New Plasma by Panasonic - Viera P42G10 (Launched in India)

I'm not talking about upscaling DVDs through a Mitashi or Denon or Oppo. I was talking about an HD source.

MKVs can hold 5.1 audio (AC3) which is supported by B650 and other TVs offering similar features. There's no reason why one has to live with poor 2 channel sound. Of course, MKVs can hold DTS audio as well, although that's not presently supported by B650 (not sure about others).

Anyway, I do not want to go into the argument. I think I've made my point. You have every right to have a different opinion.

Glad you are happy with your system. Best Wishes. :-)

i know pretty well what is mkv - i also now understand thanks to you, that the B650 also decodes ac3 as well - but ultimately what you get 2 channel from the TV right ?? Unless you use optical out (which probably outputs 2 channel sound somehow in most TVs I have seen) or RCA out to an receiver to get stuff going.

Look at the other fact - constant plugging/unplugging an USB source may do wonders to the USB slot (pana is strong still).

We both get each other - the fact is the person ought to be benefitted from these dsicussion hear pros and cons of a product here - this forum is not for personal propaganda of sorts:rolleyes:
so many tvs, so many problems. I guess the only solution for those who are very critical is to go out and find a Pioneer Kuro!

I'm still in a dilemma about my tv choice. Have to pick it up within 10 days, and cant decide between the 46" Samsung B650, 46" Sony V5500 and the 42" Panasonic G10.

Back to the original topic... its too bad the G10 doesn't have the THX mode. I wonder if Panasonic will be launching the V10 in India soon.

well the G10 has on par performance and great VFM,in terms of contrast all are pretty much the same,but overall the models u have choosen are in different performance segments,they however are in the same price segment,but the G10 has higher motion resolution compared to B650 which in turn has higher motion resolution compared to the V550A(since V550A doesn't have the 100hz) .
in terms of overall performance such as contrast,motion resolution,image processing.some may be good in one thing others may be better in one.
sony s550*,V550A= samsung b530/b550
sony W550A*,WE5* = samsung B650,luxia 6,7 series " "
sony Z550A*= samsung B750,luxia 8 series* = panasonic G10.
sony X450A (only 46,55inch BE2 pro,RGB LED) = pioneer kuro.
*some or all models yet to be launched.

the upcoming sony X550A,samsung luxia 9 series may continue to carry the local dimming LED(sony with RGB led) may be a improved led system,they may have a more advanced image processing,they will however use new 09 lcd panels.expected launch date Q3 for samsung, Q4 for sony.

offcourse some people (or going by the sales majority) prefer the crisp 3d like image of the lcds some prefer the less crisp image of the plasmas.
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offcourse some people (or going by the sales majority) prefer the crisp 3d like image of the lcds some prefer the less crisp image of the plasmas.

thanks adder bhai :D very informative.

Its sad though to see people going for artificial over processed colours & visuals rather than natural colours and visuals. It will be soon that like vinyl, tube amps and these few display units will become legends in their own rights and we will all but have the sonys and samsungs churning out display units and selling them through useless marketign gimmicks.

BTW i firmly believe that 2012 onwards the projector market will take off - unless the sonys and samsungs come out with full HD TVs with BE7 engines of sorts into TVs that can fold and neatly stacked somewhere.:ohyeah:
thanks adder bhai :D very informative.

Its sad though to see people going for artificial over processed colours & visuals rather than natural colours and visuals. It will be soon that like vinyl, tube amps and these few display units will become legends in their own rights and we will all but have the sonys and samsungs churning out display units and selling them through useless marketign gimmicks.

BTW i firmly believe that 2012 onwards the projector market will take off - unless the sonys and samsungs come out with full HD TVs with BE7 engines of sorts into TVs that can fold and neatly stacked somewhere.:ohyeah:

well like i said colors are subjective,frankly i too don't prefer lcds with wide gamot backlights.

well i too believe ,we will see the return of projectors,i believe the main drawback of projectors is the lamp life and the cost,so for daily viewing about 6 to 8hrs,its not a pratical solution for most of us.but once led lamps become the norm we will see more and more people going the projector way.since power LED lamps have the same lifespan of todays flat panels displays.:)
projector segment ,is one segment i see most old manufactures haven't given up, we have most of the japanese brands,korean and what not.

