My terrible experience with the Invention Audio power conditioner

I have 4 vertex servo stabilizers (these guys make stabilizers for the most sensitive of commercial equipment that cost many multiples of the most expensive audio systems in this forum) spread around all my systems for the past decade. Touch - wood no issues with any equipment. There are so many discussions of isolation x-formers, non- servo stabilizers, servo stabilizers are too slow - make noise this - that- blah blah., for sound quality. Sound quality be damned, safety of my equipment is first priority. Else what would I listen to? In Hyderabad if you connect any audio equipment to unprotected outlets - it may last 1 week max., after that it will be an expensive paper weight or a door stop.
Sir, what are the models you do have? And what are the models performing good ? Please suggest. Thank you.
Sir, what are the models you do have? And what are the models performing good ? Please suggest. Thank you.
Also I have a 2kva unit with built in step down to 110-120v.
All of them are performing very well. Also for a nominal fee, Vertex will also service them. Since the units are super heavy their person came to my place and serviced 2 of my units.
Just to add, not all hi-fi guys are bad apples, obviously. PS Audio's distributor in India, Marbin, proved to be more than professional through this episode. He obtained spares quickly, pushed the technicians to diagnose and prioritise repair work, and was available on the phone at all times. Not just that, he sent an Accustic Arts integrated amp as standby, along with a step-down transformer and circuit breaker that his electrician built for me (I'm keeping the last two pieces of equipment, of course).
Sorry to hear about your experience, even if I take issue with the idea of giving the said product "the benefit of the doubt" (as per your first post in this thread) on account of the manufacturer being local. Different strokes for different folks, though.

Glad to hear you were taken care in terms of diagnosis and repair of your amp and pre. Hope you get all your equipment back in working order and can get back to enjoying the music.
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Night after 11pm overvoltage is common across the country. The distribution transformers have manual taps for adjusting the output voltage. In our apartment we set the tap in such a way that day time around 220V and night about 245V. Usually all manufacturer keep +/- 10% margin in the design and so at least a 230V rated equipment is safe up to 253 input voltage. I prefer to use the audio system about 5% higher than 230V (i.e, about 237 - 240V) for better headroom and dynamics. Using Stabilizer / Isolation transformer / Power Condition etc. are not my preference. Agree stabilizers safeguard the equipment some extend. For those who not using stabilizers,
1. Just connect a digital voltmeter in the line and avoid Power up the equipment's in case the voltage is above 245V.
2. Connect a Surge Arrester with MCB in the Mains. (Like the one below)
While we seem to focus on overvoltage, this is an equally bad thing for our electronics, hence a voltage correction device is preferred.
While this whole thread seems to have veered to Voltage correction/protection devices, the fact of the matter remains that if any of these devices are defective without proper design considerations/fail safes/quality of construction/proper rating etc. etc, it will damage the downstream equipment, just as the OP experienced.
@JaideepGiridhar It does happen that occassionaly equipment do fail even when new and as long as the company offers good warranty claim it is fine I guess.
In your case though you mention that you did not use the equipment after purchase for a long time and then you found it was the culprit when some other gear malfuncti
Night after 11pm overvoltage is common across the country. The distribution transformers have manual taps for adjusting the output voltage. In our apartment we set the tap in such a way that day time around 220V and night about 245V. Usually all manufacturer keep +/- 10% margin in the design and so at least a 230V rated equipment is safe up to 253 input voltage. I prefer to use the audio system about 5% higher than 230V (i.e, about 237 - 240V) for better headroom and dynamics. Using Stabilizer / Isolation transformer / Power Condition etc. are not my preference. Agree stabilizers safeguard the equipment some extend. For those who not using stabilizers,
1. Just connect a digital voltmeter in the line and avoid Power up the equipment's in case the voltage is above 245V.
2. Connect a Surge Arrester with MCB in the Mains. (Like the one below)
Sevin, is this OBO Bettermann to be connected for the comon in Mains or to be connected in separate line, exclusively for hifi equipments?
Sevin, is this OBO Bettermann to be connected for the comon in Mains or to be connected in separate line, exclusively for hifi equipments?
Common in the mains just after the Main Switch / Circuit Breaker. If ELCB/RCB's are used in the house, Surge Arresters need to be connected before the ELCB/RCB. Else they may trip and blackout lights during the operation of Surge Arresters. Surge Arresters other end required to be connect with solid ground. Surge Arresters input need to be protected with either Fuse or MCB rating as per manufacturer recommendation. The Cable also need to be chosen as per recommendation. Recommended to do the work with qualified & knowledgeable Electrician.
Next week I am planning a dedicated Line / Neutral/ Earth line from my junction box to my audio plugin terminals. But there is a catch here - previously I was planning to use 4 sqmm copper wire each for this. Now I am planning 12 sqmm service single core aluminium wire for this. Aluminium has a conductivity of 61 vs copper of 100. This wire should offer more resistance to HF noise and allow the line frequency to pass without any interference or corruption. The thicker wire should compensate for the loss due to conductivity issues. Hope they work well
Next week I am planning a dedicated Line / Neutral/ Earth line from my junction box to my audio plugin terminals. But there is a catch here - previously I was planning to use 4 sqmm copper wire each for this. Now I am planning 12 sqmm service single core aluminium wire for this. Aluminium has a conductivity of 61 vs copper of 100. This wire should offer more resistance to HF noise and allow the line frequency to pass without any interference or corruption. The thicker wire should compensate for the loss due to conductivity issues. Hope they work well
Interesting to know the result. Theoretically fine.
Next week I am planning a dedicated Line / Neutral/ Earth line from my junction box to my audio plugin terminals. But there is a catch here - previously I was planning to use 4 sqmm copper wire each for this. Now I am planning 12 sqmm service single core aluminium wire for this. Aluminium has a conductivity of 61 vs copper of 100. This wire should offer more resistance to HF noise and allow the line frequency to pass without any interference or corruption. The thicker wire should compensate for the loss due to conductivity issues. Hope they work well
Main issue to do take such a dedicated line is most of the times society management do not allow this.
I understand why they say no as such a wire is in open and it creates a mess but its even more difficult to make them understand why do we need such a power line :)

