New Swift 350 Electricity meter: Information please?

Thad E Ginathom

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2009
Not getting around to things can sometimes be good.

Some time ago, I got a bad shock from the case of our EB meter. The local engineer said it should be replaced, we had to write to this officer, that officer, waiting list (of course there was an alternative to the waiting list ;) ) etc etc etc. We didn't get around to it.

Yesterday, an EB man just turned up at our house with a new meter, part of the scheme now in effect to replace all the old mechanical meters, which I had read about but didn't think would actually happen.

So, we have a new meter (with no letters, requests to officials, or any payment of any kind :) ). Apart from not trying to kill me if I accidentally touch it, it also has a button that cycles through heaps of different readouts. Some I think I can intuit --- but does anyone have the manual, or reference, or simply enough electrical engineering knowledge to list out what is being displayed, please? It is a Secure Swift 350.
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