my new audio system

Re: my new music system

actually, the title ought to be 'my new music system' considering that's the end worth striving for - beautiful music at one's command. audio somehow seems a little cold and very 'equipment' led to me.

Aah....getting Married...or buying a Double bass...either way there will be a few Screetches initially
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Hmmm Japan.....smooth.......
An Accuphase amp? Class A integrated?
Am interested to see what u end up buying.
Good one! Can't stop laughing :ohyeah:

Stevie, is the advance booking counter open yet? For a listening session ... ? :D

PS: Tell me its personal MP3 player :rolleyes:


burn in reportedly takes 6 months or more assuming regular normal usage. will definitely open booking counter then :)

ps: no its not a personal mp3 player. nothing can beat that to which you allude and which must not be named ;) :D
steven my best wishes

after putting me under a black and white hypnotic spell i am wary of what your true intentions are... do you intend to spirit out my new acquisition from under me eyes? i shall be on my guard! zzzzzzzzzzzzz today is friday. today is friday. today is friday.
Hmmm Japan.....smooth.......
An Accuphase amp? Class A integrated?
Am interested to see what u end up buying.

'livelier/alive' just trying to put down a comparative adjective to put its qualities in perspective vis a vis considering you own accuphase. by the way have not heard accuphase just guessing from reviews so i might be off the mark. :)

this has to be it!

I am guessing an Ovation guitar.


I didn't see the Japan....a Takamine then!


Burn-in that takes 6 months??? now i am stumped. What the heck is this? It's definitely something from the left field, and I think Viren's got it spot on when he said musical instrument, but I am trying to think of a musical instrument that needs burn-in......


A musical instrument, perhaps?

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Fair is no bro! u know our level of patience...might break into your house/hack into your system to check for tell...

Japan is not a good enuff hint...

PS. if anything is going redundant in your system, I stake my claim on it :ohyeah:
hmmm, that's an interesting theory as well, but i somehow think this is something a bit more unconventional than that. he talks about "mastering the beast". That seems to indicate there is some amount of skill or effort involved in extracting the maximum enjoyment from this new "music system." But he also mentioned a 6 month burn-in, which could be a red herring.....

dammit stevie.....enough cluedo! out with it.

oh wait, could it be a Yamaha grand (or upright) piano? (i am still captivated by Viren's musical instrument theory)

i GOT THIS!!!!

stevieboy is moving from floor-fi to HEAD_FI!!!!:)
I am watching lot of Sherlock Holmes of late. Feeling like intruding your home with a maginifying glass looking for clues. Don't even mind dress up as samurai with a fake sword if that is required to unveil the truth. Any volunteer for Dr Watson?:D
But he also mentioned a 6 month burn-in, which could be a red herring.....

nope psychotropic not a red herring, around 6 months or so burn in required ballpark estimate. not one of my hints is a lie. honest to goodness. wouldn't be fun if i deliberately misled you all eh? no sportingness to it then :D
oh wait, could it be a Yamaha grand (or upright) piano? (i am still captivated by Viren's musical instrument theory)

used to play the piano, more like learnt a bit cos mom used to play when i was young. but then was more interested in running out and playing marbles :rolleyes: how i wish i continued lessons now... sigh...
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