My vintage beauties!!

Shafic - I've got the NAD 3020i. Referred by Reuben and I tell you it's marvellous. If you get any of these they would simply amaze you. The original 3020 and 3020i they reckon is the best. I will never ever let go of this amp.

Along side I would reckon a NAD tuner if u can find one. There's NAD Tuners really mesmerise you.

Hi recordplayer

If possible try and get the original 3020 which was a late 70s model. The I version is a much later model.
Shafic - I've got the NAD 3020i. Referred by Reuben and I tell you it's marvellous. If you get any of these they would simply amaze you. The original 3020 and 3020i they reckon is the best. I will never ever let go of this amp.

Along side I would reckon a NAD tuner if u can find one. There's NAD Tuners really mesmerise you.


how does your NAD cd player sound with the mix? how is the transport and how does it read written CDs? (sorry a bit off topic here)
Shafic - I've got the NAD 3020i. Referred by Reuben and I tell you it's marvellous. If you get any of these they would simply amaze you. The original 3020 and 3020i they reckon is the best. I will never ever let go of this amp.

Along side I would reckon a NAD tuner if u can find one. There's NAD Tuners really mesmerise you.


I had a chance to hear the 3020 twice in recent past.

First was last year when i got one from a dealer in Mumbai, don't remember which series it was. I was not much impressed with the sound quality. Each time the amp was put on a strange noise was heard for a split second which worried me. I didn't see any magic in that amp. That time i had the CAMBRIDE AUDIO AZUR 640A which didn't have phono. I had purchased the 3020 for phono but returned it.

Recently ( 5-6 months back) when your 3020 thread was going great guns, the NAD bug bit me again. I got a 3020 from a friend. I had mentioned this on that thread.

When i opened the NAD i saw that two of the four transistors were changed. I packed it back as speedily as i had opened it and sent it back. Here are some pics of that amp.

So the NAD fever was short lived. The NAD 3020 is one of most significant amplifiers in the amplifier history, unfortunately i couldn't explore it much.

After shifting to TUBES my SS craze has slowly come down. Among Mid level SS amps my vote goes to LUXMAN. I do not feel like i miss the 3020 due to LUXMAN L2.

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From the pictures, it is evident that you had the very first NAD 3020 release, with the power tranny bolted to the bottom chassis.

This is the type which I have (which I hunted down), with the tranny bolted to the back panel. This is the one that gurus rate as the better sounding version. This is the version that was avaliable in grey and silver.

i saw that two of the four transistors were changed.

This version of the NAD which I have has 4 RCA output transistors. The NAD 3020's output transistors are a pair of 2955s and 3055s. The 3055 is perhaps one of the most commonly available transistors in the Indian market. I have come across some 3020s with replaced power transistors quite a few times.
Hi Shafic

I forgot you had a Luxman L2. Yes the L Series will be superior to the NAD 3020.
Here you go shafic, pictures on my NAD 3020. The amp is absolutely un-touched inside. the only change made to it is that the original AC mains plug was cut off and a local 3-way plug fitted (the original owner did not have an adapter for the UK flat-pin mains socket so ruthlessly cut off the plug and regretted it later)

Please excuse the balance control position, my little son turned it and I did not notice, before taking the pics.

The majestic little Prince (the most significant integrated amplifier of all time, and the most famous integrated amplifier of all time)







Notice the tranny bolted to the rear panel


The under panel with the original QC passed sticker (this panel can be un-screwed to expose the PCB for easy servicing

Closer shot of the PCB inside the cage

The power transistors and transformer inside the cage
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WOW!! Reuben,

Your NAD looks like macho!! Very nice. I heard lot about this powerful little champion. Well known for Superb phono stage and sweet mid range. Congrats!!:clapping:
WOW!! Reuben,

Your NAD looks like macho!! Very nice. I heard lot about this powerful little champion. Well known for Superb phono stage and sweet mid range. Congrats!!:clapping:

thanks, found it after a long long search (not because I could not find one but I had a checklist to tick off, this one checked all the boxes). The funny thing is that it resided not very far from home :ohyeah:
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Superb phono stage and sweet mid range

that's correct. The 3020's phonostage has a slight emphasis on mids when compared to other NADs. This was perhaps on 2 counts (1) to enhance the stereo imagery and achieve throw (throw the music out of the speakers and across the room and (2) the existance of the loudness control which enhances lows and a bit of the highs at lower levels. I like controlled mids with deep lows and sparkling highs, hence the 106's phonostage works well for me.
I once had the same model both in black and one in silver. The phono of the silver Nad 3020 was superb. One of my friends came to buy a Creek amp but wanted to listen to the silver 3020. The guy was floored by the silver 3020 . I told him the silver is not for sale but my friend said either the the Silver 3020 or no sale. I sold it to him on a condition that I will give him a better amp. Till date, none of the other amps in that price range has suited him. The sad part is that he does not use the phono at all. i believe the silver is made for the Italian market.. It's truly a legendary amplifier.
Hi recordplayer

If possible try and get the original 3020 which was a late 70s model. The I version is a much later model.

Hi Prem - While I was on the search for a 3020, I was fortunate to get a mint and untouched 3020i. I did happen to see a few 3020s however like the others mentioned they were heavily abused and the internals were serviced and quite a few parts were changed and because of this I opted out.

I yet to auditing the 3020 and should a mint and stock piece come by, I will definitely pick it up. I have been very happy with the 3020i as this pairs extremely well with my setup and to my listening tastes.

how does your NAD cd player sound with the mix? how is the transport and how does it read written CDs? (sorry a bit off topic here)

Sure Reuben. I was quite happy with this NAD players performance. I have currently paired this with the NAD 306. Quite punchy with its signature warm bass. Its quite detailed as well and I seem to like it. Still has the original laser transport and I was very surprised to see how fast this players reads. Written CDs play just fine so my fairly large collection of written CDs wont have a problem :).

As I have not auditioned too many CDPs my listening impressions don't have a baseline to compare with. Would love to hear the CD63SE sometime.
Hi Record Player

What matters is you are enjoying the sound your NAD gives you. What others say is irrelevant. I always believe music is very personal
Hi Record Player

What matters is you are enjoying the sound your NAD gives you. What others say is irrelevant. I always believe music is very personal
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