I have a dedicated a phase to a wall plug where all audio devices are connected. I have used some version of LAPP power cable.
I have done wiring from junction box which is inside my house to the wall plug.
I have done wiring from junction box which is inside my house to the wall plug.
This is what I too am planning to do inside my home not below the power room. That is a cool 20 meters for me, enough to tame all HF noise ( if any).
I have come to know that the manufacturer has discontinued the so called emi-filter-marketed-as-power-conditioner. One of our FM wanted to buy and the manufacturer says he has discontinued due to adverse comments from forum members.
Here is my update. I got in touch with IA and described the problem as had been relayed to me by the technician who tested the conditioner and fixed my amplifiers. IA gave me a long-winded technical explanation about the solidity of their products. I made it clear to them that this was a problem I experienced with the unit sold to me and that I wasn't making claims about their line in general. I also told them the least they could do was take back the unit and reimburse me so I could cover the cost of the PS Audio Dectet which replaced their conditioner - although, I think they owe me more than that, considering my repairs cost is at least three times what I paid for their product. This conversation was conducted on WhatsApp. The guy hasn't responded since Monday. Looks like I'll have to write this off as one of those foul experiences all audiophiles have.
Here is my update. I got in touch with IA and described the problem as had been relayed to me by the technician who tested the conditioner and fixed my amplifiers. IA gave me a long-winded technical explanation about the solidity of their products. I made it clear to them that this was a problem I experienced with the unit sold to me and that I wasn't making claims about their line in general. I also told them the least they could do was take back the unit and reimburse me so I could cover the cost of the PS Audio Dectet which replaced their conditioner - although, I think they owe me more than that, considering my repairs cost is at least three times what I paid for their product. This conversation was conducted on WhatsApp. The guy hasn't responded since Monday. Looks like I'll have to write this off as one of those foul experiences all audiophiles have.
Just trying to understand - why do you require a power conditioner in the first place? Do you live very close to a factory or a distribution transformer nearby or some RF generator, mobile tower etc. Or lots of motors operating on the same line corrupting your AC line? Have you tried listening with no power conditioner vs one? Looking for answers?
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