I covered my entire living room glossy tiled floor with dark grey / black mat.. (sort of a carpet)..
I found this mat, from a near by wooden scrap dealer..
Thickness = 2 ~ 3 mm, aval in only dark grey colour..
Pre-cut size (irregularly cut sides), approx 5.5 ft x 4 ft..
Weight - Each piece weighs about 4 Kgs and sold per kilo and not per piece..
Price - Rs 80/Kg..
So took around 8 pieces of it to cover my entire floor of 14 x 11ft, it weighed at 30 Kgs, so paid Rs 2,400 for it + Rs 100 for Auto to ship it to my place..
Totally spent Rs 2,500.. I cut them to regular shapes (corners) to neatly fit beside each other..
The projector screen was very close to floor than to ceiling.. Abt 1 ft from my glossy tiled floor.. The whole room used to light up (reflection) when watching movie in near dark condition..
After adding this mat, it has completely cutdown the reflection of the floor and this has improved the contrast very much.. Colours look rich on the AT screen (Fabric)..
There are some reflections of the sidewalls & ceiling, though not as much as the floor.. Thinking of getting a similar material to cover the side walls until the height of projection screen (or) slightly higher to absorb the light straying in the room.. Guess this should improve the contrast even more..