My new system

Based on what has been posted this has too much top end, not enough bass and not even close to enough output for me but happy to see you have completed the project, now onto the next one. Happier still to see you enjoy it, all the best and enjoy the music.

As an aside, measurements usefulness is the same for all systems, including this one, but in the end you should go by what you hear. A wise choice.
It’s definitely not speaker for those who are looking at high SPL and low bass. At best this will go down to 45 hz. But it’s a very even handed speaker. There is no spotlight on any particular frequency and this is something that I like.
Yes, that is known looking at the driver and its parameters. By bass I don't just mean an arbitrary -xdb point but also the slope, and more importantly, the "power" of the bass. This is apparent when you listen to 2 different systems at a SPL that the system with less capacity can do and you can hear it. After that of course there is SPL (wide band). Personally I prefer a system that cuts off around 45-50Hz with no slope and the HPF filtering below it. All that said while SPL is important, the total sound character/presentation/tone is most important in my thoughts. Some may not realize but bass also has "tone".
Thought this quote from Eliot Peper was apt:
"If you know something's going to work, it's not worth working on. It requires no courage. It requires no faith. It requires no skin in the game. Whether you're a spy or a teacher or a spouse or a painter or an abuela or an astronaut or a monk or a barista or a board-game designer, the bits that matter are the bits you make matter by putting yourself on the line for them. The unknown is the foundry where you forge your chips. Everything important is uncertain. Sitting with the discomfort of that uncertainty is the hard part, the wedge that can move the world."
Congrats Prem on your new setup. I have never heard any of your systems so far. Will tie up with you when you are ready.

Sure Anilva. I am travelling from tomorrow. Back in April first week. Anytime after that.
My new system is up and running. It’s just been a day. I am liking what I am hearing. The most alive sounding system I have heard at my place.

The components of the new system are

EMT 930 turntable with 929 tonearm and TSD 15 spherical cartridge

EMT 139 tube phono

Thoress F2A11 integrated amplifier

Axiom 80 driver in the Goodman designed cabinet with the ARU

A big shout out to Arj, Dr Bass, Fiftyfifty and Satyaki who have been with me throughout this journey, constantly guiding me.

A huge thank you to Sadik for building the cabinet exactly as per the plan and for putting up with all my crazy requests.
Congratulations on your set up. Thanks to your post I learnt many new words today-

EMT/Thoress/Axiom/Goodman/ARU/Basta simulation/Vladimir Lamm.................Ignorance is good sometimes since I dont know what I could be missing :-)
@prem, I went to an audio show here in Dallas where I got a chance to listen to I think this driver too is built in similar lines. I liked what I experienced.

I am sure your Axioms too need DC power supply and if so, how are you powering them?
Bornfi the Axiom 80 is a very different driver from songeraudio. The Axiom 80 is not a field coil. It also does not have a surround. The only common thing is both are single drivers. The Axiom 80 is a true full range. It can go from 20hz to 20khz. Right now I am using a smaller cabinet. Hence bass is limited to 45 hz. If I were to increase the cabinet volume by about four times, the driver goes into the 30s.
I am happy with 45 hz. Even the JBL 4343 went down to approx 35-40hz only.

In 6 months I will be building a large cabinet for the Axiom 80 to just understand what it does.

Do that and then I will send over a pair of monoblock amps to demo on your setup.
Thanks for the offer Yogibear. I am very happy with Thoress. I have no intention of trying out another amp.
I am sure it will perform well. :)

I do not try different amps and speakers once my system is set up.

To me everyone voices their system in the manner they prefer to listen to. And I completely respect that.

Whenever I am ready for an amp change I will let you know.
Reignofchaos, the suspension system is more than enough. It’s a fairly advanced isolation system. Isolates upto 4 hz. Isolation is as good as a SRA base.

Naturelover, it doesn’t come with a stand like the 950. At some point I might make a small table and place it on top of it. In fact many users place it on the ground.

Square_wave, I am not good with explaining differences. Maybe someone who’s heard my system earlier will be able to spell it out better. As I said earlier, the system sounds very alive. I heard old and new Bollywood, classic rock, Indian classical and jazz on it. System is very comfortable with all these genres. Since all components are new, I really don’t know what component is doing what in the system. Axiom 80 naturally doesn’t go as deep as JBL, but surprisingly it rocks as hard as the JBL. SPL levels are naturally lower because the driver can handle only upto 6 watts. But it still plays comfortably in the mid 90db levels without losing composure. I anyways don’t hear louder than this. Usually I listen at around 70- 80db levels, depending on the music being played. Bass upwards, it’s a no contest. The Axiom 80 is clearly superior in all aspects relating to mids and highs. Be it micro dynamics, tone, timbre, attack, presence, immediacy. Surprisingly it’s less sensitive to room placement than the JBL. Maybe because it’s a single driver. I don’t know. I have had single drivers in the past like the Rethm. But those were sensitive to room placement. I don’t know what about this driver and box design that makes it easier to place in a room.
@prem, Thanks for the notes. It is very intriguing to note how priorities change so much if you keep actively evolving as an audiophile. Best of luck and wish you many moons with the new one.
square_wave, I don’t think my priorities have changed at all. I have always been clear what sound I want. For me the thrill is in experiencing different topologies to achieve the sound I am looking for. Be it multi driver or a single driver or a panel. Be it digital or vinyl. Be it SET or PP or hybrid or SS class A

I normally don’t change a component because I didn’t like it but it’s more because I want to experience something new.

In my present system what excited me was that I was experiencing an idler for the first time and also a single driver which supposedly can play full range. What piqued my interest in Axiom 80 was Vladimir Lamm claiming it to be the best driver ever designed. The amp was a fallout of what is likely to work best with the Axiom 80. The F2a11 tube was chosen because it was a fairly linear tube with good dynamics and good extension at both ends. This tube came highly recommended for this driver.

In my present system, it’s only the driver cabinet I will experiment with.
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