new pk550 with white pixels at bottom


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
recently my friend bought a new pk550 just 10 days old and it has developed
white square small boxes at either end...

left and right bottom.. those white square goes off after using tv for more than 2-3 hours but comes back on as soon as we turn it back on...

also i recommened him to keep everything below 50 and using it on movie mode with every thing reduced..

still .. not sure what are those they just normal as its gone bad ????

its completed 110-120 hours of break-in still with everythin low..

please suggest..
I thought it was a feature or design style statement , reading the subject line. Maybe your TV has acne. :lol:
not mine... but just like mine.. but worried bout it.. those whitish pixels goes off after cpl of hours of usage.. dunno whats wid them..
i guess so.. will gove it few more days.. i have made him set everything to less than 50 and also asked him to keep changing channels.. lets see.. else if dead pixel.. no other option than a replacement..

however as i did not have hands-on wid any plasms besides comparing a picture so was curious..
Another bad pk550 story ,it may be the issues as kittu mentioned,Call the worst customer care,lets see how they deal with this case.keep us informed abt their proceedings mate.
getting replacement is not a problem.. from LG or infact any company.. but i was just worried about stories of plasma.. and here it is...

he was going for an lcd and i asked him to buy a plasma.. and here is the result.. i feel embarrased...
must be IR from the STB teh breakin clides, and they will go away. I had a similar problem with the yellow envolope notification icon. But I have to admit, LG is doing a goddamned lousy job with the PK550. I had to treat my TV like a police-commissioner's-teen-daughter-on-date-night before the usage hours piled up and I could relax and stop obsessing about burn-ins and screen streaks. My first panel tuned out dead, before they replaced it. LG...bloody learn from Panasonic, how to do plasma's.
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I bought a 60PK950 a couple of weeks ago. I had specifically asked the dealer to make double sure that he is sending me a factory sealed box. . The unit that came home had Discovery HD World and Dish TV logos permanently burnt in!

I sent it back immediately and got a refund.
:eek:a 60PK950! :eek: ...thats top of the line...its a real shame. They probably order only a couple of units of those per zone, and yours happened to be displayed in the showroom with torch mode with the ISM turned off. LG is screwing up it's own reputation especially at the high end, where they need to be more careful.
tat is sad that for a 60in tv they send a used peice.. however this is a new peice..

please guide... where to download the breakin slides from so we can play it for few hours ....

or else where can i buy it from..
congrats guys..... here comes the good news again... LG has done it again for the reputed came and stated that the panel is faulty.......

hardly 10 days old tv...

now he asked for 10 days to replace as no stock or complete refund...

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