Hi all
As some might know, I had hatched a plan way back in 2017 for my new DIY speakers instead of constantly upgrading my commercial speakers. . So the idea was to get my own speakers built, with the best drivers we could source. And in the end.. They turned out to be spectacular but. not cheap

. At that time, they were heavy with external crossovers built inside external wooden boxes with farady cages for each channel. And they sounded absolutely stonking..
Now given this new reference, it would have been impossible within my budget constraints to again buy a new commercial speaker to improve upon the DIY speakers I already have , as there are already top notch drivers in place. Besides, there is a sense of scale, ease and dynamics that big drivers in big cabinets provide, that smaller drivers in more expensive hightech cabinets fail to provide to my ears. And the reason I went DIY was to design them to be able to go active without much faff.
So why this post after 6 years. Why not before

Because it would have been another boring post of would be builds and ambitions. And iam only posting today, because iam finally close. And considering the time span of 7 years I gave myself due to financial restrictions, iam still running late at the moment. I still don't think I could buy a Deqx Pro 8 HD with my savings this year.
Going 4 way active is not easy. I had to save for years to buy the amps, 3 pairs of tube mono blocks ( I only need two, one is a backup should a tube go somewhere). Then tons of decent interconnects, power cables and speaker cables to wire everything up. Then a high power class D amp for the upper bass. And a pro crown amp for the lower bass. The total wattage per side will be upwards of proper 2000 Watts per channel in a small 11x15 ft room. With 2x15 inch bass drivers for lower bass, one 10 inch for upper bass per speaker. . This necessitated that the room be equipped to handle such bass power . So ended up treating my room in 2020. These speakers will never get to sound as good as they probably could given the restriction the room size poses. But that's a compromise I have to live with for the rest of my life I guess.
Now comes the big question..... To Deqx or not ( not the behringer deqx2492 ) . Deqx is the best there is in 2 channel audio, very similar to the trinnov altitudes of home theatre. I came really close to buying a esoteric N-05XD, then a dcs bartok and finally the ultimate esoteric N-01XD itself. But the question was always how much of the dac's benefits would get across a passive crossover network and ultimately to the drivers. So I decided to abstain, and got a digital transport instead. So there goes my journey and plan so far.
Progress on this post will be slow, as Deqx processors are really expensive. And the newest gen 4 are still not releaseed yet.. But will keep updating as I chug along