Need some advice from Marantz amp owners

I am also facing similar problem as stated by OP, hence posting here:

I have been using PM7003 since more than a year (bought from HFV member locally).
It has been working fine always, but since last few days it is getting extremely hot. Earlier it used to run warm or somewhat hot if driven hard. Important to mention here that nothing in my setup has changed.
Today morning I checked it without load i.e. let switched it on and let it sit idle for 10 mins and still it got extremely hot. The good thing (or bad?) is that the amp does not go into protection mode even when heated up.
I am also facing similar problem as stated by OP, hence posting here:

I have been using PM7003 since more than a year (bought from HFV member locally).
It has been working fine always, but since last few days it is getting extremely hot. Earlier it used to run warm or somewhat hot if driven hard. Important to mention here that nothing in my setup has changed.
Today morning I checked it without load i.e. let switched it on and let it sit idle for 10 mins and still it got extremely hot. The good thing (or bad?) is that the amp does not go into protection mode even when heated up.

I opened up the cover and found that one output stage transistor 2SC2837 is getting overheated (it is possibly shorted and needs to be replaced). This is the NPN one out of the matched pair of transistors. The PNP is one 2SA1186. The above description pertains to left channel.

Now I am thinking of replacing both the transistors myself and would like to know:
1. Is it advisable to take DIY route (I am proficient and experienced in soldering etc).
2. Are these transistors (matched pair that is) available in the market. From where can I get them online.
Thanks. Looking similar to the existing ones in my amp.
Shall I go ahead and order these. What would be the tax or custom duty impact when ordering from

Would be around 454 rs Including shipping and customs.

For compatibility wait for experienced forum members to comment.

Estimated shipping & handling
Total before tax
Estimated tax to be collected
Estimated order total
I went ahead and ordered the transistor pair (2SA1186 & 2SC2837) from
I paid total of Rs 488. Local taxes may be added later on...not sure.
Update: Received the package on 4th Dec.
Will make time out of a busy schedule to open up the amp and replace the transistor pair.
A simple solution is to place a computer fan on top of the cabinet. This would dissipate the heat out from the receiver/amp and keep the temperature under control. I am running these fans powered by USB ports on the multi plug. All we need is an USB mobile charging cable where the end which plugs into mobile needs to be cut off to connect the fan. However, never draw the power from AVR USB ports! Its only meant to play songs and charge mobiles.
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