Need help in connecting my PS3 to LCD


Jun 8, 2010
Bangalore, India
In PS3 under Display Settings, I see the following options
I have a component cable ( supplied along with the PS3 ) connected to my Samsung 40" C650 Model.
If I choose any of the above resolution and perform a test Display function, the screen shows blank which means my TV does not recognise the display.
But my TV supports FullHD.
Am I missing anything here.

Recently I have changed my TV from 25" CRT to 40" Full HD

Any idea what is wrong??

In PS3 under Display Settings, I see the following options
I have a component cable ( supplied along with the PS3 ) connected to my Samsung 40" C650 Model.
If I choose any of the above resolution and perform a test Display function, the screen shows blank which means my TV does not recognise the display.
But my TV supports FullHD.
Am I missing anything here.

Recently I have changed my TV from 25" CRT to 40" Full HD

Any idea what is wrong??


This cable will only give you standard definition footage and will not take advantage of your PS3/TV HD capabilities.

You can not select any HD options as you have connected this cable to regular AV out.

If you want full hd and enjoy the PS3 in Hidef get a HDMI cable (MX or any
other brand)

Thanks Kittu for the clarification.. I will now go and buy HDMI cable.
Any idea How much does it (MX) cost?? I heard that HDMI cable prices starts from 50 through 2500 rupees. Buying a cheaper one will reduce the PQ??
Thanks Kittu for the clarification.. I will now go and buy HDMI cable.
Any idea How much does it (MX) cost?? I heard that HDMI cable prices starts from 50 through 2500 rupees. Buying a cheaper one will reduce the PQ??

I have purchased few cables MX branded pretty good quality for 650 Rs from SProad.
Mostly , any HDMI cable from 250/- upwards is the same IMHO,have tried a few and failed to notice ANY sort of PQ differences,colorwise or blacklevel-wise. just buy a packed one and not the loose ones thats available for less than 200/- bucks.and yea, get an HDMI 1.3a cable.
if the ports are on the side then you choose video 2 as your display from your sony if its in the back its video 1.. you must get hdmi cable.. when i connected the ps3 with component cables to my sony .. it was sad!!! i mean pathetic.. the stretched images was just not upto it.. i immediately put in the hdmi cable and finally it was displaying in all its glory. both sound and video go through hdmi direct to the tv so the only cable going out is the hdmi from your ps3. hdmi makes all the difference.
I have purchased HDMI yesterday in a local shop here , non-branded for Rs. 350 and connected to TV. It works like a charm. I have a 720p game the PQ looks amazing..
Thinking of how a 1080p PQ could be!!!!
Thanks guys for all the info.

BTW, Where do i get fullHD videos in india specially Bangalore. I heard that even blurays those are available in india are of 720p resolution..
Any idea?
I have a component cable ( supplied along with the PS3 ) connected to my Samsung 40" C650 Model.
You are confusing the standard PS3 'composite video + audio cable' with a component cable, which is supplied with the PS3. If you had connected the TV to the PS3 with a component cable, you have to buy that seperately, you would have had not issues in playing the different resolutions. In any case since you have a TV that has HDMI inputs you are best off simply buying a HDMI cable.

A good/decent enough HDMI cable of 1 - 1.5 metres should not cost more than Rs. 200 - 250. As long as the cable is able to provide a steady signal at the highest resolution, you are all set and any cable more than that price is just a total waste.
My brother got a rs.500 chinese component cable from palika. We use this to connect the PS3 to a LG 23" Full HD monitor TV. This works at all resolutions including 1080p. The only problem is that with 1080p, the picture quality due to the cheap component cable is really bad. 720p resolution OTOH works perfectly.

This setup is still nowhere near as good as using a HDMI cable with the same TV. We use the component cable with the Monitor TV to allow us to connect two output devices to a single PS3.

-- no1lives4ever
To Add to that,
Get Avatar Blu Ray. Even if you don't like the movie, it still makes an excellent demo material, to see what HD is about.

Avatar has the highest transfer rate that is permissible under the blu ray standard.

That is totally untrue, all Indian blu-rays are full 1920 x 1080. The quality of these blu-rays is an entirely different matter.
Thanks guys for all the inputs. I have connected PS3 thru HDMI and it works perfectly
Reg. Bluray I have seen in some other review discussion though I am completely wrong

Now I need a suggestion.
I want to connect UPS to my 40" LCD, PS3 and STB Box. Could you suggest one.
Typically I am looking for 10-15 backup time as we ha Gen backup in apartment
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