found Exposure doing better job in this areas and recently when i tried a old Lexicon it was really good and also a good tonal match like naims . Also this speakers needed a little more sparkle/brightness to lighten up the things , overall it makes it crisp.

Oh ... on the volume level , it has nothing to do with the loudness at 9'o clock :-) . With more power , It will have more control of the driver and more clarity . For example , with more power i was able to follow the bass lines separately in the same loudness level and it was more dynamic/punchy . Otherwise it is kind-of all gets mixed up and gets muddy , but still loudness will be there .

It is the naimiee way of saying that naim watt is more power than stated . But it is just a fan following and marketing from the D&D . A Naim 1 W is just a W like any other brand , however it may have a higher burst power , but 5is are really under powered for this speaker

Sorry for being blunt . It is just the frustration that i could not afford more powerful naim and recently figured out there are other cheaper options available with a bit of compromise . Will try to get some power amp when we meet , just to shake the boat :-)

It is all just my opinion , YMMW
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The setup looks great...JJ Cale/Clapton were sounding pretty nice but like MPW said YouTube may not be the best way to guage the sound, you need to sit in front of the setup with a drink in hand. So when do I come over :D

That said, the room looks bare, at least from the picture frame, you may want to add some carpet in the front and do some basic treatment on the side and rear walls. Also, the way the speakers are placed, there is one niche towards the door which may lead to lopsided bass response but I'm not sure what can be done about that...

The setup looks great...JJ Cale/Clapton were sounding pretty nice but like MPW said YouTube may not be the best way to guage the sound, you need to sit in front of the setup with a drink in hand. So when do I come over :D

That said, the room looks bare, at least from the picture frame, you may want to add some carpet in the front and do some basic treatment on the side and rear walls. Also, the way the speakers are placed, there is one niche towards the door which may lead to lopsided bass response but I'm not sure what can be done about that...


Sure, will plan a listening session :)
but 5is are really under powered for this speaker

Just wondering looking at some of the posts / ads about tube amps with 15W, 20W output and can drive speakers like Harbath, Spendor etc..How would a tube amp with this kind of power be able to drive such speakers. Can anyone advice me:D
Sunder , Once i tried it with the KT88 based power amplifier - Chinese made ( 60W i think ) . It has got a great control over it , lot better compared to the naims . However , i did not like tonal balance which may be due to the pre/source also .
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!