Thanks for the offer Murali, went for an audition at pro musicals for 9.1, (they didnt have 9.2)took a few of my rock pop cds. Prior to this my reference to good audio was through my pc/cplay/sound card/grado headphone. As soon as i started playing Dreamer deceiver by Judas Priest, i felt something was wrong. The demo guy (he was nice and polite) agreed that the amp was a local one and hence underpowered the speakers, I continued to play some more nos with less interest ,as the quality was below par and disappointing and low-fi. Whenever i play comortably numb thro my headphone, i've been fooled many a times into believing instinctively that someone was knocking at my door. But Airsupply sounded somewhat better.
Wharfdale 9.1 didnt offer the details.punch and that engulfing feeling i've been used to through my grados. May be will try another audition with a better amp. Maybe 9.1 is not the right one for me(like listening to soft rock/rock among other things. but dont prefer that headache causing bassiness) . will also try 9.2 later with a better amp.
Looking forward to more suggestions.