BTW sony applies tweaked BE engines even in projectors.
here is one of their beasts the SXRD projectors the SRX-S105 with 4k resolution,the US NAVY uses 3 of these for their 3d life like simulation.
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got the rate of g10 68000
and s10 61000
well how are the rates in ur cities?
i mean competitive?
i am from surat!
@Reds4ever - have you heard of MKV2VOB? Run your mkvs through this program, and you'll get an .m2TS file which plays just fine on the PS3, leaving the original 5.1 sound intact. Of course, the bigger issue is the inability of the PS3 to read NTFS-formatted external HDDs/USB drives. No worries there either, the program allows you to split the file into 4GB chunks, the max filesize for FAT32.
@Reds4ever - have you heard of MKV2VOB? Run your mkvs through this program, and you'll get an .m2TS file which plays just fine on the PS3, leaving the original 5.1 sound intact. Of course, the bigger issue is the inability of the PS3 to read NTFS-formatted external HDDs/USB drives. No worries there either, the program allows you to split the file into 4GB chunks, the max filesize for FAT32.

Thanks, TechHead. I was trying to do a little research on that myself last night after 68K price was quoted for the G10 in the previous post. At that price, it looks an absolute steal.

Any idea how much time MKV2VOB takes if it has to only do remuxing (assuming the stored video and audio do not need to be transcoded)?
Thanks, TechHead. I was trying to do a little research on that myself last night after 68K price was quoted for the G10 in the previous post. At that price, it looks an absolute steal.

Any idea how much time MKV2VOB takes if it has to only do remuxing (assuming the stored video and audio do not need to be transcoded)?

On my quad-core Q6600 @ 3Ghz, a typical 14GB file takes ~30 minutes for remuxing and splitting into 4GB chunks. I've got a WD TV HD now, so it's been a while, the figures are off the top of my head.
On my quad-core Q6600 @ 3Ghz, a typical 14GB file takes ~30 minutes for remuxing and splitting into 4GB chunks. I've got a WD TV HD now, so it's been a while, the figures are off the top of my head.

Hi, Can you let me know where you bought WD TV and the price for it? I'm from BLR and wondering if I can get one here.

Panasonic India seems to have a terrible supply chain. None of their 'authorized dealers' in Mumbai seem to know of the G10 or X10, and all of them believe that the PV80 is the 'latest' plasma from Panasonic.

Further, its strange that Panasonic has launched 19 different plasma televisions abroad in 2009:
Z1 in 46" and 54"
V10 in 42" and 50"
G15 in 42" and 46"
G10 in 42", 46" and 50"
S10 in 42", 46", 50" and 54"
X10 in 37", 42" and 50"
C10 in 37", 42" and 50"

But in India Panasonic has launched a grand total of 2 plasma televisions:
X10 in 42"
G10 in 42"

Also, these two screens have only made it to one city in India (Bangalore).

I guess their marketing guys are pinning all their hopes on Ranbir Kapoor and dont care about anything else.

Sony and Samsung are going to wipe the floor with Panasonic this year.
I just called up JD Electronics, and got a price of 60900 for X10, with a further dealer discount available, which was not disclosed !!! Looks like the X10 might hit the Pana Brand Shops in Chennai next week. However, even JD did not have any idea on G10, and they said that will get in touch with Panasonic India and let me know.

Has anybody got any other inputs for X10 & G10 in Chennai ?? Also, will be X10/G10 be available in 46" too ??
Panasonic is NOT serious about Indian market - and it is NEVER...
20 years back when grey market was ruling was second choice of indians after sony.... remember Panasonic VCR and it's presence in Indian drawing rooms...ditto portable cassette players and music systems!!

In TVS too pana was second choice after sony

Inspite such a brand equity before official launch ,pana never did anything to capitalize that and remained a marginal player...

Whole forum is going gaga over PV 8 - but tell me barring pana brand shops ,in how many shops it is displayed? What about small towns?

In fact it is mentioned in forums that Ranbir Kapoor ad is to liquidate the inventory.

While buying I was thinking what happens if pana goes out of Indian market ? So I was focussing on korean brands...

Sony intially had this attitude but quickly they captured the market!

Yes this year Sony ,Samsung and yes LG will beat Panasonic left ,right and centre!
Panasonic is NOT serious about Indian market - and it is NEVER...
20 years back when grey market was ruling was second choice of indians after sony.... remember Panasonic VCR and it's presence in Indian drawing rooms...ditto portable cassette players and music systems!!

