New Logo for HFV!

3. "India" has gone from the tag line

(it was earlier India's Audio Video Home Theatre HiFi Forum)

Which means HFV is now evolving into a global forum! :clapping:

Thanks Santy,
Well,global forum is good idea,still I will miss the word "India's" as it make us proud to be Indian(run by Indians).
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Well, I need INDIA to be a part and parcel of this entity!
Are we not a prouder lot that way?

Going by comparison's sake ... taking some examples:
ASME (American Standard for Mech Engg) - a standard followed worldwide!
BS (British Standards)
DIN - German standards etc etc ..

or ... does the entire thinking gets lowly, the moment "INDIA" word is included into something? :rolleyes:
Ya I agree, we miss the word India, but we all know this forum is based out in India and every post says this is a forum of Indians (member location). Mods were receiving lot of queries if this forum is meant only for Indians. This puts a barrier for other audiophiles around the world to join the forum. Since many if not most of the products we use are from abroad, American, Japanese, Chinese, European, why to keep a closed forum meant for a single country. People from other parts of the world using those products can share their knowledge with us. Our forum will grow faster and knowledge will improve. As long as the owner is an Indian, even if we are outnumbered in the future, still we can be proud of our forum. But that's not going to happen. This is what I believe. Opinions differ though.
Ya I agree, we miss the word India, but we all know this forum is based out in India and every post says this is a forum of Indians (member location). Mods were receiving lot of queries if this forum is meant only for Indians. This puts a barrier for other audiophiles around the world to join the forum. Since many if not most of the products we use are from abroad, American, Japanese, Chinese, European, why to keep a closed forum meant for a single country. People from other parts of the world using those products can share their knowledge with us. Our forum will grow faster and knowledge will improve. As long as the owner is an Indian, even if we are outnumbered in the future, still we can be proud of our forum. But that's not going to happen. This is what I believe. Opinions differ though.

Fine .... understand the logic.
But 'nothing' stops the Forum owners to write it as below:

"India's Audio Video Home Theatre & HiFi Forum (the World is welcome to join in)"
Fine .... understand the logic.
But 'nothing' stops the Forum owners to write it as below:

"India's Audio Video Home Theatre & HiFi Forum (the World is welcome to join in)"

Or we can add "open to all" / "Invites the world" or similar.
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