My recent experience with 78 rpm records

collecting 78 RPM is not an easy task. Especially transporting them needs special care. I am just sorting out to see what I can play on my main system and the rest on ceramic cartridge in one of my changers. I once got a chance to buy a rare collection of 78rpm records from the 20's or 30's to 50's all in mint condition. But I was not interested and directed a huge collector of 78 rpm records to buy it. I don't regret it as they were all indian and western classicals and historic event records
I was in Bangalore during the weekend. I understand that 78 rpm historic records of speech by eminent personalities also fetch a good price these days
Yes true Kuruvila Sir, also advertisement records in 78 rpm and one side recording of 1910s also fetch a good price and must remember English Labels too.National anthem, paper records a long list ans sizes from 7", 8", 10", 12" with variable speed ranging from 72 rpm to 84 rpm
Hello All,

Please educate me on the compatibility of N 44-3 stylus to Shure M 44-7 body. Though I have a Philips 533 for 78 listening, wanted to convert a few rare shellacs via Technics 1200 with half speed mastering. I have a couple of M 44-7 cartridge, hence wanting a ready made solution using N 44-3 stylus.

JICO keeps inventory of N 44-3 (78 rpm only)

N44-3, JICO stylus | Online Shopping for Japanese Phonograph Needles

Thanks in advance.

Hello All,

Please educate me on the compatibility of N 44-3 stylus to Shure M 44-7 body. Though I have a Philips 533 for 78 listening, wanted to convert a few rare shellacs via Technics 1200 with half speed mastering. I have a couple of M 44-7 cartridge, hence wanting a ready made solution using N 44-3 stylus.

JICO keeps inventory of N 44-3 (78 rpm only)

N44-3, JICO stylus | Online Shopping for Japanese Phonograph Needles

Thanks in advance.


Shure 44-7 is a stereo cartridge. All 78 rpm records are mono. So you will have to bridge the positives and negatives of the cartridge to make it mono. But I don't understand how you can use the Technics 1200 to play 78 rpms at half speed.
I use following setups to play my 78 RPM/shellac records.

1. Shure M78S monophonic cartridge in my Lenco L75 or Dual1019
2. BSR turntable with ST16 LP/78 Stylus with a Tube Amplifier - The best sounding one.
3. Victrola Gramophone with a Electrical soundbox/pickup(BiSONOR) -mainly for electrically-recorded 10" and 12" Shellacs.
4. Hand winding-HMV Gramophone for old Acoustically recorded and other very early recorded discs.

Few of good sounding 78 RPMs I have witnessed so far
1. RCA Victor: Jim Reeves - Am I losing you
2. HMV N80125: Indian National Anthem by AIR chorus.
3. HMV: Murugan Devotional Songs by T.M. Sounderarajan
4. HMV: Neelakuyil Malayalam
5. Billy Vaughn : Come September Theme music
6. Columbia Y.B 26 : Sound effects : Machines Loom at Work
7. MGM 1018: Connie Francis Frankie
and many more.....
Shure 44-7 is a stereo cartridge. All 78 rpm records are mono. So you will have to bridge the positives and negatives of the cartridge to make it mono. But I don't understand how you can use the Technics 1200 to play 78 rpms at half speed.

Oops Sorry for the confusion. Will use half speed mastering through Audacity. Technics will play normal 33 1/3.

Since 78s have limited audio bandwidth, somehow a 78rpm record player with ceramic cartridge connected through pickup input of a valve radio with single speaker sounds sweet. Maybe in old times that was how it was meant for listening.
Since 78s have limited audio bandwidth, somehow a 78rpm record player with ceramic cartridge connected through pickup input of a valve radio with single speaker sounds sweet. Maybe in old times that was how it was meant for listening.

Yes. I fully agree with you on this score. But when you play it on a player like Dual 1019 or Garrard 301 and Shure mono 78 rpm cart,and dedicated mono cartridge, it is a totally different feel. The record has to be in good condition though. It's an experience I will never forget. The same song on 33 and 45 rpm sound quite different
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