In TVS too pana was second choice after sony

Inspite such a brand equity before official launch ,pana never did anything to capitalize that and remained a marginal player...

Whole forum is going gaga over PV 8 - but tell me barring pana brand shops ,in how many shops it is displayed? What about small towns?

In fact it is mentioned in forums that Ranbir Kapoor ad is to liquidate the inventory.

While buying I was thinking what happens if pana goes out of Indian market ? So I was focussing on korean brands...

Sony intially had this attitude but quickly they captured the market!

Yes this year Sony ,Samsung and yes LG will beat Panasonic left ,right and centre!

Sony: In the long run - no.
Samsung: maybe
LG: yes (if they continue in their merry way)

Panasonic was always the underdog - but the company feels that the market is not there for high end stuff in India - particularly the segment where Sony is playing. I wish they change their views - and if the strategy is to address the mid segment with two models from their plasma lineup and similar models in the LCD segment - i do feel (though a ardent panny lover - starting from handycam, digicam, TV all from panny) they have lost the plot.

Anyway what do you suggest - we write to panasonic India about our views. It will be good that in the long run these brands like Panasonic etc (LG or Samsung might catch up with the idea) get some of the members involved during the launch process - inexpensive and effective.

PS: Just feel that the marketeers in these MNCs are not harnessing the power of social media:rolleyes:
Just feel that the marketeers in these MNCs are not harnessing the power of social media:rolleyes:

The marketers at Panasonic India dont seem to be harnessing anything at all, except for their pay-cheques. In a city like Mumbai probably one of the top-3 television markets in the country they dont have a single brand store. You go to one of the authorized dealers and ask for a plasma television and they tell you dont go for plasma sir, LCD is better. This has happened to me on many occasions.

Panasonic is throwing away a golden opportunity. In 2009 its got a lot of things going for it, including the exit of Pioneer, which now makes Panasonic the king of plasmas, as well as the fact that at higher screen sizes a plasma still gives you more bang for your buck. Add to that the fact that the plasma camp still has a large number of people rooting for it, especially in online forums and at gadget reviewing websites. If they launched the full G10, V10 and Z10 series here and backed it up with proper training of sales staff they could rule the 42 and up market.

You're very right.. they have lost the plot.
well the plasma market itself is small compared to lcds and in india its even smaller very few showrooms stock as a brand name in india is no where as popular as a samsung let alone sony.their market share is very small compared to the koreans rivals and the japanese rival sony.
i bet more people would know the name national then the brand panasonic.if u go to rural areas,national is well known.

so if panasonic as to sell more they need to do more.they need to create a brand image.take for eg sony this company atleast in india rarely do tv ads,yet in crt it was right at the top in sales,despite its huge price premium.
most of the rich people go for this brand blindly,most of celebrities have a sony.
even in lcds u can spot a sony in most showrooms but not a panasonic.despite the huge price premium sony demands its sales is in the top 3. even in the grey market in india sony outsells other brand,sony models are always in ready stock followed by samsung,if u want other brands u need to do a special order.
so brand name does make a huge difference,it also has to be backed up by good performance and build quality.
While Samsung LG others do offer this option (seen in LG60 plasma - the playback features are far from effective - no active ff/rw - and being limited to divx/xivd - i did not see mkv being played).

Sorry for rather belated response, but pertinent nevertheless to correct a misconception - the LGPQ60's USB playback does have ff/rw and pause. I use it myself. It also has subtitle support (just name the .srt file the same as the video file and the subtitles will play)

No .mkv support so far but I think it is only a firmware update away (on avforums they have used a service menu hack to make the PQ30 play videos where it is only supposed to play mp3's and jpeg's, so I am sure that option is there - not that I would use it in the warranty period:eek:)

And you're right, the USB port is quite useful.
Sorry for rather belated response, but pertinent nevertheless to correct a misconception - the LGPQ60's USB playback does have ff/rw and pause. I use it myself. It also has subtitle support (just name the .srt file the same as the video file and the subtitles will play)

No .mkv support so far but I think it is only a firmware update away (on avforums they have used a service menu hack to make the PQ30 play videos where it is only supposed to play mp3's and jpeg's, so I am sure that option is there - not that I would use it in the warranty period:eek:)

And you're right, the USB port is quite useful.

hehe i used the USB port myself fro video playback - at vijay sales. PQ60 and PV8 side by side - the reds in the LG 60 turned me off from otherwise whats a good TV
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