Audio is subjective to personal preference . Also i have not used those cannot comment more on them.In fact, it'd be a good change i think. Since you're used to what may be considered as bright speakers (focals are usually considered very bright from what I've seen amongst FMs, never polk though but since you consider them bright...), the Evos are very different i.e. laid-back with a very neutral inoffensive-under-all-circumstances top end and it'll be a good change of pace. Instead of going with the familiar, sample something different this time?
I am just telling this based on my auditions of these speakers. It also depends on how the setup is tuned in the showrooms and other factors.
I did audition of polk and KEF at proFX , I found their tuning of system is more brighter/ also speakers sounded very bright.
i told them to adjust Bass settings , even after that settings also . these speakers sounded bright. But for some music with more vocals it sounds great as well , for some ( like rock) it's not. I am allergic to High frequency sound

I find these Sonus faber , Evo speakers sound balanced with mids and highs on sweet spot.
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