New Member from Bengaluru


New Member
Jul 28, 2021
Hello Friends,
My name is Madhur working as a software professional in our own silicon city of India - Bengaluru. I have been a music lover from my childhood days as my mom is a very good singer. So I too caught on. My daughter is an exceptional singer. So she is getting trained in Classical music.

The first time I could purchase an audio system in 1999 was the Sony 2-in-1 with my first salary. My joy knew no bounds then. It was a gift for my mom. Then I went to Dubai and managed to buy a JBL home theater system DSC 1000 in 2004. Brought it back to India when I completed my contract and it has been with me since. But I am now using it in Stereo mode. The speakers were worn out and started giving some distortion when played at high volumes. It is a DVD Player with 5.1 Surround Sound with Dolby.

Then I slowly saved money and started indulging in this hobby of mine. I started reading about audio hifi systems and thought of myself as a budding audiophile.

The audio equipment I bought in the past 5 to 6 years chronologically are as follows:

1. Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO (32 Ohms) headphones
2. FIIO E10K Headphone Amplifier (This opened my eyes to hifi music)
3. Behringer MS20 HIFI Monitors (This is for my Android Media Player for Netflix / Prime/ etc...)
4. Astell & Kern AK - XB 10 (Bluetooth device - I use this in my car)
5. DENON Turntable
6. Yamaha WXC-50 (Pre-amp)
7. DALI Spektor 1 speakers

The Denon Turntable, Yamaha Pre-Amp and DALI speakers are very recent purchases.

I have replaced the JBL speakers with DALI Spektors. The music now is extremely good and I am enjoying every bit of it.

Whenever I used to do my research on buying anything audio related, this forum would come up in google search with some very good suggestions. So finally joined this community to learn and help others in their queries whenever or wherever I can.

Thank you.

-- Madhur
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.