Need help - 8-16 ohms amplifier output with 6 ohms speakers


New Member
Jun 26, 2011
New Delhi
Hi ,

Need help with this problem..

I have got Sony Home Theatre Receiver - STR DE997 (Canadian model running on 110 volts) with the audio output of 8-16 ohms. Along with it am using Benz - 6 ohms speakers.

The problem am facing is that of overheating of amplifier in about 45-50 mins and the amplifire is geting turned off due to over heating on its own.

I tried fixing 2.2 ohms (half watt) resistors in series with the speaker cable, however sound quality degraded and the depth of sound was lost.

Need some help with any other solution for this issue. Using 10 ohms and above resistor in parallel will solve the issue !!??? Not sure....

Please help with some reliable and permanent solution as most of the international web-sites treats this as no problem in normal running, however am facing the shut down due to overheat...

Thanks.. Regards Pawan
How many speakers you have? Connect two speakers in series to get an effective resistance of 12 ohms.
Sony amps are not gr8 to run 6ohms when manual says 8-16ohms only.If it was Onkyo,no problem.
Here we are talking about impedance & not resistance & so adding extra resistance will not help.You know the result.
You need to change either speakers OR Amp as amp will be damaged mostly.

Using speakers in series will solve the problem with impedance but you will need more speakers (in fact double the no.) if you need all channles of home theatre to be active. So rather than buying extra set speakers of 6 ohm impedance, it would be more logical to buy speakers of 8 ohm impedance, or even better change from sony to Yamaha /onkyo.

In fact , 6 ohm for an amp rated at 8 ohm should not be a problem if you do not crank up the volume. My yamaha AVR said to use speakers of 6 ohm or more. I have used 4 ohm speakers without any problem.

By the way, Didn't you get a set of compatible speakers with the Sony AVR?
Best way to get out of this trouble is to switch the amp or the speaker.
Connecting in series and stuff just increase the load on the amp and it is going to go someday.
Get an amp which can vary ohms and even give you a HDMI output option. (all the more reasons to change)
Best way to get out of this trouble is to switch the amp or the speaker.
Connecting in series and stuff just increase the load on the amp and it is going to go someday.
Get an amp which can vary ohms and even give you a HDMI output option. (all the more reasons to change)

How will increasing resistance increase load on the amp? (Load is synonymous to current). Load decrease as resistance increase.

What is the use of HDMI output in amp? We can't connect speaker to the hdmi output.
Thanks for all the replies....

I have only 2 tower speakers (6 ohms each)... if I connect them in series, then I'll have 2 buy another 2 speakers which is not the option viable for me as of now and probably not even the option of changing the receiver...

Well I didn't receive any speaker with Sony AVR as it came from Canada..... for side sorround am using Technics Cubes and for Center Technics cube 2 way speakers (all three of them 8 ohms...suits well with the set up).

Also increasing the resistance didn't increase the load on the amp, but depth in the sound was lost.... playing it normally i.e 6ohms speakers with the amp with 8-16 ohms output made the amp heated and went on the auto shut off mode....

Thanks 'gobble' for both the links, however slightly technical info for me....

please suggest if any solution with the current set up available without compromising on the sound quality...... in long run probably chaning one of them will be the solution... however not right now....

You can connect 6 ohms speaker to 8 ohms rated AVR provided your AVR has got a decent power output. The shutting down suggests that the AVR power supply cannot hold up or you are driving your speakers too hard. Also make sure that you have adequate ventilation.
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