New Member
I've read through your very long thread and even saw the pics of the Leben (very beautiful). I've also come across Viren's Lyrita, but I would prefer to audition both the speakers and the amp at the same venue so I don't know if Lyrita is even an option. It does seem as of now that an integrated is a better choice, but I will listen to all the options before making my mind. I'm absolutely set/sold on the Usher Be-718 and there's no changing that. Will spend whatever time is required on the amps (pre + power) or integrated and go with what sounds best to me. I will be taking a couple of friends too and hopefully all of us can agree on what sounds best.
There is no general rule that a seprate pre and power amps will always sound better than an integrated amp. At a given price point, common sense tells you that the integrated amp may sound better because to cover additional costs of two cabinets etc the rest of material may be slightly inferior. But as I said, there is no general rule, and better material (above a certain min standard) does not always translate to better sound.
Generally, integrated amps above 1 Lakh are pretty good, and at that price point you would really struggle to find a good pair of pre and power. I have done this exercise a few months ago, and you can go through my amp thread in the amplifier section (although I warn you it's a huge thread, and you would need a few days to read it through).
As you go up in price, options open up and there exist choices in both approaches and a decision can be arrived only after considering the specific amps in question (regardless of integrated or pre-power separates) and their integration with the speakers in question.