Need help in my dream project with Marantz SR7012 + Speaker + Projector


New Member
Aug 26, 2014
Dear FM Friends,
After a long wait, starting my lifetime dream project to have a dedicated HT room with the nice and powerful equipment's. I have been using ONKYO HT-S5300 7.1 HT system purchase on 22-11-2010. Now having an HDMI board problem like any other ONKYO system and the company says they have spare only for last 5-year-old system's. Now running the system with an Optical cable, it sounds good.
I am planning to shift this system to living room area and get a new setup, with latest one in the market within my budget. Need your advice and support for doing this. Looking forward to your feedback based on my details below.
  • My Budget is around 3.5L including Receiver, Speakers, Projector & DIY acoustic.
  • Room size 17*11 ft. celling high is 8 ft. Have a false-ceiling setup.
  • I am impressed with Marantz SR7012, I like the power & feature it has within and the speaker count, As I am used to 7.1 setup I am looking for some extra speakers now. (alternative suggestions also welcomed). I am looking for a system that is good for songs and movies and powerful bass.
  • Next speakers, please suggest me some that will fit the receiver. I am very confused.
  • Planning for 2 SUB. suggestions needed which brand and model.
  • The projector - I am impressed with MI Laser projector working with my contacts in China to get one. (alternative suggestions also welcomed)
  • On Acoustic will a carpet and some wall panels help me.
  • What speaker cables should I use?
My calculations are Projector cost is around 1L, Receiver (Marantz SR7012) in another discussion I saw the best price in Kolkata was 1.5L, so need to find a best price seller in Chennai. This takes me 2.5L rest 1L of speakers and for acoustic, I will spend base on the requirement. If the speaker is not coming within my budget, then I will get some set now and increase the count later.

I am planning for demos in Chennai, can anyone give me some good place where I can take the demo in Chennai. Anyone recently purchased Marantz SR7012, please share the price. What if I manage to get from the US where I can save some on the price. On warranty I am not sure does Chennai have an authorized service center where the warranty is covered. If it is going to be chargers then why not take it from the US.

Hope I will get a good feedback and advice on this project. Thanks in advance...!!
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Recently one of the FM has purchased Monitor Audio Bronze 6, Center and surround speakers in 140k. You may have his opinion in this regards as he has audition number of speakers and finally settled to Monitor Audio. I think he have Marantz SR8012 AVR. You can save your efforts by getting advice from him.
Recently one of the FM has purchased Monitor Audio Bronze 6, Center and surround speakers in 140k. You may have his opinion in this regards as he has audition number of speakers and finally settled to Monitor Audio. I think he have Marantz SR8012 AVR. You can save your efforts by getting advice from him.

Thanks for the replay. Sure I will take a look at that. any details on the FM who got this.
Hi Dinesh my humble opinion you can have a sizeable saving if you opt for the SR6012 instead of the SR7012 or SR8012. Probably around 50k atleast is my guess. The additional power of the 7012 or 8012 will not make any difference. To atleast increase the max volume of SR6012 by 3db, both the 7012 & 8012 need to double their power, which they don't. So the 30W of lesser power of the SR6012 will not make any difference. Secondly, in future when funds permit, you can add a external 2 channel amp for the front L&R speakers, and this will really increase the performance of your system and the available headroom by a larger margin than going for SR8012 for the same money.

I have the older SR6011 in a open plan 11x17ft room, and I find the volume adequate. Though I have added a external Poweramp recently, just because it was lying around idle, not necessarily because my system needed more power.

Secondly , start with a good single sub. And add a second sub in future when funds permit. Try to build your HT system step by step with a clear , well charted plan , instead of trying to get everything at once and making compromises. This actually saves you a lot of money in the long haul.

Thirdly, don't spend too much on in-ceiling speakers as they are only for effects. And are not played most of the time . Depending on the make & model of speakers you go for, I would advise going for their in-ceiling speakers too, to keep the tonality alike. That said I use qacoustics + PMC speakers in 5.1, and use cheap Yamaha IWC series speakers in the ceiling.

Fourthly, after deciding your receiver, get your front three main speakers next. L,R&C. And keep these 3 from the same make and model.

Fifthly, go for a single good sub. Depending on what speakers you decide for your L,C&R duties, then you can decide your sub. All the best :)
It good idea to build home theater step by step than impulsive buy or compromised components. Music is equally important in any HT setup and which consume most of the time so AVR and front three speakers plays a major role in HT setup. Surround and Atmos speakers can be compromised or pre-owned to save money. Subwoofer is the last speaker to be consider as you can divert LFE to main channel for initial use. So first concentrate on front speakers and AVR and take your time to add other components as budget permit. In this way you will have a very good quality HT setup which you can enjoy for longer periods with any upgradation in near future and your money will be use wisely. Else you will be trap in upgradation phase immediately. Keep an eye on our classified section, I got really very good bipolar surround speakers and subwoofer at very reasonable price and happy with purchase and performance.
Hi... I have used denon7200 receiver with svs2000 subwoofer which im really happy about,Please have a look at the reviews online. My room size is same as yours and the svs2000 is more than have to select the best LCR'S which plays a vital role in the overall cinema experience. I suggest you to go for the dali or jamo onwall speakers which looks neat and saves lot of space. You can think about adding the second subwoofer at the later point...all the best.
Thanks guys for all your help and support. A special thanks to @kaptan for spending hours daily on call to finalise my setup and inviting me to his home, trust me he has a fantastic setup in his home. Helped me in all possible ways.

final setup that came out of the discussion and lot of research- Marantz 8012, Emotiva T1, E1’s, C1 & velodyne impact 12 mk2...... for now this is going to be 5.1.2 setup. Got my Marantz today and waiting for speakers to be delivered on Monday. Slowly will reach 7.2.4 setup in time.
Thanks guys for all your help and support. A special thanks to @kaptan for spending hours daily on call to finalise my setup and inviting me to his home, trust me he has a fantastic setup in his home. Helped me in all possible ways.

final setup that came out of the discussion and lot of research- Marantz 8012, Emotiva T1, E1’s, C1 & velodyne impact 12 mk2...... for now this is going to be 5.1.2 setup. Got my Marantz today and waiting for speakers to be delivered on Monday. Slowly will reach 7.2.4 setup in time.
any particular reason why you went with Emotiva? I am also looking for speaker set for Marantz Sr7012 that is why asking.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.