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...Yashica FX-3...
What did you do with that FX-3? Any chance you still have it?
...Yashica FX-3...
What did you do with that FX-3? Any chance you still have it?
Yes... I still have it... thought its not been used atleast for the last six years.
Hi folks,
Just yesterday I bought a D-SLR. It's the entry level Nikon D3000 with the AF-S Nikkor 18-55mm VR lens. Paid 32K with bill and warranty here in Kolkata. If any body has this camera (which is fairly new), please share your experience. Since I am new to D-SLR (not new to film SLR), I am currently going through the manual.
I previously had a Nikon FE film SLR (bought in 1982) which currently has a shutter problem; in addition, I can't find it anywhere in the household, just wondering if my wife gave it away to somebody. In addition I have a Canon Photura film camera with 35-105mm zoom (bought in 1992). I also have a Canon A85 digital camera (bought in 2004).
I was feeling the need to buy a reasonable camera of late, and so was on the lookout for cameras. Initially I was looking at the megazooms like the canon sx1, sx10, Lumix fz28, newly launched fz35 etc. But then their low light performance (from dpreview and the like) was not quite up to the mark, because I like to do a lot of low light photography without flash. Then I was looking at cameras like the Lumix LX3, and the new (to come to market end of this month) canons G11 and S90 models. But then the prices of these are around and above 30K for which I can get an entry level D-SLR. For me the choice was between Canon 1000D and Nikon D3000. The 1000D is at least 5K cheaper and with live-view (but does not have IS lens in the kit sold in India). The Nikon D3000 does not offer live-view (does not matter because I mostly like to use EVF, in sunny conditions is there any other option?), but it has a better 11 point auto-focus, better metering and VR lens in the kit. In addition, it has a better grip than the 1000D IMO (grip is very important) and looks better and more solid than the 1000D.
Now it's up to Cranky to deliver the speaker stands and once that is done, I can replace in the showcase thread the old crappy and grainy pictures (taken with the A85) of my AV set-up with new sparkling pictures (with my speakers on even more sparkling stands designed by Cranky) taken by the Nikon D3000.
Congrats Asit on your new cam.
Please post some sample pics please. Love to see them.
I used to own a FE and a FM2. But in all the moving and shifting over the many years I seem to have misplaced them somewhere.
I am looking for something small and easy to carry. Was considering the Canon S90...
Any suggestions would be great.
Hi folks,
Just yesterday I bought a D-SLR. It's the entry level Nikon D3000 with the AF-S Nikkor 18-55mm VR lens.
Soundsgreat, thanks for starting this thread and hopefully you would not mind me dropping in here with the news of my new camera. Your two shots are simply wonderful (taken with your Lumix FZ50, I am supposing) and would like to know the settings you used. The Lumix cameras have great optics in Leica and Panasonic implements the whole package very nicely.
Soundsgreat, The first shot,you have captured a great moment, would have been great if the image was sharper.
The second shot of the pigeon is very good too. A good example of P&s/ superzoom giving excellent bokeh!
Me too now a Nikonian, using NIKON D200, 50mm f1.8 prime and 70-300 sigma. I was using a Canon S3 IS before that, it was an excellent cam too, but was longing to move to a DSLR.
I too believe that with a good photographer at the helm, present day high end point and shoots give fantastic results.
Hi iaudio,
You have a great camera there. Is the sigma lens good? How much did it cost? I'll have to buy a reasonable zoom, sometime later. Unfortunately in my case the Nikon 1.8 lens (that you have) would not allow auto focus in my camera, but manual focus would be fine.
Hi soundsgreat,
Thanks for sharing the data. Your latter two shots are also superb. You are indeed extracting some very very good results from your camera. I especially like the one with the pigeon.
Last night I played around with options for auto-focus, ISO sensitivity, white balance, metering etc for indoor shots. It'll take me a while to extract the best out of the camera. In a sense my old film SLR was much much simpler. Once you put in a film, there is nothing more one can do with the film speed. Go to aperture priority (my favourite mode for not too fast moving objects) or fully manual, compose, manually focus and shoot. That's it. The results were usually superb.
However, I must say, some of the performance parameters of the D3000 have already impressed me tremendously. There is almost no noticeable shutter lag, and the autofocus is very very fast and very accurate.
Nice pics. Clean. But I guess there would have been some more contrast to them as they look like day light photos taken under sun.
But then their low light performance (from dpreview and the like) was not quite up to the mark, because I like to do a lot of low light photography without flash. Then I was looking at cameras like the Lumix LX3, and the new (to come to market end of this month) canons G11 and S90 models. But then the prices of these are around and above 30K for which I can get an entry level D-SLR.